Orm McGill’s Angel Show

Orm McGill and I did a performance at our annual convention back a few years ago, and during the time we were in contact, about five years, he passed on to me a number of invaluable hints on stage hypnosis.

Of course we talked about spirit communication, and he was Dr. Zomb, the Angel Whisperer and his Seance of Wonders are still the talk of the magic community.


I was asked if I had a copy of his “Angel Seance Show” book, but I’ll do a whole lot better than that — here’s a link to the DVD that shows his “Meet Your Angel” technique.

click here for DVD

There’s a few things you might check out:

  • NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA OF STAGE HYPNOTISM — This is a very valuable addition to any magician’s library.
  • AMAZING LIFE OF ORMOND MCMGILL — The definitive bio.
  • PSYCHIC MAGIC — If you don’t learn some new tricks from this, you’re a very old dog

See You At The Top!!!


Own a Mansion for under $40

That’s right, you can own this glorious incredible fantastic amazing super-luxury celebrity previously-owned Sl estate for under $40 — in fact, it’s only $37.50, and that includes the tax!

Previously owned by a celebrity — that’s the most important sales point, see? It matters not what the place looks like, so long as a celebrity once owned the thing. Continue reading

Instant Psychic Readings

As a Sacred Cat, I get my own temple with a kitchen and 2 1/2 baths.

You can perform easy instant psychic readings with my Psychoactive Magical Rings. Easy to wear, easy to use, works first time every time. Never fails. Read my book on psychometry, “Visions in the Stone”, now in reprint — order it right now — you’ll need it for the upcoming workshops.

click here to order visions in the stone

My Relic Rings come in pure copper, .925 sterling silver, or 18k gold. Some of my ancient ringstones are carnelian, some garnet, some granite, and many anciently carved and drilled agates from cultures ranging from 2,000 to 38,000 years old and sometimes, as is the case with neolithics, far older, as much as 120,000 years ago.

All of these can be safely worn with no harm to the wearer or to the ancient stone or glass bead — I don’t use ringstones that might self-destruct on wearing, so no faience in my wearables, just in my Altar Items, which don’t get wear and tear, hopefully. Continue reading

Ancient Vibes

Ancient Vibes, that’s what it’s all about, if you’re wearing or carrying anything ancient, such as a ring, a pendant, earrings, mojo pouch or beaded necklace, and I can supply them all, in absolutely ANY human culture you care to name — for a price.

Oh, it’s not MY price. It’s whatever I have to pay to get whatever it is, and when it comes to ancient artifacts, the sky’s the limit, and I’ve paid plenty to get serious relics, and if you knew what they could do for you, you’d pay the price, and gladly.

You can read all about it in my book. Continue reading

Sunday November 1st, 2020

Sunday, November 1st, 2020 — a day that will live in infamy, if history is anything to go by. There’s tons of information about what’s going to happen next, but you haven’t read it, have you?

SlimeWars sat around for 21 years waiting for publication and then, finally, it was published — but that’s been years more.

As you’re reading SlimeWars, keep in mind that it was written over half a century ago, and it reads like the headlines today, doesn’t it?

That’s because I don’t guess at a future — I remember it. Continue reading

What is Enlightenment?

Where to find Enlightenment? Perhaps in this oil refinery at night???

Anyone making an actual attempt to arrive at Enlightenment will probably have some sort of definition of Enlightenment, or at least a vague and blurry concept of what it will be like to be Enlightened.

So, that’s the first thing to throw out of your head. Here’s the routine:

  • Forget what you’ve heard about Enlightenment.
  • Forget what you believe about Enlightenment.
  • Forget the definitions of Enlightenment you may have heard or self-realized.

Enlightenment must not be defined, because it’s not a product, it’s a process. The slow process of Enlightenment starts with a First Step. Continue reading

Here’s How!!!


If you’ve been thinking about doing something, accomplishing something worthwhile, making something of your life, here’s how.

  • STATE YOUR GOAL — Be clear, concise and accurate — watch your consonants.
  • HAVE A CLEAR VISION OF YOUR PATH — See the path ahead of you.
  • FORMULATE A METHOD — Figure out how you’re going to do it.
  • HAVE A PLAN — Always assume that any success is built upon a bed of failures.
  • RECOGNIZE A WIN — When you’ve done it, take a moment to realize that.

Well, there you have it, that’s all there is to it — simple, no?

I’ll be giving a workshop on “How to Do Stuff”, so stay tuned for that — you can learn how to how, and the what and the why of how, not to mention where.

On ZOOM, of course.

I’m posting a video at the top of this blog — for your entertainment, enjoyment and edification — and while I’m at it, I’ll drop a hint for broadcasters and show guests:


Don’t use the word “exacerbate” — nobody knows what the Hell you mean. Just say “got worse”.

HINT #2:

Use an “UH” vacuum to pick up all unwanted “uhs” from your speechifying. I know, you’re indicating that you’re thinking.

Well, don’t.

See You At The Top!!!


The Perfect BoHo Bead

The infamous”Last Cigarette”, photo by Simon Magus.

Creating the Perfect BoHo bead is a matter of abstractly art, carefully crafted craft, and more than just a touch of Gorby Science.

Gorby Science says that a Perfect BoHo bead can be constructed, therefore it can. This is inflexible and unassailable logic of the highest sort, the kind you’d expect from the most Ivory of Ivory Towers.

Publish or Perish, they say, if you want to live the life of an academician. I publish TO perish — that’s the lot of the indy publisher these days or any other day. Continue reading