How Do I Set Up My Own Panning Party?


Panning Party at Chasen’s Hotel & Goldmine in the Pocono Mountains, circa 1946.


  1. Find a nonprofit that would be interested in having you raise money on their behalf with, specifically, a panning party.
  2. The minimum number of participants is one. Two people at $200 apiece, four people at $100 each, twenty people at $40 each, 200 people at $2 each for one Fat Pack, unless they buy additional paydirt Fat Packs, which you’d better have on hand. Most folks will pan three times before they give up in disgust — it’s then your job to show them how to succeed, and GIVE them a packet or two to try again. Don’t worry, you’ll find plenty of dumped gold flakes at the end of the day.
  3. Be prepared to spend $200 on the 200+ Fat Pack Paydirt, and if you expect more, you’ll need more mine runs of paydirt — it’s best not to be caught short on paydirt.
  4. You can charge anywhere from $2 a Fat Pack to $25 a Fat Pack for a chance to hit the nuggets — the charity for which you’re working will tell you what they would like. Myself, I’d charge two bucks and let everyone have a good time and relax with it.
  5. You can have a more expensive Fat Pack that yields bigger nuggets for the high rollers.
  6. You may wish to cater the event with finger-food, but be aware that panning is messy and needs cleanup before finger food or after.
  7. Use the PROSPERITY PATH PANNING PARTY PACKET to prepare your presentation, and mind your “p”s and “q”s.
  8. The presentation contains all you need to get started.
  9. You can show the DVD video or perform the demo yourself.
  10. Your first challenge will be to save BBs using the “ BB Panning Trainer Dirt Kit.
  11. The second challenge will be paydirt, paydirt, paydirt, with REAL GOLD in it, that you could easily lose over the side if you don’t pan precisely and correctly.
  12. You will need spill pans or troughs to catch the droppings, called “tailings”, which you’ll want to pan later on, so don’t dump it out onto the sidewalk.
  13. Your panning party will be a success, because even if NO ONE HITS, and with untouched paydirt, it IS possible, because you can have a panning contest with BBs or a draw by number or by ticket, or some of several other ways to find a “winner”.
  14. Your “winner” gets a PRIZE that I include, to give away to the winning panner, whether anyone finds gold nuggets or not.

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Will Power doesn’t come just by wishing. It takes hard work and time.

Once in a great while, somebody asks me, “How Do You Do It???”, referring to things like losing 32 pounds easily and safely over a six month period, and keeping it off, in fact, losing an additional pound a week, to a target weight of 180 pounds, probably the best weight for an old frame like this.

Weight loss is easy, quitting cigarettes a cinch, keeping your New Year’s Resolutions is guaranteed.

How is it done?

Simple. Oldest trick in the universe. Will-Power. “But,” you interject, and quite rightly, “nobody has REAL Will-Power!”, and you’d be about half-right. Plenty of folks have incredible Will-Power, but it’s only for the things they crave. Continue reading

EJ Gold New Graphics — BardoTown Full-Color Greeting Cards —




Now, at last, my pinhole-photography taken with my antique Canon AE-1 with Fuji Color Film, is available as stunningly color-printed on a million-dollar printing machine, and mounted professionally on a 100% archival heavy rag cream pastel paper with a matching envelope, packaged for resale & counter-top & Point-of-Purchase racks. Wholesale price is only $3.95 apiece, no further discount. These cards are expensive to produce, but totally worth it. We make about a quarter a pop for all our work and financial risk — we print these on spec, hoping they’ll sell, and so far, we’ve been lucky.

So won’t you give my BardoTown photo greeting cards a try? They look great, and sell well, and they’re a great way to introduce subjects like parallel worlds, past lives and end of life. Continue reading

Androids On The March!!!

They make it SOOOO easy to click into a new life program that might not go away.

“Get Firefox for Android,” the ad in the center of your newly invoked browser will announce, and if you’re like most people, you’ll brainlessly enter your phone number and click on the button that says “Send me the link”, and Firefox will send the link to your phone instantly by text message. SMS & data rates may apply, you’re advised, but since nobody knows that SMS means “Short Message Service”, and data rates are about baud rate (one character at a time) or bit rate, one bit at a time — characters are generally 8 bits, or one byte, if my history class memory about the 21st century serves me rightly. I’ve been wrong before, which is why I carry a 2.4 average back home, in an unbroken record of scholastic defeats.

My point about the graphic above is that everyone’s doing it, which is the classic concept for sales & marketing. It’s being made “dropped in the lap” easy to click your way around the internet and load up your smartphone with stuff you’ll never use, just like you do with your closets, drawers and any other storage space you have. Stuff seems to accumulate even when you can’t remember taking it in.

Until an Android videogame can be loaded in just as easily from a phone-friendly browser, my new Android games won’t see the dawn of the New Age of Gaming. Continue reading

What I’m Doing Right Now


This is what I’m doing right now, instead of trying to work online. I probably can get online tonight, but no… I’m in the GODD engine in my new River World I, which is an orb where you’ll be able to take various types of boats up-river. Sure, it sounds the same as in Second Life, but it isn’t at all like Second Life, and I’ll explain why:

Our GODD ® development team — Dick, Claude, Barbara and I are the whole shebang at the moment — have been working for the past quarter century to create the engine we now have at our disposal. It is flawless, the movement smooth and fine, the visuals clear and easy on the eye and the effects are truly awesome, as in “colliding galaxies”.

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FREE Yacht Party Next Weekend — Bring a Friend


Leslie Ann at the Upper Crust Yacht Club during building session June 3, 2013.

Yep, it’s bulldozing and building time once again here at the Virtual Ashram. What I’ve done so far is to simplify and reduce the number of things encountered on the main level, placing them instead in skyboxes and platforms, available through teleport. What else I’ve done is to create a multiple-level terrain with water features. You should be able to walk the length and breadth of the ground level quite easily, although there may be a water break in there yet somewhere or other. If you find a problem, note the x/y/z coordinates and let me know about it, and I’ll handle it right away. Still ahead, adding buildings and some height via mountaintops in addition to what’s there already. You’ll find a variety of vehicle and boat rezzers all about the place; feel free to use them to your heart’s content.

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Where Is Everyone???


If you’ve ever hunted for a public online video game of any kind, you’ll know the frustration of dealing with the rantings and bitching complaints over the comm channel, but if you’ve ever played in a public online game, you will be painfully aware of the effect.

It’s worse than playing with BOTS, especially if there’s voice chat.

Text is fine, tell me and our team where the enemy is, that’s fine, but please, please, no voice chat. You can avoid the voice spamming misery of team chat very simply by avoiding people altogether. Sounds terribly pleasant, doesn’t it?

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Single-Player CTF???


Yes, it’s entirely possible. I’m working on it now, and it’s working well. You’re up against a small or large army of opponents — you place them where you want them, and select the easy, medium or hellspawn variety of guards for yourself and the opposite team. You then start the game and let ‘er rip. More about this when I have more time to dissert on subject.

See You At The Top!!!


BLS #2 — Between Lives State — WarfTown Secrets


Yeah, there are so-called “secrets” of the afterlife, just as there are about painting, sculpture and window-cleaning, the real kind of window cleaning, not washing & wiping, and this is one of them: look carefully at this scene…it’s just as it will present to you. Do you see anything unusual? Anything of which you should take note? There are two doors in sight, between which is a small Will-Call window. Just below the window is a switch; throw it and both doors will open.

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