“Actual Error” Lucky Coins

First Day of Basic Training, they made me a corporal and we won the parade competition — how lucky is that?

If a coin that touched an Extreme Error Coin is lucky, how lucky is an Actual Error Coin? That’s what I’m offering — actual error coins in State, Parks & ATB quarters.

Here’s what you’re looking for in a quarter search:

  • MS-60+ GEM — Absolutely flawless and brilliant like a diamond. The odds against finding these in Business Strike Pocket Change is 7.6 BILLION to 1 against.
  • AU-MS — High-Grade but not quite gradable, these are the bulk of your collection for albums and jewelry, and will constitute the majority of your search collections.
  • ERROR COINS — These can be in ALMOST any condition, but you have to be the judge here. I won’t take any actually dirty coins, but lower grade, into the “EF-30” range, is acceptable for this type of charm. Of course, the higher grade error, the more unlikely, and therefore the luckiest.

That’s all there is to it!!!

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New Gold Rush!!!

I’ll be walking into Foggy Mountain Music in Grass Valley a few days from now, bearing a pair of “Duke Ellington” U.S. Quarters earrings and a matching “Grand Ol’ Opry” Tennessee State Quarter pendant that sports Nashville style musical instruments.

I could just as easily make a pair of earrings that features American Naturalist John Muir, at Yellowstone National Park, with a matching pendant or complementing locket with an Alaskan Bear or a Mountain Goat.

You’ll find everything from the first Kitty Hawk Wright Brothers airplane to the latest space orbiter on the state, national parks and America the beautiful U.S. quarters. Continue reading