If you don’t speak up now, you never will get the chance. Soon you will be disallowed from commenting on, or criticizing, Donald Trump. It will be LAW, and you will risk Federal Imprisonment for violating the “Presidential Critics Law of 2017”, if I remember rightly, and there’s no reason to suppose I do.
Like I’ve said before, I failed “Earth History 201”, which is the history of the human species on planet Earth during the 21st and 22nd century, and I’m in this Earth Simulation that you call “Reality”, to find out WHY Donald Trump is called “Trump the Rump”, what is the meaning of “Trumpism”, how did he get into power, and why people hated him so much.
Donald Trump is the first U.S. President to be featured in over 1,000 video games to date, and he is pissed off about it, even though some of them are positive, some even wildly so, with Nazi Storm Troopers at your disposal to wipe out all those inferior races. Continue reading →
It’s the only means for escape from suffering or expression of pain that you have left to you as a peasant.
It deals with spiritual energies only, well outside the realm of the physical world.
It’s the only revenge you will ever have.
As Inigo Montoya so eloquently said: “There’s no money in revenge.” Revenge is stupid, pointless and empty, because you’re fighting against a mechanical machine with no heart, no mind, no soul. What’s wanted is not revenge, but protection. Are you scared to death to bring up the Trump subject for fear of violence??? Okay, let’s talk, and listen up good, pilgrim:
I swear by all that’s Holy that I have no personal interest in Trump.
He’s a handy in-your-face-right-now character that readily serves as an example of a psycho-emotional organic world irritant that could intrude on your inner world and peaceful home, on a psychic or spiritual level, and my intent here is to demonstrate how to set up a line of Psychic Self-Defense for yourself, your family, your home, your business and your personal freedoms. About your stocks and bonds I can do nothing.
I’ll be sharing secrets that have never been revealed in modern times. These are the Methods and Secrets of the Ancients, and in spite of the fact that I’ll undoubtedly be sparking off the morons who voted for Trump, I’m NOT against Trump — as a matter of fact, he’s doing me a favor, and I’ll gladly explain why, as we go through this little exercise.
By the way, Trump is horrifically superstitious, which will probably come as no surprise to anyone. Besides being an NPD, he’s also a hyper-charged up OCD, which has to get really sticky for anyone unfortunate enough to serve on his staff or be on his payroll in any capacity.
Even David Lo Pan had to make a living somehow. He had his Wing Kong, I have my angelic hordes, so just leave Jack Burton alone, okay?
Because the Toupee of the Year is SO in our faces, I’ll be using The Trump Avatar as an example of someone who initiates and sets off psychic-level attacks, whether upon you intentionally and personally or as a member of a whole class of folks under said psychic attack.
It’s probably too late to mention it to the bots who rage-quit on the previous paragraphs, but I want to point out that, had Hillary won the election, I’d be after her as well, if the media frenzy were as great, this far away from the election results. Christ almighty, the problem with Trump is not his politics, although they are nutty and will soon be reversed or erased — don’t forget, I’ve seen it all a million times before.
Like I said, it’s not Trump’s politics, it’s his Narcissistic Personality Disorder — a matter of public record — that creates an incessant need for attention, and a willingness to use shock and rage to get it.
That’s why he negotiates with foreign powers ON TWITTER in full public view — he needs the attention and craves acceptance — and yes, he is a Twitter Addict, among other mental ailments and weaknesses, some of which have already been exploited by his playmate, Vladimir Potemkin, some of which haven’t shown up in the public radar yet, but they will, Frodo, they will.
I treated myself in the above paragraph to what amounts to a 100 year old joke, so old a chestnut that you’ve probably heard it a thousand times before.
Putin — Potemkin, get it???
Potemkin was the name of a Russian battleship. See, it was during the Russian Revolution — the first one, I mean — or was it the second??? Oh, forget it — it is all so complicated.
All I remember from my lessons back in the 37th century is that there were a LOT of wars back in this time period, a LOT of wars. As a gamer and game programmer, I can’t help but feel just a little responsible for all the wars, since I wrote the Back Story on this level.
Would a sincere “I’m sorry” be any compensation for all the misery and suffering of humanity throughout those wars? Well, the Great Mother sends her best, which is, of course, YOU.
Whether you like Trump, hate Trump, or are completely indifferent to the whole scene, as I am, you’re inundated on an hourly basis, even minute-to-minute, with Trump’s latest outrages and wild zany antics in the media and elsewhere, meaning supermarkets, restrooms and Born-Again Frozen Yogurt Youth Centers, where the conversation reflects little else.
