It starts out bad and, second by second, it gets worse. You know the kind of night I’m talking about, where you’re so tired you want to lie down right where you are, where your legs are so heavy they feel like they’re sinking into the floor, yet you can’t close your eyes, you’re so twitchy, anxious, worried about dozens of things that might not ever happen, but they could, and you’re just waiting for the axe to drop.
“Wired & Tired” they used to say after a music gig. “Wired and tired.”
There’s a thin film of sweat all over your body, and a general malaise, nothing definite, nothing you could point to, but SOMETHING is bothering you, making you tremble, sweat and shake.
A feeling of impending doom falls on your head, and you can’t shake the thought that something dreadful is about to happen or may be happening right now, just outside your circle of awareness. Continue reading →
There you are, and there you sit, in lockdown, not much to do, nowhere to go, just sitting around for days on end, months and months of this ahead of you, no end in sight.
So what can you DO with all this time on your hands?
Well, you could catch up on all those things you’ve been putting off, like the guitar practice, reading SlimeWars finally all the way to the end, maybe doing some new exercises, going to the Virtual Ashram, and of course, all our classes and virtual crowd gatherings in ZOOM and LiveStream and other online venues.
There are lots and lots of online things happening now, things that were only in the fringes before the lockdown, and they are suddenly acquiring an importance unguessed — they are the obvious sure cure for loneliness and isolation.
And of course, if there’s really nothing to do, gosh — you could run all those Orbs that you’ve been meaning to get to one of these days. Well, this is one of those days, so get to it, while the gettin’s good!
I’ve placed a few hot links in this blog to get you going, but there are hundreds more, and I’ve left it up to YOU to find them — I’m only going to give you a few hints.
By the way, it might interest you to know that I’ve just completed the finish layout work for Corona-Killer, my offering for the CURRENT emergency, and I’m already working on the game layout for the Emergency-to-Come, which is just around the next corner.
Everyone of sound mind and empathic construction wants to do SOMETHING to help in this crisis, but what can we little “Great Unwashed” folks do?
We have little to give, and we’re in no position to use money or power to help, so what can we do? What can we give? Do we have any powers at all?
Yes, we do.
Those of you who heeded my warnings over the past 50 years that this WOULD happen, although I couldn’t call the precise date, because it varies, will have mastered the Blue Line Academy course in World Creation, Maintenance & Destruction.
That’s the most basic course in Godhood you can take in this world.
Part of waking up is being able to create, maintain and destroy worlds, and you’d be better off if you were not merely competent, but excellent, and that’s rare.
Why? Because it takes a LOT of time, day after day, to master the skills of Blue Line, that’s why, and you’ve just never had the time, but now you do, so what’s the excuse now?
You’re running out of excuses, and the greater the crisis, the fewer excuses you’ll have at your disposal. At some point, you’ll have to face the music — work, or succumb to sleep.
I hope you will find the will to work, but most frankly won’t, because they’re still convinced that sooner or later someone will come along and scoop them up and carry them forward.
That just doesn’t happen.
There are a thousand reasons why it doesn’t happen, but the most vital is that it makes you weaker.
That’s a powerful argument. I would heed the warning, and that should embolden you to embark on some Orb adventures, which you can obtain by following the links — don’t forget to share these links with everyone you know and can reach!
So if you listened to my warnings, especially over the past four years, you’ll have several skills that can be applied both for simple personal survival and also to help others, which is the backbone of the Bodhisattva Vow.
But in order to help others, you can’t also be totally helpless. That just doesn’t work. You need to be bountiful and not yourself swamped by issues in order to be of real help to others.
You can’t be a worse mess than they are and still hope to help them, so SOMETHING’S got to change in your life, and that means get off your ass and get to work before you’re cut down and gone.
Like I said, if you paid attention and DID something about it, you now have the skills to survive and to help others.
SMM SKILLS — You should have mastered at least what I presented in social media marketing blogs, of which there are plenty on this site, which are being bundled into a book on social media marketing and site optimization.
GAME DESIGN — I teach several courses on game development and level design, and can help you figure out the right tools and delivery system for your game ideas.
SURVIVAL FOODS — I’ve offered again and again to grow the foods for you, but you have to send money — we need thousands of dollars just to build the raised beds, and we’re starting seed sheds, but we’re running out of building supplies and help to build the things — forget about getting here to help at this point — for the moment, we’re on our own for building and repair, but change is coming fast down the pike.
