I just made this cover, as requested, for my long-overdue Joke File Book. We’re sending it in to IPG, and they should have a proof for us within a week or so, after which we’ll be shipping them out to folks who intend to attend my Comedy Workshop series, celebrating the start of WW III.
I’ve been taking a pollen-break, and haven’t made it out of bed until tonight, and that’s only for a short time.
I’m working on books, workshops and ancient materials exhibits, all of which I’m doing mostly in my head, but I have managed to put together a strong presentation of the Objects of Daily Use that were found by Pendlebury in 1935 and 1936 excavations in the City of Akenaten, which is today called “Amarna”.
I’ve prepared hundreds of flips for your use, mostly in the form of black-line mandalas that you can color in, like a miniature coloring book.
You can spend anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours making each one — it’s entirely up to you how you dedicate time to it, but the time DURING the coloration is strictly limited to only thoughts about the mandala, nothing else.
Particularly don’t think of a blue hippopotamus when coloring-in the black & White image I’ve prepared for you to work in.
That’s why I call it the “Blue Hippo Exercise”. Don’t think of a hippopotamus while painting the thing; that’s the whole deal.
I have plans to use this in workshops, not entirely sure how I’ll get them to you in time for a workshop, but I’m working on that issue as we speak.
Well, if I don’t send this off, it might sit here for another week, waiting for me to grab the chance to keep you informed on the goings-on here, so that’s it for the moment, Blessings to you, pass the Blessings on is the secret.
See You At The Top!!!