Mario & Zelda at $1 Million Dollars, wow!

A copy of Mario Brothers and a copy of Zelda went at about a million dollars each at an auction a couple of days ago.

You know what? I was a game developer back then, and I have a few trunkloads of early videogames, some of which were signed by the developers and of course never opened.

Gosh. Think about it. Had I not opened the boxes of my Zelda and Mario Bros. games, I might have been able to send several kids through college and have enough left over to buy myself a vintage Stingray to drive around the farm. Continue reading

$1 Dollar, No Reserve

If you get the VAX, you turn into a zombie. Everybody knows that.

Yep, there it is in a nutshell. One dollar to open, no reserve, no gimmicks, no kidding. Time to find out, as an artist, if what you’re producing isn’t even worth a dollar to some kind hearted supporter.

But that’s exactly what IS going to happen to your ego if you attempt this Highly Spiritualized Daily Practice, and that’s the theme of my newest latest adventure on eBay, under the seller-name, RareAndUnusual, and you’re invited right now to come take a look at my treasures, lavishly displayed on my eBay seller’s store page, just as folks could be doing at yours, right now.

You could be doing the same thing I’m doing, and making passive cash in this very lucrative and exciting side-hustle.

I’m not in it for the money, although it’s definitely “easy” money. I’m in it for you. I want to show YOU how YOU can be creative, stay competitive, and work safely from home. Continue reading

Where Have I Been???

USB NFT – “Gorby’s Emporium” 1/10 – signed & numbered – $89.95

Sometimes I lose track of time, don’t you? What I mean is, I suddenly realized that it’s been days since I communicated any of this incredible stuff to anyone, so here I am to remedy that with this update:

First of all, we’re only hours away from release of the Godd Particle — just one more little tiny bug. I wouldn’t want to have to reload any of those particles with corrected software, so we’re really squeezing hard to get all the kinks out before we ship them out.

Also good news, we have enough Godd™ Particles to ship the first wave of orders — we just barely squeaked by. This is significant because our particles come to us from a far-away land, and it could take months, but as I mentioned, we have them in hand, having foreseen this situation months ago. Continue reading

Godd™ Particle Commercial?

You can pre-order the Godd™ Particle Upgrade today.

Hi, EJ Gold here for the Original Godd™ Particle, the incredible Personal Power-Up.

Right out of the box, the Godd™ Particle starts to work. It generates the spirit world which coats and protects the Essential Self.

The Godd™ Particle penetrates deep into the Essential Self, even into the deepest darkest corners of the Deep Self. Continue reading

What’s Inside???

You won’t recognize BardoTown when you see the New Release!

If you’re about to receive a Godd™ Particle in the mail, meaning you’ve ordered one or more of them already, you should know that it’s only weeks away from Release, and you’ll probably want to know what’s in it, what’s new, what’s different.

You might even want to know what a Godd™ Particle actually is, and what it’s for. Well, here are some answers to those questions:

The Overworld Map contains many connections to outlying orbs representing the interiors of various buildings in the town.

In this build, all exteriors are in the Overworld, all interiors are outlying orbs, separate maps connected by an OSTRAP, but tonight, I won’t get technical. Let’s just look at the basic facts here. Continue reading

Need More Money?

Sugar Ray Leonard was a family friend. The NFT is for sale, the original glove is not.

Need more money???

Okay, how about a million dollars, just for starters? No, I’m not kidding, nor am I putting you on, or leading you by the collar or wandering down the rosebush lane.

It’s a fact that you have the very real possibility of becoming the most collectible and sought-after NFT creator on the planet, and all you have to do is TRY.

Oh, well, there goes the ballgame. Continue reading

It Bloody Worked!!!

I’ve been following my friend ‘Nessa on youtube for several months now on her youtube channel, “Project Girl Boss” — go to Nessa’s channel — and I have taken and relied upon her advice for many of my recent adventures in youtube marketing and promotion, and this evening, I communicated to her that the latest hint I had received from her videos was to be challenging, provocative and resistant in my headlines, at least, and I did it with about 20 videos I launched about 20 hours ago.

She is very responsive to her viewers and I appreciate this — it’s one of her primary recommendations, that you interact with others, and that’s good advice, in these isolated and troubled times.

For your very mental health, stay connected. Continue reading

What a Deal!

Monumental E.J. Gold sculpture installation.

click here

I don’t know if this business of combining a NFT with some physical item on purchase is going to become a permanent part of marketing and sales, but I’m guessing that it will happen, is already happening, and I’ll explain how it works:

You buy a small painting from my gallery for $100.00 and, at the same time, at the very moment of purchase, I give you a chance to “win” back your money at the NFT sweepstakes by combining any NFT of your choice, or in the case of matched items, the  NFT that is “paired” with your physical item that you purchased.

It’s really very simple. Calm your mind and take a breath. Continue reading

I Am Not Banksy

CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Resist Depression” – Lot of 10 – $390.00

Now, about how, where, when and why you’re going to exercise and expand your spiritual talents and realizations through the combination of #Shorts, NFTs and social media.

I know, it sounds bloody unlikely that you can achieve any spiritual results in a chaotic scene like social media, and you’d be right, if we approached it straight-line, but we don’t.

I’ll give you my own examples of where to start: Continue reading

How to SELL Your ART!!!

My Artwork behind “Jazz at Lincoln Center” – Stage Setup #1 by EJ Gold

Welcome to the world of the 21st century, the home of virtual domination. You enter the world always with a Level 1 Character, but if you’re a Level 99 Player, it doesn’t matter what your powers are or what your advantages might be — you play like a 99, and that really is the difference between a Level 1 Player and a Level 99 Player, if both are in Level 1 Chars.

The idea is to come into the world as a Level 1 Character, but then raise the char to 99 through hard work efforts and deep levels of meditation, acts of kindness and charity, and application of wisdom knowledge.

That’s not an easy order, and many are not anywhere near up to the task, which is why we keep on trying. Continue reading