BARDO SAFARIS — You can help us grow our circle by bringing folks into our many gaming gatherings, among which is of course Diablo 2, home of the Bardo Safari. You can become a safari participant. They are led by our Master Class experts.
MASTER CLASSES — These are ZOOM classes featuring what YOU happen to be an expert at or what subject you like the most. If you have no interests or skills in anything, perhaps you could learn some, and eventually earn an online living by teaching those same skills. If you’ve already invested some time and energy and effort into any of the practices I’ve offered, you have skills that are worth something to others, and from which you could earn a temporary livelihood while waiting for the restaurants to reopen, which won’t be real soon in most locations.
COMEDY — If you took even ONE of my many comedy workshops, you’d have the skills by now to get some income with comedy. You can book ZOOM Birthday Parties and hire a clown or share a screen with you as a clown in Second Life — easily done and fun to experience.
ASHRAM ACTIVITIES — You can be a coach, and you can ask donations — I’ll provide you with a TIP JAR just for you, if you establish an activity in the Ashram!
ART — Again, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ve learned how to deal commercial art, such as Picasso, Matisse, Chagall and Miro, and you’ve also at the same time learned how to create art and craft objects that are at the level of professional, meaning that they’re good enough to sell in a shop — but we have no shops. So how to sell your art and crafts? Ding dang it, I done told ya! Social Media Marketing.
BLOGGING — If I’ve done nothing else this decade, it’s been blogging, lots of it — I can easily write 20,000 words a night or more, if my hands work right, without more than two typos in the whole deal — I proofread as I go along, never look at the keyboard, something that today’s kids might find challenging — touch-typing is a lost art.
PODCASTING — Podcasts and Video Broadcasts are easily achieved now — you need not be a major broadcasting network, nor do you need permission from the federal government to broadcast on the internet or release podcasts, although I’m certain the Republicans are working to bring that free speech to a sudden halt. They never stop attacking freedom, and you need to be ever-vigilant.
JEWELRY — Sure, there’s nowhere to show it, nobody can try it on, feel the weight, admire the highly polished .925 sterling silver or solid 18k gold rings, but heck, I’m selling more jewelry online than I ever did at a booth, and I sold a LOT at booths!
GAMES — You can sell games, play games, conduct gaming conventions, so much stuff to do with games and gaming! Organize a DUNGEON PARTY with the old-fashioned AD&D Dungeon Master. Claude and I will be organizing actual D&D Live Games including BEGINNER AD&D classes for those who have no experience with live board gaming.
CHESS — If you’ve been following my line of reasoning, you’re real good at chess, and you can’t be beaten. That’s a recipe for an online market, if ever I’ve seen one. Ask me how to take advantage of this opening, if you’re REALLY good at chess, or GO, if that’s your passion.
ONLINE GAMING — Barbara, Claude, Dokk and I have reps as pro gaming champions, and we’ve won lots of tournaments and online challenges. You won’t be able to beat any of us, but if you can come CLOSE, we can show you how to make a living playing online games, but you’ll have to work your ass off and be smart as Hell.
LIFE COACHING — This is one of those things that, if you didn’t start out a few years ago, it’s really too late to get hold of it for this go-round. What you can do to help will be things you’ve already mastered, not something you’re still struggling with yourself.
CHARMS — You don’t have a lot of money, none to spare for sure, but you CAN advise people, tell them about things that might help them, and one of those things for sure is the Godd™ Particle.
BOOKS — You can direct folks to the book download pages where they can obtain our books, CDs and DVD videos. You’d be surprised at how many emails and comments we get a day about our books and how they’ve helped deal with this crisis.
VIDEOS — Not only can you find QMV videos on youtube, you can help others find them and you can coach them on how to use them. Some coaches are asking donations, some are not, but soon will be, if the economic pressure gets overwhelming.
MAGIC — If you’ve mastered the FOUR BASIC TRICKS of “Magic in the Mirror”, which is my book on stage magic and misdirection, and it’s still in print, and still available from our bookstore at a bargain price, or DOWNLOAD it from our book site. Find out more about our magic offerings by asking about them — it’s a new concept.
