If you help me spread the Blessings, and you give everything away, you’ll soon be unable to continue, unless you have an independent and unlimited source of income.
If you’re not in that particular boat, you’ll quickly understand the need for some sort of income that you can either earn without participating at all except to cash the check, or something that in itself earns some sort of income or at the very least, pays for itself.
I’m in that last category. I don’t need to make a profit, but I do need to cover my costs, so I can continue doing what I’m doing, which is sending out Blessings in a variety of guises, to everyone I know.
Hopefully, you’ll catch the spirit of the thing, and start helping me find homes for my various Blessings items, including pendants, lockets, rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, armbands, tiaras, money clips, tie tacks, treasure boxes, mala beads, Orbs, Godd™ Particles, craft kits, and so much more. Continue reading →
I am a very outspoken critic of Trump, yet he cannot silence me. I have taken steps to prevent it, and the more he tries to silence me, the louder my voice will become.
There’s no better way to publicize a book than to have it be a White House Hate Object.
This is a very different world from the one in which you were born, the ones in which you traveled through a variety of experiences, all leading to HERE and NOW.
In this very different world, a would-be world dictator is attempting to overthrow our government.
It’s still legal at the time of this writing to criticize Trump, but that won’t be the case if he gets his way in court and on the political battlefield — the Senate.
The HOUSE is just a bunch of poor Democratic idealists, and they don’t count for anything, unless impeachment is in the offing.
There used to be a time when both parties were united on one issue — limit the power of the President.
That’s not what’s happening now. They’re defending Trump. He’s attacking US, and they’re defending HIM.
Republicans are not Republicans anymore. They’re stacking the deck with Jerrymandering so that YOUR vote doesn’t count, CAN’T count, because of the “RED” loaded district in which you voted.
Trump has sold us out to the Russians. Putin promised him that he could still stay in power after the takeover and dismissal of Congress forever.
This all happens, unless YOU motivate yourself to VOTE the bastards out of office, and then get busy helping EVERYONE defend the Constitution.
But while we’re waiting for the inevitable end of all dictators, how can you defend yourself and your family and home from Trump? Continue reading →
That’s not quite as easy as it sounds. Pillaging takes time. It’s somewhat tedious. You need a break now & then from the routine of rape, pillage, burn, rape, pillage, burn.
Speaking of personal violations, it’s become the norm to sexually harass if you’re the President, so clearly, any sex predator would be very encouraged to run as a “Sexual Predator Party” candidate for the 2020 election.
The Sexual Predator Party and the Plunder Party are both offshoots of the late, great Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, and now the Party of Putin.
Putin is laughing all the way to the bank, and so can you, if you play it smart. I have in hand the deed to a piece of gold-mining property that was for sale for $5,000, but I’ve raised the price to $50,000, and I’ll tell you why: Continue reading →
Now that you’ve joined the Ashram for $30 a month and gotten a place in the gallery — either a cubby at $100 per month or a booth for $200 a month or both — it’s time to look at the program.
You are now part of a team.
That team operates in the subtle plane, but manifests clearly and tangibly in the gallery as a group of artists and artisans.
The art varies widely, as does the crafting. Materials and methods are very much unique to each of the experienced artists of our Grass Valley Graphics Group, and that creates a lot of excitement in visitors to our space.
Because we specialize in miniature works of art, our walls are filled with lots of interesting things to see. People tend to stay longer in the gallery precisely because there are so many paintings, drawings, sketches, embossings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings and more, and the longer they linger the more likely they’ll shop, meaning you get the sale.
How the support boils down is that whenever we have some surplus, it can be applied to promotion and publicity, but keep in mind that money can’t buy you love, and you can quote me on that! Continue reading →
LeslieAnn ripping into Trump at a recent comedy performance in Reno.
Feeling helpless? Is Trump too much in your face all the time? Are you sick of hearing his voice and seeing his stupid wig flapping around in the breeze? Do you wish you had a photo of the bald Donald Trump to post on your facebook page?
