on my workbench atm


Here is a list of Oracle Class orbs I have finished, ready for the weekend convention & workshop — don’t forget that this is how you can get your Prosperity Path Coach Certification!!! Everyone who attends will be a certified coach on Monday; we’ll have a cert ceremony at that time, and your certificate will be ready and shown on camera whether you’re attending in person or online!!!

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Who the Heck is Xipe-Totec???

Who is Xipe-Totec, you ask? Sure, he’s the God of Thunder, demi-god of this and that, but forget about all that stuff; it’s just how he makes his living. What really counts is that he’s my best buddy from the Old Days back in the Southwest of Nirvana, when men were men and sheep were nervous. We used to knock around; he played a mean, fast-paced stickball and stoop-ball, and he won every bottle-top derby ever run. He was a sidewalk champion, and that’s saying a lot. The six-gun packed a whallop and it could hit a fried bean at fifty paces, but most gun battles were at close range, anywhere from belly-to-belly all the up to an average of four feet apart.

I hope this clears up some questions you’ve been having about western gunfights in the territories. See You At The Top!!!


Getting Your Cut

When you dedicate all your work-time to Prosperity Path — and there’s no reason you shouldn’t or couldn’t do just that — you have to earn a living. That doesn’t go without saying, because most folks don’t have any idea where anything comes from, including dinner and the rent. I can tell you now that if you spend all your waking hours coaching Prosperity Path Runners, you’ll have to find a way to take care of your daily living necessities, and I have a workable plan.

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What To Do While You’re Waiting To Die

Clearly, this Rolex Oyster does little good the day after you die. If you’re living on the clock, a Rolex is important, but imagine a whole life that wasn’t on the clock!!! Okay, so you’ve figured out that you only have a few years of productive life left, and you’re wondering how to best spend your few precious remaining years. That’s like a gambler counting the change after losing a million bucks at the craps table, but okay, here goes:

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Angelic Intervention

One of the major points overlooked by human “modern medicine” (a term no off-worlder can hear without cracking up into peals of helpless laughter) is, as mentioned previously, the effect of Past Lives on the present lifetime. Also unconsidered are the many disembodied spirits that may intentionally or unintentionally cause harm or mischief. Yet another, as mentioned before,  is the totality of effect of the buildup of Karma, which must be reduced every day in order to live an effective work life, but the most unconsidered cause of relief of human ailments of all kinds is Angelic Help. Yes, angels are real. And under the right conditions, they can and will respond with powerful intervention.

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Pig Power

Well, maybe Teddy Bears are more your style, or perhaps you could be interested in wheeling a Turtle around the Labyrinth, or maybe a dragon? Most folks love all the character classes in the Prosperity levels, but everyone without question wants to drive the flying pig, pictured above. It’s quite an experience. Download Love, Prosperity and Karma Burn and experience the pure unfettered exhilarated joy of Pig Power!!! See You At The Top!!! — gorby

Double the Magic, Double the Fun


Everything you pick up or touch talks to you. Well, almost everything. You’re kept informed about your actions and progress throughout the run. What I’m demonstrating in this video is how to move. If you want to get Max Magic Find out of those Tomes, you’ll have to grab and dodge backward fast, or risk getting a lower percentage of MF. It’s sort of a dance to make it work. You’ll note that some books give you stuff and some don’t; this depends entirely on your level at the time of opening the Tome.

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Why No “Game Save” in Prosperity Path Levels???

Yeah, how come there’s no “Game-Save” in them Prosperity Levels??? Why is that?

It’s because there doesn’t need to be. There’s nothing going to hurt you in a Prosperity Path Remedy Level. You can leave your character there as long as you want. Not only will it not get hurt, its exposure to that space and the connection of that space to your present “occupied” space/time is actually good for you. It brings yummy vibes from Out There.

Also, you can quit the game at any time, even in the middle. If you’ve only got five minutes, that’s fine, just quit and restart anytime. Everything works for you right from the very moment you enter the Prosperity Path Level, so you can’t go wrong. There’s no way to fail.

See You At The Top!!!
