Keeping busy, I am — fulfilling orders for Soul Portraits, angel candles and many other things, and at the same time, I’m trying to get ahead of myself in the virtual exhibition area.
So far, I have 20 exhibits up, in two different accounts. The one to which I’m exposing you at the moment is the PAOM Late Summer & Early Fall collection. Continue reading →
Yeah, it’s just lil’ ol’ me again, with an updated version of the SL Fashions kunstmatrix exhibition.
I’ve taken out the greyish matte-boards and brought the size of the image up to the size of the frame, and it makes it a LOT easier to see the things, plus you get the idea that it’s an item for sale, not a print for the wall.
I’ve put the entrance below my “more” line, so it wouldn’t mess up the download of this page too heavily, otherwise it could take a while.
I’m bringing out a great WWIII fashion line — be there for it!
The temperature outside is over 100 degrees as we go into evening, and the wall thermometer in my bedroom reads “90 Degrees” — the air-conditioner seems to have crapped out.
So here I am at my desk in my office, where the air is somewhat cooler, but now I’m faced with the fact that I’m tired, but there’s nowhere to lie down where it’s cool.
You probably face a similar situation, if the temperature is abnormally hot tonight where you are, but none of this compares with the news tonight, that Roe was overturned.
That amounts to a declaration of war, and the division between red states and blue states can only be deepened. What that means for you is, prepare to try to avoid open conflict — at least try to stay away from the roving gangs and the inevitable storm troopers. Continue reading →
This Kimono goes for around $160. You can see their label.
check this out — I made HUNDREDS of wild fashions in linen and silk and other fine fabrics, and uploaded textures for hours upon hours, long hours into this project, all because it provides the average person without a buck to spare the opportunity to become a fashion designer, without having to put a single dollar out of pocket! Continue reading →
Trio of Celebrity Performance Backdrops $1,200,000.00
Now you can turn out hundreds of unique personal designs on many dozens of products from water bottles to designer dresses, without spending a penny on prototypes. Continue reading →
IMPORTED 1972, Rare GENUINE frankincense, myrrh, storax — $2,500.00 for all.
Someone just asked me if we have any collections for sale, and I answered “Are you kidding? All we have is collections!” so I thought I’d categorize them in more or less reasonable divisions of interest. Continue reading →
Sumerian Magic Eyes Kimono provides +300% To All Armor.
Naturally, you’re going to want to know exactly what your Operating Level might be, so you have a clear idea of what armor you are able to wear, what weapons you can bear, what magical items you are able to use … so I’ve devised a short test that will help you sort all that out and come up with a composite number that will reflect your Cloak-Wearing Capacity. Continue reading →
A Classic and Spectacular Cloak that will get attention wherever you go!
I like a Cloak that can accomplish all the magical operations you might want to engender, but it should also be striking enough, sufficiently eye-catching, to allow you to walk into the average museum’s gift shop and have the buyer ask, “Where did you get that dress?”
You can sell them wholesale, so that moment would be a good opportunity to speak right on up, with a phrase something like: “As it happens, I sell these, along with many other wearable art fashions and accessories, plus household objects of daily use — may I show you some samples?” at which point, you whip out your catalog, hitherto unobtrusively tucked under an armpit — but enough about me, let’s talk about you:
How does a Cloak work? I’ll try to explain, and I’ll keep it very simple. I make clothing, fashions of a different kind — they have “Attributes” and “Blessings” built into them, which gives the Level 1 Cloak a +3 To All Levels, which means it raises your Character’s Level from Level 1 up to Level 4, enabling you to act as if you actually were a Level 4. Continue reading →