Who is Xipe-Totec, you ask? Sure, he’s the God of Thunder, demi-god of this and that, but forget about all that stuff; it’s just how he makes his living. What really counts is that he’s my best buddy from the Old Days back in the Southwest of Nirvana, when men were men and sheep were nervous. We used to knock around; he played a mean, fast-paced stickball and stoop-ball, and he won every bottle-top derby ever run. He was a sidewalk champion, and that’s saying a lot. The six-gun packed a whallop and it could hit a fried bean at fifty paces, but most gun battles were at close range, anywhere from belly-to-belly all the up to an average of four feet apart.
I hope this clears up some questions you’ve been having about western gunfights in the territories. See You At The Top!!!
Here’s what I’ve got going so far in the Oracle Department. I’m working on these Orbs night and day, trying to finish the most critical ones for next week’s convention. Here they are, not necessarily in any order of appearance… click to read more….
What would the above-average work-dedicated individual want for a birthday present? It wouldn’t be something frivolous or foolish, unless humor was indicated. I decided to spend about nine intense hours making this custom orb and, yes, that’s Jedrik in the coin disks and I’m behind the counter, just exactly where I used to stand. The shop is a very precise rendering of my actual shop on Sunset Strip, back in the Summer of Love, 1967. I’m dressed in black armor as you see, and that’s what you’d be wearing, too. We only have the one model available for custom jobs — it’s face only, at the moment, at a cost of $699 for the whole custom job, about 9-10 hours of my time, plus the time of four others to create models, edit the orb after customizing, package the “bundle”, find and load images and sounds, plop it all into a smart installer, and upload the thing on the net so you can download and install it at home. You have to pay for all the custom work I don’t do — I charge nothing for my own labor — I’m happy to be of service! At some point, I’ll pass the job on to others, but at the moment, I’m the only one who can do it.
Meeting of the Supreme Angelic Council at the Angel Embassy June 7, 2012
It was just pointed out to me by Barbara — “Grishnak” is her gaming name — that a number of very secret Tantric Sects of Tibetan Buddhism in Lhasa encouraged their initiates to dress and behave like the god or goddess of their choice, meaning their spiritual goal.
So in fact did the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Babylonians, Sumerians along with every medicine man or shaman or witch-woman or tribal dancer who ever lived.
Dressup is where it’s at. You knew that when you were little, so what made you forget that the clothes make the personnage?
Like most divine revelations, it got driven out of you when you got turned into an alien-dominated wage-slave zombie, to put it politely.
See, a god or goddess in the pantheon of Initiates is merely a symbol for a whole bingy-bongy bunch of stuff grouped together in what is called an Aspect. More about that when you’re on the Advanced Classes and corresponding levels where you act out godhood so you get used to it.
Thing is, in order to apply your godhood and powers, you’re required to let go of them.
What you do is deliberately “delete” — a technical term meaning re-create — your Level 99 Super-Being of Power and Skills, producing from its ashes a very lowly level 1 character that can barely pay the rent and keep it together enough to call it “survival”.
You walk into the game with nothing, no power, no money, no nothing, a totally helpless infant with but one skill remaining from prior lives.
You know even on your first day out of the womb that if you merely think about milk, you’re going to get none. You have to act out your wish. You gotta cry. The louder you cry, the faster the milk comes. This you learn fast.
You want some peace in your life? Want to reduce the miseries and increase the good times?
Nothing could be simpler.
Act it out. But now, as an adult, you don’t have to cry for your milk. You can make it happen through very subtle means and, moreover, you can do it at your desktop, laptop or pad.
Does it work? Sure it does. Let me offer a recent example in the workplace:
One of our senior Prosperity Path teachers is also prominent in another field, accountancy. He is famous as a personal economics manager and has coached many other professionals in his field. In short, he knows not only accounting, but more than a little magic of both the spirit and stage. His much-practiced French Drop is flawless and immaculate.
One of his clients complained that, although his work was satisfactory and his relationships with his clients was generally good, and they liked him…he just wasn’t getting enough work to survive the current “recession” (a slightly less scary word for crushing economic collapse of the middle-class than the word, “depression”).
So he suggested to his client that he take out a list of his best customers and with his fingertip, merely point to the people who should be calling him for work, and say as he die this, “so-and-so ought to be calling me…”
To his surprise but probably not to yours, because I know you’ve experienced this same phenomenon, customers started calling him right after he did that, although he took no physical organic action toward them at all. It was Spooky Action At A Distance, no doubt in his mind about that.
Want to be a god or goddess? Maybe you already are, but how in the world are you going to know if you are or aren’t if you don’t act as a god or goddess?
And what, exactly, is the behavior pattern of your above-average god or goddess?
God. Goddess. Of course what I’m describing with this loose heavily urban-legend burdened term of “God” and “Goddess” is actually a higher being, meaning someone who has learned the game and how to play it elegantly and for the benefit of others.
In order to be godlike, you must actually be godlike. Sounds stupidly obvious, but stop and think for a moment. What does this really mean?
So I’ve developed some advanced levels in which you can safely learn and act out the godness bottled up inside, just waiting for some exercise, like a cooped-up dog with a leash in its mouth.
Hell, go ahead and find out what it’s like to have Absolute Power. You’ll be in your own universe, where you can’t hurt anyone, including yourself.
Along with Godly Powers goes the responsibility not to use them unwisely and with them to do no harm.
Plus a hell of a lot of fun. You get your choice of male or female heroes.
Let me be your Personal Dresser. I’ll provide the costume, the virtual body and the environment of a God, then it’s up to you to download and play it through.