COINOLOGY — Coins are dangerous things now — they’re the dirtiest things people can possibly carry, outside a garbage truck that’s been hijacked by a gang of racoons. I’d stay away from anything that requires shipping — it’s not YOU that got the package messed up, it’s all those hands along the way. However, you can market the DOING of coin search, of grading, all that, and you can SEE the result in ZOOM, so you know you’re getting your point across with your Coinology students. Of course, you don’t want to search current coins, just antiques that have been sealed up for decades, which would of course be Indian Heads — rather expensive — or Lincoln Wheaties, not expensive at all, especially for a bag of CULLS, which are the junk coins that nobody wants except maybe me. I like them and use them a lot, and have found over a dozen 1909s VDBs among them, plus an XF 1914-d that somehow slipped past the watchful eyes of the searchers before me.
GOLD PANNING — Of course you don’t want to go out with a group and pan gold, even in the wilderness, even at a distance of a thousand yards — I know what you mean. So how about teaching gold panning via ZOOM? It’s easy to do, if you know how, and I do know how to set them up with the equipment they need and to show how to pan across the internet. For me, not a problem, and I can show you how to make this work even in the middle of the pandemic.
HISTORY — If you’re a history buff, you’ll appreciate all the things you can do now, especially tours of historic places using antique photos and paintings and other illustrations that you either will collect on the internet or have collected or taken yourself in previous times. You can also use virtual backdrops for this purpose, such as delivering a lecture on Egyptian Religion while apparently standing in Karnak.
STORYTELLING — You can use the GREENSCREEN EFFECT to create an atmosphere for storytelling in ZOOM or another venue such as LiveStream. Greenscreen effects can be shared with participants so they can also be “in” the same space.
SPIRITUAL HEALING — Medicine Wheel or Spirit Healing can be performed powerfully and effectively over the internet, particularly when transmitting through ZOOM — it seems to work slightly better for clear signal than some of the others, like SKYPE, but they can all be used for spiritual healing.
FASHION — Again, if you’ve been paying attention over the past decade or so, I teach classes not only in creating fashions and selling fashions online, both virtual and actual, in Second Life and in Zazzle and PAOM and Redbubble and Cafe Press and more — you wouldn’t believe the range of venues in which my products appear, and there’s no reason you couldn’t do the same.
CREATIVITY — Once again I point out that I’ve been offering classes in creativity, and the Women’s Creative Workshop has been operational now for five years, waiting for YOU to join it, take it over, make it grow. I’ve written a four-volume book on women’s creativity, called “My Life as a Boy” volumes I-IV. Tons of ideas in there, lots of ways to survive this and offer help to others.
SAILING — Sure, boating, sailing, even undersea exploration, all in the privacy of your own home, all in your favorite armchair, all virtual and all available at the Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram, which was established many years ago in anticipation of this global catastrophe and others to follow.
FLYING — Why not fly a commercial passenger plane with 50 passengers to a desert island somewhere for a group picnic and festival? It’s totally safe, 100% virtual, and it takes place every day in the virtual ashram, so why not join us there today? It costs nothing to join Second Life if you don’t want to own land — and you don’t, unless you know how to market it and make it pay for itself — it’s expensive to own land there. We have more than enough full parcels to make flying fun, and plenty of FUN work destinations at every level.
SONGWRITING — If you’re good at it, why not write some parody songs about Trump or whatever you’d like to speak out about? You can watch Pete Seeger, “Power of Song” about how he literally took on the great powers to clean up the Hudson River — he had no money, no voice — he had been destroyed by Senator McCarthy as “Un-American” because he had once been a member of the Socialist Party, which he freely admitted. Had he been a Nazi, he would not have gotten into trouble. If you want to know how to make money from songwriting apart from the record industry which sucks and is thoroughly evil, check out Randy Rainbow on
Offering help to others always depends on YOU being strong and brave and willing to endure thankless personal sacrifice. Once in a while, you’ll get a “thanks”, but don’t make your work dependent on it, because it happens seldom enough to make a point of it.
I can offer literally HUNDREDS of events, activities and studies for the duration of the crisis, however long that may last, but YOU need to figure out how YOU can survive this, and I’m here to help.
