What’s the Holdup???

What’s the holdup, you ask? Here’s the answer:

I’m working on something that’s so huge a breakthrough in interactive gaming that it makes any game out there downright neolithic. We’ve got an amazing, absolutely astounding ai guy at our helm in the game engine department. His specialty always has been in the intelligence area, meaning a computer that can outsmart a human — in my book, never a tough task, but evidently on this particular brand of Earth, there’s an issue. Continue reading

Getting Your Cut

When you dedicate all your work-time to Prosperity Path — and there’s no reason you shouldn’t or couldn’t do just that — you have to earn a living. That doesn’t go without saying, because most folks don’t have any idea where anything comes from, including dinner and the rent. I can tell you now that if you spend all your waking hours coaching Prosperity Path Runners, you’ll have to find a way to take care of your daily living necessities, and I have a workable plan.

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What To Do While You’re Waiting To Die

Clearly, this Rolex Oyster does little good the day after you die. If you’re living on the clock, a Rolex is important, but imagine a whole life that wasn’t on the clock!!! Okay, so you’ve figured out that you only have a few years of productive life left, and you’re wondering how to best spend your few precious remaining years. That’s like a gambler counting the change after losing a million bucks at the craps table, but okay, here goes:

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Don’t Stray From The Path

Don’t stray from The Path; it’s not just a Good Idea, it’s The Law. I recommend such signs along a path in your garden, which I highly advise you to plant. I also recommend Water Features, Strange Rocks, Peculiar Bamboo Things and Bizarre Succulents, all of which I’m producing here, and putting onto video, so you can do it there. Setting up your home environment magically is called “Feng-Shui” and is both an art and a science. A Garden and Water Features such as indoor fountains are important parts of your New Life on the Prosperity Path. That decision to Take the Prosperity Path is an important Turning Point, a definite and profound Crossroad; dare to make that turn away from the Delirium of Fog in which you’ve found yourself living. Prosperity is a Path of Abundance, and if you’re not prepared to endure Prosperity, you won’t like Life as a Source of Abundance — that is the goal, may I remind one? Without sharing, of what use is Prosperity???

See You At The Top!!!

— gorby

How to Order Your Very Own Custom “Separation Day” Orb


I know, I’ve posted this video before. It’s true, but it really shows clearly the effects I want to underline. The Orb you’re looking at is the least expensive of the custom Orbs, at only $699 for everything you see and hear. You can run your very own Custom Prosperity Path Orb right now, today. It’s really you in there, and you are addressed by name, both in speech and text in addition to the custom character with your face and name.

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Matrix-SuperBeacon Array Layout — Here it is!!!

I could easily have just taken a photo of my Galaxy desk; it’s the one my Dad Horace used when editing Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine from 1950 through 1959. Instead, what I decided to do was to use the replica desk I made back about 15 years ago in a special Orb called “BardoTown”, which is about to be re-issued as a Prosperity Path level. So here are a few snapshots of my desk as it is presently; fitted out with a Matrix Cube on the left, fast-processing desktop computer in the center, Buddha and candle on the right. Along with the SuperBeacon on the right of the computer, I’ve placed the original model of the very first Dunwoody  Crystal Receiver I ever built, back in 1949. You’ll note on the desk copies of the American Book of the Dead, BlueLiner Manual and, of course, the computer is fully loaded with Prosperity Path Orbs, Levels and Rewards.

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My Low Self-Esteem Sucks

Back in the 20th century, Low Self-Esteem didn’t used to be an issue. Everybody learned to just take it on the chin, grin and bear it, carry on and stiff upper lip and all that jazz. It’s different now. We care about how we feel because we’ve been taught to give ourselves permission to care about how we feel. But in the course of providing this new freedom to the masses, no provision was made for how to do something about how we feel, and that’s one of the main purposes of Prosperity Path, and Self-Esteem is right at the very heart of all our life-failures. It makes us do the stupidest things, and keeps us in the deepest Black Hole of personal existence, wretched misery of Low Self Esteem, known to doctors as “LSE”. How about it; do YOU have LSE???

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Angelic Intervention

One of the major points overlooked by human “modern medicine” (a term no off-worlder can hear without cracking up into peals of helpless laughter) is, as mentioned previously, the effect of Past Lives on the present lifetime. Also unconsidered are the many disembodied spirits that may intentionally or unintentionally cause harm or mischief. Yet another, as mentioned before,  is the totality of effect of the buildup of Karma, which must be reduced every day in order to live an effective work life, but the most unconsidered cause of relief of human ailments of all kinds is Angelic Help. Yes, angels are real. And under the right conditions, they can and will respond with powerful intervention.

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Why Is It Always The Same?

Some folks, not all, are asking “Why are all the Remedy Levels the same? The answer is very simple. The act of running any Prosperity Level is, if you examine it carefully, a Ritual.

It does all the visualizing for you, and leads you from one point to the next in a sort of “Paper Chase” all over the map to the finish point. All along the way, you dissolve Karma and accumulate good energies and hopefully the Wisdom to use it.

It is in fact a ritualized form of cybernetic meditation. The computer merely guides your vision and you control your reactions. Simple. Easy. Effective.

See You At The Top
