You will find several different types of Triads in the latest game issues from GODD Games, each one of which can help you accomplish your aims, goals and purposes along your path in any reality on any level of scale, for any character class you happen to find yourself respawned into. Here is a list of the most commonly used Triads on this LifeStream lineage:
- DISPERSING TRIAD — 221 — Dispels the Briggs Field.
- BOOMERANG TRIAD — 1280 — Brings an object into reachr.
- BLASTING TRIAD — 241 — Lob it like a bomb or grenade.
- IRON BOLT TRIAD — 1000 — Like a crossbow, fast, straight and true.
- PYRO TRIAD — 237 — Burns away stuff.
- GRAPPLE TRIAD — 1222 — Brings Player to a distant wall.
- AIR MISSILE TRIAD — 1223 — Sends a rocket on a ballistic curve.
- HEALING TRIAD — 1225 — Healing force for yourself and your party.
- RAPID FIRE TRIAD — 1220 — Handy, if panic is your usual response.
See You At The Top!!!