Sure, there’s a remedy for fear — actually, several. One is to ignore the fear, just carry on as if that crippling debility wasn’t happening. Another way to deal with fear is to confront it. Still another method of handling fear is to overcome it.
I recommend none of the above. Fear is a wild animal, to be tamed but never civilized. There is really only one way to handle fear, and that is to thoroughly master it, make it yours, own it.
The best way to own something is to actually own it.
Oh, I know that sounds ridiculously self-evident, but it isn’t, and you mustn’t dismiss it with a toss of the head, especially if you have no neck.
That condition is not as rare as you might think. If you travel 1 mile over the speed limit anywhere even somewhat rural, and you’ll run into law officers, generally named “Bubba”, and they have no neck, as the Ghostbusters described the New York official. But what about fear??? Continue reading →
I’m watchin’ over yer shoulder, boy, you’re about to get a time-out!
Let the dancing asshole do his little Victory Dance. We all have to play our own little private parts, and his is no exception.
Don’t fret about it. He’s an idiot. He knows nothing, can’t remember what happened a second ago, and is totally unaware of anything beyond how much television time he gets per day.
He reacts, period.
The Senators are equally stupid, unaware that they have triggered a FULL-SCALE DEPRESSION — they have thoroughly and irreversibly tipped the balance of the ECONOMY to the degree that, even if the ShutDown were ended today, it’s too late to save the people — too many foreclosures, too many debts, too many broken promises.
It’s beyond repair and the slippery slope slide is starting today, right now, today — as in today.
You’ll see the economy literally crumbling before your eyes, and nobody can stop it. There’s a world-wide crash coming right now, this very year, and you’ll be lucky to live through it.
I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.
You’ll need to hit the streets, looking for the rainbow, but it can be accomplished, it can be achieved.
You CAN survive those heartless bastards in Washington, but remember that they are miserable, greedy, mean and entirely without soul, although they go to church every Sunday and pray to their weird racist god, “Mister Jesus” — he’s the guy to which they aspire, with their “What Would Jesus Do?”.
Well, first of all, he’d raise the dead, cast out lepers, heal the sick and feed the poor, but not they way they tell it today.
The fact is that if the modern Christians are like Christ, he was a miserable, greedy, stingy, vindictive, salacious and pernicious creature, much like Donald John Trump used to be before he got religion.
You’ll enjoy the scene as the Western World crumbles into dust. The only pleasure the Senators get — this much is clear — is to observe without sympathy, the torment and misery, and to delight in the screams of pain and suffering from The People.
Don’t get mad. Get even! You CAN get even — it’s legal, moral and ethical — and here’s how you can do it right now, today! Continue reading →
Jewel & Gorby setting up gallery for rock painting & auctions.
Yes, Zen Rock Painting is here, and it’s incredible! You will have the best craft experience of your life, absolutely guaranteed or double your money back — the class is free, the materials are free and the table space is free. It costs us about a dollar to give away one painted rock, and the result is well worth it.
What happens when someone is confronted with “Paint a Rock”?
It varies, depending on the internal and external dialogues and conditions. In short, the very prospect of the simple act of painting a rock is seen as an enormous ego-threat.
“What if my painted rock is ugly?” they worry. All the worst aspects of internalizing and projection come out at this moment.
If there’s a conflict between a couple or between adult and child, it will come out now. This is the time when all neuroses get trotted out to block the possible fun experience.
They are unworthy, and they know it — they’ve been taught all their lives that not only are they not artists, but that art is crap, and that all artists are degenerate drains on society.
My Level 47 Druid hasn’t died once, and has killed Baal twice.
If my TSCC Security Clearance hasn’t already long-expired, as I expect it has, since 1968 — the last time I used it — as a former member of the Intelligence Community, PFC Clerk-Typist Trainee 006″ with the AIS/ASA, following which I served with the “Arlington Witches Remote Viewers Group” under the title “Div44”, I hereby Self-Revoke any shred or vestige of my own Security Clearance, whatever it may be, and like I said, it’s probably already long gone, especially after my “sheep-dipping” in 1964 to allow me to operate as “Control” for Billy Byars and Billy Byars Jr., both close friends of President Johnson.
Please note that my MOS — Military Occupational Specialty — was only one digit away from James Bond’s “007” designation. My sanction was slightly more limited than was the notorious but completely invented novel-character, the British Secret Agent “James Bond” who was licensed to kill, I was also licensed, but only to seriously offend.
