Feel The Freedom!

EJ Gold and Robert Anton Wilson talk about Enlightenment at a conference.

What is Enlightenment? Getting lighter. That means less weight on your shoulders, but it also means more light in your life, meaning higher vibrations of sound, which is, of course, light. Continue reading

Game Over

Trump gives himself plenty of permission to express rage, like Hitler did.


Here are Trump’s actual words FROM LAST NIGHT: “There won’t be any transition of power, just a continuation  of power. We’ll just throw out the ballots.”

In uttering that phrase, he instantly stole the election. It’s done. It’s over. Period. Continue reading

Don’t Walk, Run!!!

You can’t change a single vote, and you’re stuck with whatever happens, because we’re all locked into the United States. Thanks to Trump and his Asshole Minions, they don’t want us in their shithole country.

He’s really done us proper, and he’ll pay the penalty at the ballot box, but he’s going to cheat, so the election really doesn’t matter.

Long live President Pelosi, but I digress. There’s a bad smell coming out of Washington, and I’m afraid it’s mirrored almost everywhere these days.

It’s time for the War Cycle again, sigh. This happens every single time, and I try to warn folks, but they can’t help it — they’re stuck in the bot brain.

Let’s review the situation: Continue reading

Fairness, Freedom & Fear

My platforms is simple: kill everything and leave no witnesses.

Freakout time it is, and as they say, “It is what it is.”

The Republicans just can’t seem to play fair, can’t win without cheating, and they’re stacking ALL the courts, so a Jew or anyone else “of color” can’t get a fair trial nohow.

In video gaming, it’s all about fair, but that doesn’t seem to count for much among the very rich, very privileged and very white.

I’m not white — I’m Jewish. Don’t ask how that computes — you’d have to be an ignorant, uneducated and intolerant racist to appreciate it. Continue reading

How Much Is Your Time Worth???

Have you ever wondered who pays Joe Rogan, and how much does he earn per podcast? Come to think of it, unless you’re glued right into the social media scene, you’re more likely asking, “Who the hell is Joe Rogan???”, and you’d be right.

He started as a nobody, a nothing, a soul without a voice — gee, that more or less accurately describes your exact predicament today, doesn’t it?

Well, fret no more, amigo — you can transform yourself into the most interesting and exciting podcaster on the face of  this or any other planet, just by learning the simple “ropes” — the ins and outs — of podcasting FOR A LIVING.

We’re not talking the occasional whimsy of the average shmoe, which is how we all start out in life, as an average shmoe — which means a nebbish, a nothing.

In short, you, me, everyone you’ll ever meet. Continue reading

Murder Most Foul!


Back in the 19th and 20th centuries, if you wrote murder mysteries for a living, which my Dad and two uncles did during and just after the Great Depression of the 1930s, you probably used the expression “Murder most foul!” at least once in the course of your main character’s investigation and of course, the inevitable sitting-room “reveal”, where we learn that the villain had done nothing suspicious throughout the first part of the book.

It was in fact a given that the key clues would typically not appear until the next-to-the-last page of the aforesaid mystery novel. Continue reading

Get a Job!

Want a job where you just stay home, listen to your favorite music and eat your own food instead of restaurant food, avoid crowded public transportation, don’t have to deal with your boss and your supervisors all day long, and don’t have to worry about being fired — you are your own boss.

Of course, that means you do all the work, but on the other hand, you get all the profit, unless you bring in co-workers, and they have to get paid, too, or they can’t do that work. Continue reading

The Eternal Game


The Eternal Game — it’s always some form of “Capture the Flag”, whether the flag is a small transportable object or an entire country, and it goes on and on and on with or without you.

As a player, you can come and go. As a character in the game, you can’t go anywhere but where you are, and that’s the condition in which most people find themselves just after being rebirthed.

An endless parade of birth and death and rebirth or, as Yogi Berra said, “It’s deja vu all over again.”.

If you’re one of the late bloomers, you’ll be asking yourself “What in the world are you talking about???”, but if you’re ready to Hit the Road, Jack, you will heartily welcome the news that the game is still on, still running strong and the server is, as always, almost full, with just one open slot — you always get there just in time, whatever that means.

Hey, if you’re equipped with the standard model human, you’ve got a belly-full of neurosis by the time you hit 30.

At 60, you’ll be slowing down a bit, and when you’re well into your 70s and 80s, you’ll be wondering what’s taking so long. Continue reading

Loser? Sucker? Screw You, Donald Trump!

Fatty lived once as Hitler — is there any doubt?

What are you saying, Fatty?

That we who served in the military are losers?

That those brave souls who died in combat, in total sacrifice and service to their country, were suckers, were losers, were stupid???

Screw you, Donald, AND the bone-spur you rode in on.

Apparently, Trump can’t remember which foot it was, and if you’ve ever had a bone-spur, you’d know he’s lying.

You can tell when he’s lying — his lips are moving. Continue reading

Prosperity Path Free University

Yep, that’s the idea — a free university, online in zoom, free to all — and for that, I need YOUR help.

Yes, you.

What, you thought others would come rushing in to support this very ambitious project? Well, they won’t, unless YOU do. That’s how it works.

Back in the twentieth century, I used to shop at our friends’ little market on Fountain Avenue in L.A. — Les and Mike Nicola.

I was a poverty-struck art student, and one customer paid $20 every week toward my groceries, in addition to what the Nicolas added to my shopping bag.

A few years later, Mike Jr. happened to mention the name of my benefactor — the comedian and TV star, Danny Thomas.

Next day, I was in the store, and at the meat counter was Danny Thomas, so I went over there and thanked him and said hello to his little girl, Marlo. If you’re in touch with her, please tell her hello from me — I haven’t seen her for ages, but I’ve heard her unforgettable and uniquely distinctive voice.

Marlo is now doing voice-overs for PSA (Public Service Announcements) for St. Jude Hospital, and one of the things that makes that hospital so unique is that the patients don’t pay a penny for medical care.

It’s all done by donations, and that’s how I plan to fund my free university, so the students don’t put out the cash — which they don’t have — and folks who have benefited from their education and made a good life can now give something back to the next generation. Continue reading