you can create virtual sculptures like this at home in your spare time!
I’m on my way to the workshop even now as we speak — well, actually to breakfast and THEN on to the workshop at 6:30 AM on my 80th birthday. As baseball legend Yogi Berra famously said, “It’s Deja Vu all over again!”.
Well, here’s the VIRTUAL SCULPTURE TOOLS I promised yesterday: Continue reading →
Safe, fun, nonviolent and yet interesting enough to capture the attention for quite a while — that was the goal of this videogame created specifically for young children.
It has all sorts of experiences and fun treasures to get, surprises from elves, fairies and other beneficent characters found throughout the land.
How can a video game without at least SOME sort of violence possibly be interesting enough to capture the attention of a very young child? Continue reading →
“Do You Want to Play a Game???”
The voice rings out in the video arcade. Of course you do. What else? Stand around while others play? Wander outside? Of COURSE I want to play a game.
After a few dozen Billenia in the Void, you’ll start to wonder what they’re DOING in there, in the CREATION, and you’ll downscale into the world just to cop a peek, take a quick look, but WARNING, there is a definite danger here — GRAVITY.
As you look into the world, you’re pulled down, down, down, into it, and the next thing you know, BANG! There you are, incarnated again. It’s that magnetic gravity pull that does it every dang time, and you’re sucker enough for that gimmick that you fall for it again and again and again. Continue reading →
Cover illio for The Portal Game, which teaches how to use Ancient Triads.
Portal Keys are the main use of Triads in the game, although Healing and Higher Contact are the actual intentional uses of this ancient instrument that was introduced into the life of humans of Planet Earth sometime around 30,000 B.C. during one of the earlier civilizations, which has been long submerged under the sea.
Atlantis? Possibly, but there were thousands of city-states that were destroyed in several massive catastrophic sea-level risings, a repetitive event on Earth that is soon to be repeated in our time. What happens is that the seacoast disappears underwater when the ice caps melt, which they’ve been doing for the past 65,000 years, by my clock.
Don’t let that divert you from your Essence Quest, to find and learn to use the ten Triads of the Ancients, somewhere in the wilderness — that’s the first Triad, but there are nine more, and you’ll have to explore and traverse ten different worlds to find all the Triads you’ll be carrying and using from now on. Continue reading →