Types of Triads

Using Triads is safe and fun and can be very healing and helpful.

You will find several different types of Triads in the latest game issues from GODD Games, each one of which can help you accomplish your aims, goals and purposes along your path in any reality on any level of scale, for any character class you happen to find yourself respawned into. Here is a list of the most commonly used Triads on this LifeStream lineage:

  • DISPERSING TRIAD — 221 — Dispels the Briggs Field.
  • BOOMERANG TRIAD — 1280 — Brings an object into reachr.
  • BLASTING TRIAD — 241 — Lob it like a bomb or grenade.
  • IRON BOLT TRIAD — 1000 — Like a crossbow, fast, straight and true.
  • PYRO TRIAD — 237 — Burns away stuff.
  • GRAPPLE TRIAD — 1222 — Brings Player to a distant wall.
  • AIR MISSILE TRIAD — 1223 — Sends a rocket on a ballistic curve.
  • HEALING TRIAD — 1225 — Healing force for yourself and your party.
  • RAPID FIRE TRIAD — 1220 —  Handy, if panic is your usual response.

See You At The Top!!!


Hacking Death

Get your map here for the next stage of the Between-Lives State BEFORE you go!!!

How do you hack death? Nobody escapes death, we all know this. As my friend and next-door neighbor on Rothdell Trail — a small street behind the Laurel Canyon Market, now renamed “Love Street” from a Doors song — Jim Morrison said, as we sat around in the back of my shop on Hollywood Boulevard, on a hot July day in 1967: “No one gets out of here alive.”

Not alive in the organic sense, no, but the Essential Self merely disconnects from the organic shell and moves on, or remains trapped in the Bardos, waiting for the next exciting chapter in The Rebirth Game, the longest-running daytime soap opera in history.

So how do you hack death? You die before you die.

Everyone says that, but how??? It’s actually easy, and you can do the whole lot in just TEN HOURS in five two-hour long personally coached sessions in a total of 3 days, which means you can take the whole course on a 3-day weekend of your choice.

Each student is personally coached through the Bardo Stations, one station at a time, until the entire 10-Hour “Unchain Me” Package has been completed. What exactly does that deliver?

Here’s the straight talk: If you are thoroughly aligned with the robotic Humanoid in which you currently have your domicile, and you have elected to allow the robot to run things, you’ll be having a tight and difficult ride through life. Continue reading

10 Step Ladder to Liberation

Get out there and grab some Liberation, while you still can!!!

Liberation starts at home. If you’re sitting or standing around waiting for some glowing person in a brilliant white hooded robe to come along and zap you into liberation, you’ve got a long wait. You know you want it, but up until now, Liberation has eluded you. Well, wait no more. It starts off small and weak, and gains strength as you go up the ladder. Here are the specific guaranteed instructions for Personal Liberation. This is all powered by your Avatar, whom you maintain and keep in the Prosperity Virtual Ashram for as many hours as possible. You are expected to be AFK most of the time, but your attendance at the screen is entirely unnecessary for the Avatar to carry out tasks and obligations in the virtual world while you’re away. Continue reading

Atlantean Machines Are Here!!!

Atlantis Magazine Cover Spread

Cadiz in south-eastern Spain was once a small resort town near the capital city of Atlantis. Sometime in the ancient past, a tsunami destroyed everything in its path for sixty miles or more inland from the coast, leaving the present coastline, more or less, which could easily have been interpreted by ancient peoples as the submergence of an entire continent.

The same building styles and town layouts occur on the mud flats inland of the catastrophe, and settlements just outside that circle show the same building styles and layouts of the lost cities of Atlantis. Underwater exploration will soon yield artifacts and other supporting evidence that this is, at last, the true Atlantis about which Plato spoke.

Some of those artifacts that come out of the Atlantis excavations in the near future will be devices such as the one I’m introducing to modern, you should pardon the expression, “civilization”. Continue reading

Bardo Stations

This year, it looks like my Christmas gift to you will be the Pro Bardo Station Orbs. Each of the Bardo Stations is a road-marker, a milepost on the Path to Liberation and Service.

