- Find a nonprofit that would be interested in having you raise money on their behalf with, specifically, a panning party.
- The minimum number of participants is one. Two people at $200 apiece, four people at $100 each, twenty people at $40 each, 200 people at $2 each for one Fat Pack, unless they buy additional paydirt Fat Packs, which you’d better have on hand. Most folks will pan three times before they give up in disgust — it’s then your job to show them how to succeed, and GIVE them a packet or two to try again. Don’t worry, you’ll find plenty of dumped gold flakes at the end of the day.
- Be prepared to spend $200 on the 200+ Fat Pack Paydirt, and if you expect more, you’ll need more mine runs of paydirt — it’s best not to be caught short on paydirt.
- You can charge anywhere from $2 a Fat Pack to $25 a Fat Pack for a chance to hit the nuggets — the charity for which you’re working will tell you what they would like. Myself, I’d charge two bucks and let everyone have a good time and relax with it.
- You can have a more expensive Fat Pack that yields bigger nuggets for the high rollers.
- You may wish to cater the event with finger-food, but be aware that panning is messy and needs cleanup before finger food or after.
- Use the PROSPERITY PATH PANNING PARTY PACKET to prepare your presentation, and mind your “p”s and “q”s.
- The presentation contains all you need to get started.
- You can show the DVD video or perform the demo yourself.
- Your first challenge will be to save BBs using the “ BB Panning Trainer Dirt Kit.
- The second challenge will be paydirt, paydirt, paydirt, with REAL GOLD in it, that you could easily lose over the side if you don’t pan precisely and correctly.
- You will need spill pans or troughs to catch the droppings, called “tailings”, which you’ll want to pan later on, so don’t dump it out onto the sidewalk.
- Your panning party will be a success, because even if NO ONE HITS, and with untouched paydirt, it IS possible, because you can have a panning contest with BBs or a draw by number or by ticket, or some of several other ways to find a “winner”.
- Your “winner” gets a PRIZE that I include, to give away to the winning panner, whether anyone finds gold nuggets or not.