Hence, my standup career after the Army.
Hey, anyone with good taste and values will want to leave the Untied Snakes of Arnica real soon, especially if it turns into a military dictatorship, which is now very possible, so much so that even those in denial can see clearly what lies up ahead, if Congress fails to do its job, to limit the power of the President, so the President can never become a King — that was the whole point of the Constitution & Bill of Rights.
Trump is Power-Mad, and he’s in fact angling himself to be in position to fire people by taking away their security clearances, which means they can’t work at their jobs.
He’s also just on the verge of declaring a military emergency, so he can direct his troops to shoot down innocent civilians, because that’s what Strong Rulers do!
With a Power-Hungry would-be dictator in control of your life at the moment, It’s totally understandable that you’d want to escape, but what if your financial status says “no”? What can you do with little money and little hope?
If you’ve got medical issues, it’s even less likely that you’ll grab up a Bugout Pack and escape into the high country, and if you’re just barely stable and unable to withstand a change in environment, you’re just plain out of luck.
So maybe you CAN’T load up the car and drive off into the sunset, but never fear — you CAN escape into sanity by learning how to dive headfirst into a fabulous BETA-BRAIN WAVE BLOCKER called “Diablo 2”, and STAY THERE forever, or for at least a couple of hours.
Wow, can you imagine getting two SOLID hours of PAIN RELIEF from Trumpian howling, raging and torment, without ONCE thinking about TRUMP???
How you you spell “Relief”??? Not T-R-U-M-P, that’s for sure, and about R-E-S-P-E-C-T he knows nothing. Get outta town! Take yourself off the planet! Get away for the whole week, never mind the weekend!
Played in the ordinary way, DIABLO 2 is just a game, just a very ordinary videogame of the vintage variety, a definite legacy game that belongs properly in the 80s and 90s, but when activated with Objective Gameplay, it comes alive and becomes a transformational experience as well as an escape from the insanity that is Amerika today. Continue reading →
I am a very outspoken critic of Trump, yet he cannot silence me. I have taken steps to prevent it, and the more he tries to silence me, the louder my voice will become.
There’s no better way to publicize a book than to have it be a White House Hate Object.
This is a very different world from the one in which you were born, the ones in which you traveled through a variety of experiences, all leading to HERE and NOW.
In this very different world, a would-be world dictator is attempting to overthrow our government.
It’s still legal at the time of this writing to criticize Trump, but that won’t be the case if he gets his way in court and on the political battlefield — the Senate.
The HOUSE is just a bunch of poor Democratic idealists, and they don’t count for anything, unless impeachment is in the offing.
There used to be a time when both parties were united on one issue — limit the power of the President.
That’s not what’s happening now. They’re defending Trump. He’s attacking US, and they’re defending HIM.
Republicans are not Republicans anymore. They’re stacking the deck with Jerrymandering so that YOUR vote doesn’t count, CAN’T count, because of the “RED” loaded district in which you voted.
Trump has sold us out to the Russians. Putin promised him that he could still stay in power after the takeover and dismissal of Congress forever.
This all happens, unless YOU motivate yourself to VOTE the bastards out of office, and then get busy helping EVERYONE defend the Constitution.
But while we’re waiting for the inevitable end of all dictators, how can you defend yourself and your family and home from Trump? Continue reading →
Forget about the evacuation plans — there’s a good chance we can make a powerful jump, but we’ll have to use several magical methods to make it work.
You can set up a Zombie Family Booth and a Lucky Rodney Display anywhere.
You’ll need to set up at least minimally as a zombie family salesperson, but you won’t actually have to sell anything if you don’t want to, or just plain can’t, and there’s nobody else in your family who can or will do it for you.
One single small order of hot sauce is all you need to actually get started, but you’ll soon want to get the whole store and set it up on the side of the road or at a local fair, because this stuff sells, and what’s more, it may keep you off the government “roundup” rolls.
You need money, a lot of it, to get past this Trump Blockade in this Time Zone, and it can be done, but you’ll need lots of luck to make it through.
Speaking of luck, no matter what else you do, you need to buy, sell, trade and give away Lucky Rodneys, which has a powerful effect in itself.
