It’s all about vibration, that’s what all the mystics will tell you, even if you don’t ask, and the reason they tell you this is because it’s true — everything is a RESULT of tiny little vibrating strings that fill the universe with nothingness.
Then along comes some wiseguy with a Higgs particle, and the next thing you know, there’s stars, and galaxies and supergalaxies and galactic chains and … Well, it gets pretty big and messy from inside, but from the outside, you can barely see the entire galactic cluster without an electron macroscope, but that’s quite another quantum. Continue reading →
CTF Snow 2 – this level can easily be constructed in blankos.
Hello to Josh Foreman and to my many CTF friends around the world and beyond! I just passed the year 80 mark, and I can prove it by the fact that I have no idea how to do anything in discord or on a forum, but I can write a blog, so that decided me.
I don’t have a four-year-old around to guide me in these matters, only my fellow octagenarians, and none of us knows anything about cell phones, nor do we have one.
Claude told me he’d run into you in a thing called “discord”. I looked it up and still don’t understand it, but I figured that he could contact you somehow and tell you this open letter is here.
I also calculate that the more exposure blankos block parties get, the better, and I’m here to help, as I am able! Continue reading →
Here are some group games that could be created and played in Blankos Block Party, but in the case of some of them, you’d have to keep score yourself until they make a “score counter” and assign points to the teams and team members.
In the meanwhile, just remember the score, like you’re playing tennis or badminton, right? But don’t be like the tennis players, to whom love is nothing. Continue reading →
Pinkie and Lucky Duck welcome you to the world of virtual gaming.
So you say you’re ready for an adventure in Blankos, eh? Well, let’s see how ready you really are. I have an adventure for you, but it’s a hard and dusty path and a rocky road ahead, and there’s lava down below.
First of all, we’ll explore the basics of Blankos.
If you go to youtube or to the website for answers, you won’t find them there. In fact, if you text them and ask how to start building, they’ll tell you wrong, because they have outdated information. Continue reading →
I borrowed the title from Mr. Fungible at NFT Times on youtube. He said it wouldn’t work, but I think it might, and I’m willing to risk ten minutes of my time to prove it. You can see his youtube channel here:
He mentions in his video a number of things related to marketing. Now, apart from a class demonstration on marketing which I might put up on opensea, youtube or, you should pardon the expression, “the website formerly known as facebook”, I don’t care whether I sell anything or not. Continue reading →
Near-Earth Asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 is about half a mile wide, and will be about three times the distance of the moon away from us at about 2pm Pacific Standard Time, darn it — I missed again.
Well, there’s always Belphebus and Garadia, two slightly smaller asteroids, but I haven’t moved them yet, because I thought for sure I had this three-bank shot, but I didn’t.
Like I’ve always said, although the unbelievers still deny this, “The Same Thing Always Happens, No Matter Who’s In Charge”. Continue reading →
apocalypse background forms new ZOOM game/activity
Here’s an application for the Godd™ Engine — a complete set of ZOOM backgrounds that can be used to create an atmosphere of commonality, meaning that everyone seems to be in more or less the same space.
This can work with Norton Street, too.
What you do is, when you have a good screenshot on your screen, COMPOSE it first, then when it’s EXACTLY right, press the “F4” button on your keyboard. This will send a screenshot to your screenshot file. Continue reading →
Protecting the “Oval Office” set are a bunch of Gargoyles and Guides.
Is “Apocalypse” just going to be yet another “Civil War 2.0”, that’s so popular among game developers these days? I’m happy to say that it is.
… And not “just another” civil war game — a genuine “Oh, no, not THIS again!!!” experience. Yep, as Yogi Berra said more than once, “It’s deja-vu all over again!”.
But this game is different. It’s not like all the other civil war 2.0 games that are blowing out the doors and windows of my fellow game developers.
This game is different! No, wait, really it is. To begin with, the enemy is unbeatable and mean, and I don’t mean just plain old “mean”. Continue reading →
“The greatest 3D shooter of all time” soon to be released on
That screenshot is an actual image of the first level of Apocalypse. I’m working on the warring characters now, and have added a few hybrids and more than a few horrible and grotesque Human Mutants and Master Mutant Zombie Bots as the Final Bosses of the seven full levels of complex solo play.
The game is set to go sometime this year. If things go well, only a few weeks. If things go as they usually do, it could be months, and we’ll have to turn a lot of bugs into features to make that happen!
This is it. Here we are in the path of modern human decentralization, waiting for the bombs to drop, and rest assured, they will.
We are now officially “pre-war”, and the war in question will be called “CW2” or Civil War II. There will be nine civil wars in what was once called “America”, which will be: “Trump Land”, which will take over “Atlantea” on the east coast, and “Pacifica” will be the new name of the land that was once the great states of California, Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
As you probably know, Arizona and New Mexico will get blasted with smoke and radiation from the Pacific Rim Explosion and the Great Rift that takes most of the water off the surface of the planet, but that’s nothing compared to what happens to Mississippi, Missouri and Alabama, and don’t ask “what happens”???
Yes, we’re in the earliest stages of a full-combat civil war, neighbor against neighbor, family against family and brother and sister against brother and sister, but that doesn’t mean you have the time to put on the brakes and get off the planet, and it surely doesn’t mean to go buy a blue or grey uniform, at least not right away.
First of all, it’s blue and red uniforms, like the teams — and secondly, the only war I’ve ever recommended is inside a computer gaming engine, like the Godd™ Engine, or the engine driving Diablo 2R or the one behind TF2.
Real shooting wars are stupid.
First of all, nothing is solved. At some point, negotiations are still necessary, and even dictators don’t always get their way.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have, when my reflexes were a lot better than they are at the age of 80, challenged the top gamers to duels and matches, and have managed to secure the title of “Runner-Up” in a number of two-player games.
I’ve even played against Tokay and Thrush and other early gaming champions in Quake and Doom style arenas. Continue reading →