He’s restless and anxious, and he needs YOUR attention, and one way to get that is to make you angry, and that’s easy to arrange, and it’s something he does very well indeed — he has almost complete control of the media in a sort of knee-jerk reflex way.
If you don’t care about the politics — as I surely don’t, having seen all this go down a million times before — you still suffer the media effects on the general population, which currently includes you, like it or not, and he’s aroused a very dangerous and violent segment of the population to help him get to power.
Problem there is, that segment of the population now has the authority and “right” to seek YOU out, and destroy you and your family, should you question Trump or his policies, or be an unfortunate member of the race, religion or political affiliations he has decided to set his dogs — that’d be you, if you’re a Pro-Lifer, on you and your family and friends. Continue reading →
MOCAP — motion capture — for Samba — we now can do this with The Movements!
Get Paid to Play!!! That’s what the banners should shout out. Be a kid again, enjoy life, get out there and have some fun, and at the same time, do several other important things: Continue reading →
Get the new Daytime Stalking Kit and get free from the crypt or tomb, only $19.95.
Yeah, instead of apologizing for wasting your time playing games, you ought to cultivate a gaming discipline, for the sake of health and happiness, a discipline in which you dedicate AT LEAST four hours a day to online gaming and the sooner you build it into a CONSCIOUS ADDICTION, the better. Notice that I did not tone it down by saying “Conscious Habit“, but that is of course what I mean — a deeply ingrained and unbreakable habit that one has acquired deliberately and intentionally, and that one has cultivated and deepened over the years. Continue reading →
Sand Dunes at Gorcy Devon, a sketch for Realm of the Dark Ones, to be released soon.
“I hate Medieval times,” you say when offered a place in a Spiritual Rehab Mission, “and I don’t wish for even a split second that I had been born then, because I was, many times, and if you’re able to recollect what it was like, it could be described as daily grind, daily grind, daily grind, get food, cook food, eat food, sleep — only to be awakened suddenly by an invading horde of Others, the Tribe Next Door or one that came in sailing ships to overwhelm and overrun your shores, and furthermore, I don’t like sitting at a computer and wasting my precious personal time playing some silly game.”
You’re trained to find social and personal value in whatever activity you’re offered, and this is no exception. You have to overcome your personal feelings of “LIKE” or “DISLIKE” when accepting a spiritual training, because you can’t trust your personal taste in this area.
Personal taste is like saying, “I don’t like the taste of this medicine. I like cookies and that’s what I’m taking to get better. Yum, cookie.”
Well, so you don’t happen to give two farthings for the goings-on within the game. Big deal. You think I’m spending sleepless nights worrying about Uber Diablos roaming the Earth?
Heck, it’s not just in the virtual world that I don’t really care what happens, nor do I give two shakes which idiot happens to be temporarily in power, who rules whom, and the atrocities and injustices that abound in the virtual world and in the real world are none of my concern, unless I make it my concern, and that right there is the Basic Secret of Life — I’ll explain: Continue reading →
Artist’s Conception of the small town of Summershire in my latest adventure videogame, “The Portal Game”, due for release this year.
Weakness takes you down, makes your legs unsteady, on the verge of collapse, your ribcage quivers and shakes uncontrollably, and your back aches with the pain of just being there. You can barely move enough to bring yourself to your desk chair, and turn on your computer and left-mouse click the desktop graphic to invoke the Diablo 2 Expansion Pack game engine, but somehow you manage it and sit back to admire your effort.
You invoke the character you intend to run on this session, hoping your utter weakness and helplessness and despair don’t spill over into the game environment to bring sudden death to your Avatar, but you know that you’re just not up to the task, and you’re unable to make those “good moves” that saves the life of your Avatar time after time, but tonight, you’re feeling so damn punk that you doubt your ability to destroy the enemy creatures.
One secret to handling the weakness and despair and inability to focus is to CREATE A PURPOSE for yourself to accomplish in THIS SESSION.
Don’t try to make it too complex or difficult. It should be an easily attainable goal, some end result that you can see and feel and sense, and yet isn’t too far out of reach.
What you want to create for yourself tonight is a specific and easily reached “Attainable Goal”.
Sometimes the Attainable Goal is the next quest, sometimes the next Experience Level or a higher specific Experience Level that you feel you can attain in the time you have available for this particular gaming session.
The SETTING OF THE GAMING SESSION GOAL is the singlemost important action you will take in Spiritual Gaming Rehab. Continue reading →
Using Triads is safe and fun and can be very healing and helpful.
