Earning Merit


Here’s a fun way to earn Work Merit, aka “Baraka” or “Grace“. Hard work, but really rewarding, to use music to create a more or less circular angelic convocation, a landing pad for XTs. Circles are best, hence the advantage of busking or in-the-round theatres. It’s bone-simple to create a Sacred Space — the MoveAct Code gives you all the Keys! Of course, a Good Heart and Fervent Prayers for the Benefit of ALL Beings Everywhere helps a lot. The word “ALL” is the operant word, for those who are paying attention. Oh, I should mention, attention is a kind of money in the Real World. Prayer is a way of spending it.

See You At The Top!!!


Hoaxes & Happenings


Richard Dawson, Phillip Grant, EJ Gold, Ron Matthies on Tempo TV show, circa 1969, presenting their views about the Great California Earthquake and other current issues.

Back in the 1960s, many artists were staging “Happenings”, art events of various kinds, which today might be classified under the category “performance art”, but it went way beyond that into socio-anthro issues, such as the fear that California was about to sink into the Pacific Ocean, as predicted by a local psychic. The Fellowship “unpredicted” the earthquake and said “The Big One is not scheduled for a while yet … we’ll let you know.” The story generated millions of words in print and hundreds of media hours.

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My Life as a Writer


Frank Herbert, author of Dune, on the left, EJ Gold, author of RetroVisions, SlimeWars and Suaron v. Baggins, on right, at 1976 Westercon.

Writer, proofreader, editor, publisher, illustrator, designer, storyteller, publicist, marketer. Those are the skills I bring to my writing. If you don’t have all those skills, you can’t be an interdimensional author like myself; how many writers do you know who’ve had book-signings at Maskull’s Books & Tapes on Arcturus. On Vega IV, SlimeWars has gone viral, but then, they’ve never been to Urth.

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