If a coin that touched an Extreme Error Coin is lucky, how lucky is an Actual Error Coin? That’s what I’m offering — actual error coins in State, Parks & ATB quarters.
Here’s what you’re looking for in a quarter search:
- MS-60+ GEM — Absolutely flawless and brilliant like a diamond. The odds against finding these in Business Strike Pocket Change is 7.6 BILLION to 1 against.
- AU-MS — High-Grade but not quite gradable, these are the bulk of your collection for albums and jewelry, and will constitute the majority of your search collections.
- ERROR COINS — These can be in ALMOST any condition, but you have to be the judge here. I won’t take any actually dirty coins, but lower grade, into the “EF-30” range, is acceptable for this type of charm. Of course, the higher grade error, the more unlikely, and therefore the luckiest.