This GODD® Engine Chat Room is based on Norton Street. The size-relationships are right on the money. All the objects have powerful similarity to the original items at Norton Street, plus many of the items are models made directly from the original Norton Street Relics. The round table serves as a gateway, powered by several local SuperBeacons, which are matrix-tuned to an actual SuperBeacon Generator. Chatrooms abound; there’s one in the living room, two in the kitchen (one is in the alcove), another chat area in the Master Bedroom and yet another downstairs in the Conference Room. This will be ready for download after it has been tested, so within a week for sure. This and the other 3 chat room orbs were finally completed this morning.

This Orb is also ready for prime-time; it’s an exact duplicate of Cosmo Street, and you can ask anyone who’s been there. It is uncanny and mysterious, and has the same feel as the original space. You can sit here with about 30 birds for discussions. Private small discussion area downstairs in Vic’s Student Bookstore. Naturally, the orb is loaded with CQRs, SuperBeacon, Matrix, the works.

Just to make sure I had enough to do, I finished this one as well. It’s a very exact duplicate of the space, and has a dance studio behind the compleat enchanter booth, and a theater downstairs, just like the original, where the 60s music greats came in to jam with Gemini owner Gary, an awesome amateur guitarist. Again, there are loads of CQR items and SuperBeacon, Matrix, Atlantean Crystals & More!!!

Yeah, I know; I’m a glutton for punishment. I decided to complete the fourth in the chatroom series before dashing off to breakfast — and that’d be Red House, Crestline. It’s a whalloping job, but it got done. You have several gathering areas, and a large discussion group area in the living room. You’ll note once again that there are all the CQR items loaded in and activated.
All four of these orbs will be ready in the next few days. Your help is needed!!! Download them and get into the orbs with other folks and test the chat functions and internet speeds. I think you’ll be delighted and surprised to see how transparent the medium can be when a good engine is employed.
Okay, so now I’m back to work on the ten boating orbs once again. They’re coming along well, but Dick and I are still hitting a few brick walls in the matter of updating and netplayer issues. Most of the problems are solved, but there’s much more to do yet, and I’m on the job as we speak. Hopefully, we’ll have the bugs worked out by this afternoon, but that’s what I said yesterday…and the day before…and the day before…and the…
Don’t forget that every successful venture rests on a huge heap of failures.
See You At The Top!!!