The Time Machine That Really Works

Time-Tripping with my TIME MACHINE is fun and easy to learn.

“Shape-Shifter Time-Tripper” is the sound track for my latest and wildest invention, THE TIME MACHINE THAT REALLY WORKS, and it really does. Really it does. Honest.

It’s real. It really works. I’m not kidding. You can test it. It really works. I offer proof. Continue reading

What is Experiential Learning?

Experiential Learning Workshop, circa 1980.

If you don’t have a clue what “D2R” might mean, you haven’t been paying attention for the past several dozen years. Here’s a rundown of what you should be doing when you return to Rogue Encampment, and a few clues on how to get started in Diablo II Resurrected:

A short note on drops: don’t pick them up unless they’re going to sell well … but which ones sell the best and which ones are lousy to pick up and are basically worthless? Continue reading

baini ahon biab

Gabobn baion bilan bkloj n]noj, don’t you think? And furthermore, gapiobn b ainb[‘ab[0ojhm, if you don’t mind my saying so.

Yeah, you guessed it — The gibberish tells you that I’ve been at the jewelry bench again, this time trying to sort out the fancier beads and the more ordinary kind, and taking apart what doesn’t work.

I intend to give away most or all of the ordinary beads, keeping just the ones I really want to spend some time working with to create very rare and unusual wearables.

Thing is, by the time I’ve made it, I’ve sold it, and most of the items I make in 14k gold are strictly custom order — I only have what I’m working on for a customer, which keeps me on my toes without getting my feet wet. Continue reading

My Name is Inigo Montoya…

You heard right — “My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill-ed my father. Prepare to e-die.” But when you say that, you’d better be able to back that up. My trapper assassin can take any demon or Level Boss down in a split-second, and that’s what it takes to beat this game, the faster the better.

I’ll explain how to use a game to chill yourself out and maybe even transcend organic life — bear with me a moment, while I give you a little background:

So when those flake children in Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court get finished yanking us around, it all comes down to who’s got the towel, and don’t complain now about it — you were told about the towel after Earth exploded, and again you were reminded about always knowing where your towel is. Continue reading

Just in Time!

The technology that delivers the Blue Line stuff, which is the Godd™ Engine & Editor, is typically found in a wantonly violent world like Planet Earth in the 21st century, and that’s why we are here.

Our job is to create the creator, not the creations.

Once made, a quantumized item remains, such as an electronic picture of a thing. It persists. It just plain persists. It doesn’t ever stop persisting. Continue reading

Sell Everything & Run Like Hell!

When you see this van in BardoTown, you know you’re safe!

Sell everything and run like Hell. That’s pretty much the philosophy I run when I’m blasting through Normal, but I get slowed down just a bit when I hit Nightmare — usually a result of a definite lack of hardware.

I don’t spend ANY time in the shop. What I find, I use. Improvise and adapt, and take your time working through it. Patience is its own reward.

By the time I’m a level 25, you can be sure I’ve made myself some Stealth Armor with a Defense of around 92. Continue reading

Exploding Lips Non-Violent???

I’ve sent out the unedited final proof of Exploding Lips, and now it’s up to the testers to determine if it’s ready for prime-time — I think it is, but they’ll tell me if there’s anything profoundly out in either the Orb or the .ini file. My bet is that we’ll have a DEMO within a few days, and a release soon after that.

My plan is to make Exploding Lips a full release, meaning that it downloads from payloads and is listed on Steam under “goddgames” of course, being a shooter. Continue reading

Prediction for Today

I have a prediction for today, Wednesday the 13th of October, 2021. I predict that there will be a major revelation, a veritably “breaking news” newscast, sometime in today’s news cycle.

Trump doesn’t have to be President for this to happen anymore. Actually, there are some tiny granular news items that will soon be of major impact, but not for us.

You should take note of the situation in retail stores, where the stores are forced to close due to nonstop open theft. This open vandalism and looting will continue as long as the country slides down into lawlessness, which it already has to some degree, but it’s not as bad as it’s going to yet — I’ve seen all this before and I know how it comes out, and you’re not going to like it. Continue reading

Don’t Just Be a God, Act Like One!

It’s not enough to just sit on a hard silt ground inside some lonesome deserted cave high up in the Himalaya Mountains and self-realize the hell out of yourself and finally come to terms with the fact that if there’s only One Being in the universe, you are clearly it.

This game of “tag” is not enough. Continue reading