Well, despair no longer, bunkie. Your days of frustration are over, and Donald Trump’s are just beginning. The Power of Song is greater than you think. It’s more than reason, more than persuasion, much more than mere influence.
Song is the basis of shamanic magic, did you know that?
In ALL spiritual practices, song is used to convey prayer, to build thought-forms, to open portals, gateways, doorways and StarGates.
Sound has power, but you already knew that. Okay, so how to harness it for a specific purpose?
Well, first, you have to have a purpose, and that means some sort of target effect, so you can measure your success. There can be no greater purpose than to regain your country and your freedoms and to help others who are too helpless to help themselves do this by teaching them HOW TO RESIST TYRANNY. Continue reading →
Take a heroic pose and take a stand against tyranny!
Please keep in mind that I haven’t written a protest song in well over half a century, and I wouldn’t do it now, except that we now have sitting in the White House a real louse, who insists on robbing us of our freedoms, and setting back the Civil Rights clock over a century into the past.
I don’t care about Trump personally, or politically. I’m just taking this opportunity to show my guitar and folksong writing classes how to write a protest song — that’s my entire agenda.
Is Trump traumatic? Is he intolerable? You bet he is, but I really don’t care. I’ve lived under worse dictators, and they always get theirs, in the end. Usually, the people who put them in power become disgusted and they take matters into their own hands — not a good plan, these days.
De-stabilizing Amerika is what both Putin AND Trump have in mind. Trump is looking for ANY excuse to call in the National Guard and declare a State of Emergency in which he assumes full dictatorial powers.
Think it can’t happen here? It already did, in the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who served a THIRD TERM and would have remained in office for LIFE had he been given the opportunity.
An NPD does not easily let go of power, equity or fame. Continue reading →
This has all happened before. Can you remember? Try your PLS — Past Life Survey — to see how it all played out before, and how it will play out again!!!
Don’t want to hear about Trump’s latest outrage? Don’t really give a shit whether he’s insane or not? Want a little peace of mind and privacy? Don’t give up the ghost, there’s hope. I bring the TRUMP-FREE ZONE effects modules. BLOCK TRUMPISM with my TFZ — Trump-Free Zone — devices.
I don’t hate Trump, although I have every reason to. He’s about to destroy my personal freedoms, my healthcare benefits, my retirement, my real estate values, my stocks and bonds, and my family’s freedom from fear and oppression, but that’s HIS problem, not mine. I can live with it, but most folks will find domination by the rich to be unbearably oppressive. What’s more, by his own personal example, he’s made Nazi Propaganda a national sport, so what can you DO about it?
I know it’s a shock to suddenly find yourself living in an upside-down world in which America is OFFICIALLY racist, but there IS something you CAN DO about it right now, and none of it involves getting rid of Trump — that will happen on its own. It will fall off all by itself after a while.
Up until now, Trump has just been a somewhat shady public figure, but now he’s out in the open, and he’s in charge, which means that BILLIONS of people will soon learn to FEAR Trump, if they don’t actually hate him.
He doesn’t care what you think about him, just so long as every waking moment of your life is consumed with TRUMP.
Americans have aligned themselves with the ideals espoused by Donald Trump, and therefore expose themselves and America in general as a racist state, and according to all the shootings and beatings, they like it there.
Like it or not, you’re now lumped in with a bunch of white supremacists and upper class bastards who care nothing for the misery they cause on the poor and disenfranchised, and have especial dislike for those unable to defend themselves, always the mark of a coward, and understandably, you’re ashamed to admit that you’re an American.
Americans voted Trump into power, so clearly he embodies their American Ideal of White Supremacy and Isolationism. You’re an American. Try going overseas now, and see what that buys you.
Totally dispassionately, in full objective professional assessment, he’s a ravenous beast who needs to be fed with human flesh, but as politicians go, he’s pretty much the average political shmuck, but with a difference — he’s a whalloping, raging NPD — Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
That means he needs a LOT of attention, praise and respect, none of which he’ll get, in the end.
