Folks have recently, in the past few days, been asking me questions about Higher Beings and a lot of folks asked if their efforts are all in vain. I suspect that there’s something behind this, perhaps something in the news???
I haven’t been in circulation of late — I’m too busy with the new AndyGoDD engine to converse with others, but I did overhear a few vague rumors of something not so good, related in some way to Higher Beings, as best I can determine without getting the actual facts.
I can’t claim to know everything about Higher Beings, but every Higher Being I ever met was definitely among the “unclassifiable”.
Without getting specific about any one Higher Being or another, I plan to treat the subject in a general way, with kindness, courtesy, consideration and empathy for others, which is the way of the Higher Being. So how can you tell if someone is a Higher Being? So, okay, here’s a short dissertation on what I know about Higher Beings: Continue reading