It is a time for new beginnings, for a new hope, and here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Zombie Family Hot Sauces & Popcorn Shake — this is a booth that we make for you and stock for you and you sell in your own neighborhood.
- Birthday Coin Earrings & Pendants. You can make any date jewelry with Lincoln Cents, and they can be worn without harm to the coin!
- Rock Art Projects — Hundreds of Rock Art Projects come with all parts needed, plus instructional video link on youtube for each and every project.
- PLS Course — You can start right away with the PLS cards, and there will be issued, very soon now, a “Beginner’s Pack” only one lifetime track away from here, in the Victorian/Edwardian Period, easy to work with, and tons of fun with history!
- CQR Acrylic Lockets — Totally wearable, the CQR is protected by the “slab style” acrylic encasing. Wear it in the shower, throw it against a wall, run over it with a truck, as long as the acrylic capsule is intact, the coin is 100% safe from harm.
- Rare Coin Jewelry — For the first time EVER, you can wear your most precious coins without harm to the coin.
- Rare Meteorite Jewelry — Slices of rare meteorites can be mounted in acrylic capsules and fitted out with silver, gold or bronze finials & bails.
- Painted Cabochon Rings — A complete set of rings necessary to sell your cabochon stones. You only need a single sample to sell these rings — they’re shipped when done. Sizes 7, 8, 9 and 10 only. All other sizes must be cut, welded and polished, which I don’t do — it is definitely an additional cost of around $50-$100 depending on the jeweler’s level of compassion.
- Miniature Dollhouse Scale Paintings — These are genuine gesso prepped canvases on actual hardwood stretcher bars, 2″x4″ and 3″x3″. Black gessoed 3″x3″ canvases are also available. These can be sold at anywhere from $39.95 up to hundreds, if you can do dog and cat portraits.
- Chess, Checkers, Backgammon & Tic Tac Toe Sets — You can make a number of great elegant board games using stones, and there’s a kit for every kind of game you can think of!
There are, of course, more ideas and more plans, but get started on ONE project now, while you can still do it.

See You At The Top!!!