You will find several different types of Triads in the latest game issues from GODD Games, each one of which can help you accomplish your aims, goals and purposes along your path in any reality on any level of scale, for any character class you happen to find yourself respawned into. Here is a list of the most commonly used Triads on this LifeStream lineage:
DISPERSING TRIAD — 221 — Dispels the Briggs Field.
BOOMERANG TRIAD — 1280 — Brings an object into reachr.
BLASTING TRIAD — 241 — Lob it like a bomb or grenade.
IRON BOLT TRIAD — 1000 — Like a crossbow, fast, straight and true.
PYRO TRIAD — 237 — Burns away stuff.
GRAPPLE TRIAD — 1222 — Brings Player to a distant wall.
AIR MISSILE TRIAD — 1223 — Sends a rocket on a ballistic curve.
HEALING TRIAD — 1225 — Healing force for yourself and your party.
RAPID FIRE TRIAD — 1220 — Handy, if panic is your usual response.
Third Eye Empowerment makes it easy to receive Higher Spirit Communications.
One of the primary uses of any ancient ceremony or ritual item was to provide direct contact with a higher intelligence, celestial being, star-being, angelic power, diety or intercessor between them and God for the purpose of getting what they wanted. The list included:
WATER — All civilizations are centered on water. Anywhere that people settle has to have some source of water, some source of salt, and a feeling of general safety and good security from invasion or tribal raids.
FOOD — Good harvest, fine crops, plentiful and bountiful, lots of good things to eat, drink and savor, including the occasional treat, the nature of which varies from civilization to civilization and from culture to culture.
DRINK — Birds and small furry woodland creatures will flock to a crop of fermented fruits and other vegetable matter, because fermentation means alcohol, and alcohol means drunk. The sight of predators gobbling up drunken pigeons comes immediately to mind. Any ancient or medieval person who was able to make a pint of beer that didn’t cause immediate organic rejection and expulsion could become very rich, very famous and very powerful, the vague and impotent wish of almost all humans.
SHELTER — Having a roof over your head wasn’t always considered a fait accompli. Homeless meant something far more deadly and far more dangerous than it is today, and today it’s deadly enough. Caves were fine if you didn’t want to eat and had an affinity for silence and the great outdoors. A house means something in which to find refuge from the violence of the outside world, but it also means a place to defend, because in the ancient and recent past, there were no civilian police, only soldiers and, under those circumstances, you couldn’t expect your home to be defended by anyone else not in your direct pay or a member of your family. Leaving home for any length of time and expecting to return to an intact structure upon returning was dependent upon the guards you left in the house.
SECURITY — Every settlement had to have its own army, and quite often a small army was composed of nothing but cousins, brothers, sisters and other family members. As a matter of fact, family groups were the government of the time for most people in the ancient world. You could expect to wake up in the middle of the night anytime during your life, to discover that your settlement or encampment was under attack.
SEX — Actually, sex is a major driving force in all civilizations, but it’s used differently and viewed differently from one culture to the next. Sex is considered quite apart from childbearing and family, for reasons that anyone reading the Kinsey Report can easily determine.
FAMILY — Every human has the idea of achieving immortality through progeny, and for a few years, it does seem to work, but given the enormity of history, even a few dozen years are enough to wipe out the memory of even the most important human beings, with the exception of the insane criminals who occasionally decide to rule the Earth by conquest. Fertility and Fecundity are the essential ingredients here — does the female have the stamina to produce many healthy children? Does the male have the stamina to provide for them and protect them?
SPIRITUAL CONTACT — Without Spiritual Contact, people would be lost little robots. They need contact to reaffirm the spiritual path, to reassure themselves that they are connected to the Higher Powers.
ENLIGHTENMENT — Not a popular goal, but one worthy of mentioning in brief. It helps to get a better spiritual perspective if you clearly understand how the universe was made, what it really is about, and what it’s designed to accomplish.
WELLNESS — Without health, what have you got? Imagine yourself to be the King or Queen of the Planet, with all the riches and fame and glory and thousands of workers all dedicated to your comfort and safety, and then in the end, you die in spite of all that stuff. Wellness is important and can be achieved or improved by the use of powered prayer.
All of these important human goals match the goals set by the Universal Constant, Blessed Be Her Name, but there are other less clear goals, and all of this is predicated upon the understanding that direct contact with the Higher is not only possible, but the method by which DIRECT contact can be made is well-known and easily mastered, once begun. Continue reading →
Diary of a Teenage Vampire by LeslieAnn is now available.
Just in time for Christmas, makes a great gift, is shipped via email to the person of your choice, for only $6.99 — that’s 30 images to enjoy and confess your vampire ways to your heart’s — or jugular vein’s — content!