He’s a bully with a BIG stick, the U.S. Military and the Intelligence Community, neither of which he trusts. Trust Issues are a big thing with NPDs, and eventually that’s what will trip him up — he doesn’t trust his closest advisors.
Trump doesn’t actually have a plan. It’s always a new day, always a new idea. He can’t sit still, doesn’t know the meaning of the word “serenity” and has no respite from the hell of his own personal Angst.
He works on the fly, improvising at all times, trusting no one’s judgment but his own, using every opening, every advantage, to create action of any kind. It doesn’t much matter what happens, as long as he’s at the center of it. He gets results through the lavish use of Overwhelm and Rage, as you’ve seen.
His primary weapon is to turn others against others, engendering fear and distrust, his own personal symptoms of his terrible need to satisfy the lusts of his NPD brain.
He hates Mexicans, this we already know, and now the Mexicans know it, too. When he reads this blog — and he will, because he’s not only an NPD, but an OCD — suffering from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder — I’ll be top on his revenge list, and like every NPD, you can be sure he has one, and if your name appears on the Impeachment Referendum list, he’ll say you’re an Illegal, which in his mind is the same as saying you’re Hispanic.
He aligns himself perfectly with the Neo-Nazis in his views of other races and religions, and plays the HATE card pretty much all the time. The NPD’s favorite game is to divide others and watch them fight it out, then he wades in and takes the victory, the glory and, of course, the money, and most importantly, the ATTENTION — and that’s the key right there. Continue reading →
My Aunts Sadie, Molly & Leah were “flappers” back in 1923.
Is the Internet actually evil? No more so than the telephone lines or the equipment that handles millions of calls a minute. The Internet is a virtual Post Office. Nobody can possibly maintain an effective vigil on postal mail and telegram and teletype and messenger-delivered and air-freighted that pass between millions of people at a time, much less the CMT — Casual Message Traffic — that has developed electronically, where someone might write into their facebook or twitter log several dozen times an hour, the equivalent of snail-mail output of hundreds of letters per day to hundreds of friends all over the world, and all that electronic chatter is sent over some kind of wire, whether metal, light-optic fibre, radio, short-wave, wireless transmitter, Atlantic Cable, or somebody pounding on a talking drum.
The mail services around the world do not typically encourage their folks to send porn through the mails, but all over the world, they do, and in other countries besides the United States, they don’t have to send them in “plain brown wrappers” as folks used to do back in the Good Old Days, 1930 to the present time, yet we don’t say that the mail services are responsible for porn.
Scavengers and derelicts and scoundrels abound, but then, they always have. Anyone unfortunate enough to end up a victim of some kind of Fagan, the pickpocket boss from the musical “Oliver”, based on “Oliver Twist”, a famous Dickens novel about a boy who went from pickpocket to millionaire overnight, just by singing instead of talking.
These days, all the wrappings of civilization and the veneer of congeniality have been stripped away. Never mind who’s at fault. People who are badly educated or uneducated have no idea about the world beyond their own skins, and no concept of a world larger than their immediate territory and personal needs.
The United States used to have one of the finest educational systems in the world. Today, it ranks near the bottom, and that includes many undeveloped nations.
One of the major points overlooked by human “modern medicine” (a term no off-worlder can hear without cracking up into peals of helpless laughter) is, as mentioned previously, the effect of Past Lives on the present lifetime. Also unconsidered are the many disembodied spirits that may intentionally or unintentionally cause harm or mischief. Yet another, as mentioned before, is the totality of effect of the buildup of Karma, which must be reduced every day in order to live an effective work life, but the most unconsidered cause of relief of human ailments of all kinds is Angelic Help. Yes, angels are real. And under the right conditions, they can and will respond with powerful intervention.
I was asked this morning as we worked on the 0//0 level if it would help to run through it a number of times, and specifically what effect that might have on the Runner.