Zombie Family Hot Sauces include BBQ sauces, steak sauces, marinades and more, and they’re all carefully made in a small family style kitchen, all fully licensed everywhere in the USA, so you can sell these products anywhere.
All our zomfam products carry Sacred Blessings, but nobody has to know that — they bring peace and harmony and good wishes for continued prosperity.
You get a selection of sauces in your first order, but most of those products will not sell — you’ll sell a TON of our “Habenero From Hell”, made with Red Savina Peppers, the hottest known EDIBLE hot sauce in the world!
You could set up a small outlet with just the hottest selling hot sauce, the Habenero, or you might want to include the most popular and not quite so hot “Chipotle Adobo”.
If you really want to go whole-hog, you can order all our sauces AND chocolates AND cappuccino mixes AND tea mixes and blends and all sorts of zomfam products that are ready to go out there on YOUR countertop to earn you money & Merit!
I’ve got the whole deal ready for YOU to sell up a storm, including the booth, which is nothing more than a canopy & table & chair.
You can get the USA flag canopy from K-Mart for under $40, the USA flag chair for less than $30, and the folding table for less than $50 while it’s still on sale — they’re already gearing up for back-to-school, so all the picnic stuff is on sale, up to 90% off, pretty much everywhere.
It’s going to be a tough year for any business that can’t go onto the street to earn a buck. Continue reading →
Resist the impulse to join in the violence. Remain calm, steady and peaceful.
Run for the hills? Not quite yet. We have yet to hear from the majority, which up until now has been notably silent, docile and willing to take it on the chin, but apparently, that’s about to change, with Resistance Demonstrations all over the United Snakes, and all over the planet, decrying the madness of Trump.
In my world, “Trump” is a scary and funny rubber kids’ Halloween mask, and part of the common phrase, “Trump You!”. Frankly, I don’t care, do you???
Like I’ve said billions of times before, that’s just local politics, in which off-worlders never get involved, both by ethical law and by personal experience.
So while the Athenians and the Spartans are battling it out, grunting and sweating in the baking sun and sand of the senate floor, let’s make a buck.
Sounds cynical? No, what sounds, and is, cynical is the bull-puckey coming from the Snake Party writhing around on the floor of the Senate, and the robotic applause for Trump that comes from the stink-hole of the House of Reprehensibles.
I used to think of Congress as “not a bad sort, not actually criminal”, but now I’m not so sure. The thing is, they’re now yanking us poor and minority folks around for their amusement and personal gain, when they steal our social security funds and our retirement funds and our medical benefits all for the sake of their personal enrichment, and then trample on all our American values and freedoms and then deny non-white Christians their vote, and destroy the democracy from the top down, heck-darn, that’s when I say “enough is enough”, whatever that means.
I can’t and won’t be driven into violent action, yet I’m obligated to protect my family and home, am I not?
But I have no voice, no power, no bully-pulpit and no money with which to fight, and I’m unable and unwilling to use a weapon of any kind, with the singular exception of comedy — so what can I really do to protect myself and my family from Trump and his Minions?
What can I do to stop the constant chatter of “Trump, Trump, Trump”??? Continue reading →
First of all, let me inform you about a few important coin facts you might not know. Number one on the list is the growing popularity of State Quarters, which in fact includes Territories, State and Federal Parks and scenics from the series, “America the Beautiful”, which with the EPA totally gone, will be the only things left from that era of natural beauty which was the now-destroyed Obama Legacy.
Gosh, I’m waxing eloquent on the subject of local politics again, but it’s not politically motivated — I’m merely trying to establish the future scarcity of anything resembling natural beauty, and that includes U.S. Quarter Dollars prior to the Rule of Trump.
You might not know what’s coming, but I do, and it doesn’t include ANYTHING that wasn’t made in honor of Trump, and that means ALL currency that doesn’t have HIS picture on it.
Like I said, I’ve seen this a billion times before, and it never gets old, haw, haw haw!!!
Joking aside, this is a great chance to make a BUNDLE, enough to establish a getaway outside the United States, and the Bugout Pack that enables YOU to get to your safe harbor.
I’m looking into a Safe Harbor somewhere close to here, but always with the expectation that we might be forced to leave the continent, should Canada and Mexico fall prey to someone’s sense of destiny. Continue reading →