Every Orb in the Bardo Station Series is associated with an angel or group of angels. The correspondings from Angels Healing Journey, American Book of the Dead,Periodic Table of Angels and The Angel Movements are carefully placed so that you can find your way through the maze toward your goal. Continue reading

Lost Civilizations The Mayans

Selfie in front of the famous Mayan Observatory.

The Mayan Civilization first appeared around 8,000 B.C. in the Pre-Classic Period. They were noted for the Mayan Heiroglyphs, the only known writing in the Americas at that time. The Mayan Empire was extensive, its dominion huge, its power and wealth beyond compare, its high civilization lasting over 1,000 years until about 900 A.D. when suddenly, it was gone.

The Urban Legend has it that they vanished overnight. This might have happened elsewhere, but not with the Mayans. They were overcome by internal warfare and political greed.

Their Cosmos was divided into four parts, governed by the Cardinal Compass Points, and their World was divided into three sections, Celestial Sphere, Middle Earth and the Underworld, a vision shared by most early humans — a view commonly shared and held today. Continue reading

Einstein’s Brain Now Only $49.95 plus free meteorite — Order Now!!!

“Dyan Cannon Multiple Exposure”, 1966, 16″x20″ gel print by E.J. Gold.

Yes, you can order Einstein’s Brain right now, today, not the sections of human brain  not for $99.95, not for $69.95, I’m not even asking $59.95 for this incredible unit — just $49.95, no money down, no stretch pay, just a check, cash or money order for $49.95 will bring your very own Einstein’s Brain to your door.

Imagine the shock and surprise on the faces of your friends when they find out you have Einstein’s Brain, and you intend to use it. Be the first on your block to discover universal truths!

Here’s how it works, friends… Continue reading

THEY Are Here. Are You Ready For THEM???

All Trail Mixes come in this 11″ long crystal-clear food-safe tube.

If you’re like most humans of Planet Earth, you’ll be waiting currently for news that a UFO has landed on the lawn of the White House, and you’d be right, you don’t have long to wait. The past 100 years has brought us from the Wright Brothers and Alexander Graham Bell and Watt and Edison all the way to outer space and beyond.

There are so many exo-planets outside the Solar System in the star catalog that you’d be hooted off the stage if you insisted that the Earth was the center of the Universe and that God would NEVER make another planet around any other star, and those are NOT suns, nothing LIKE suns — they’re little sparkly lights that Mr. God has placed around the night sky.

They spent trillions of dollars to find the God Particle, and now that they’ve found it, they’re trying to reverse time and create life in the laboratory. Sure, I know it’s already been done back in the 1950s, but what I mean is an actual living body, and soon someone will do it. Continue reading

Real Magic from Fake???

Secrets of the Universe Revealed Through Magic — this is the current format of the listings of possible magical apparatus & skills you will need to complete the Magic Effects Course.

Don’t memorize the list — it’s by no means finalized, and will undergo many changes throughout the evaluation period, which is now through Labor Day. On Labor Day, at the Labor Day Convention, I will lay it out in sequence, and some of the effects listed below may not make the Final Cut. Continue reading

Goji Berry Crystals from the Cloister Kitchen

Magic Mojo Truffles Brane-Power Chocolate from E.J. GoldChef E.J. Gold gets his hands in the chocolateA selection of Magic Mojo Truffles handmade by E.J. Gold

Well, the Cloister Kitchen is off to a power start with today’s offering, Goji Berry Crystals. Sounds interesting, right? Well, it should be. I made Goji Berry Crystals in my Tibetan Monastery back in 1411, along with a sugarless and thoroughly brandable Chen-Rig’s Famous Elderberry Jam and an equally salable Chen-Rig’s Famous Kumquat Preserve, both of which I shall shortly prepare for shipping.

The secret of the Goji Berry Crystals is… Continue reading