Tesla Wars is here. Or is it Tesla Wars ARE here??? Well, here they are, anyway. The Tesla Overworld is designed after the great Egyptian temples of the Middle Kingdom. I hope you like it.
There are seven levels of dungeons to get through before you arrive at the destination, where the entire radio rig is assembled. You can listen to the broadcast, if you like, once the radio is fully assembled.
I also worked tonight to test and put the final touches on Sexx Wars, Maya Wars and Kid’s Coin Safari, all of which are now working to my satisfaction, which leaves me off to do some test runs in DRAGON WARS, which is a Medieval world in which dragon vs. dragons fight for domination of their world. Continue reading →
Yeah, last night I was sort of stumbling around one or another of the many dungeons you find in NIGHTMARE, and all of a sudden, there I was, facing Baal.
We’re working on the Godd™ Particle — it’s almost done!
You’ve been out in the wilderness or delving into some deep dwelling dismal dungeon, and you go back to town to refresh, before tackling the next big threat.
Not a really big, big threat, not like McCarthy or Cruz or Greene, just a virtual threat of momentary personal extinction, that’s all, and that can be corrected with a simple resurrection of self plus your merc.
Of course the merc dies when you do. That’s a given. The whole idea there is to keep the merc alive, and LET THE MERC DO THE WORK. Continue reading →
So what have I been doing, since I finished my work on my virtually luscious and colorful “The Time Machine That Really Works” Orb?
Well, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that I’ve been dreadfully busy on my Blue Line Work apart from putting finishing touches on the Godd™ Particle. Continue reading →
Give this amazing attention tool as a gift to your gifted friends.
Well, I went ahead and built it.
You know — my latest invention, “The Time Machine That Really works”.
Sure enough, it does.
It works really well. Well enough for me to be able to guarantee to you that it will work, even for you.
My The Time Machine That Really Works works first time, every time.
Never fails, like a Bic pen, a Zippo Lighter, or a Kleenex tissue.
Anyhow, it’s rather magnificent, if I do say so myself. It is actually a stunning invention, on the order of the Attentiasizer, the underwired bra, and smokeless gunpowder.
So how does it work?
Well, I’ll be only too happy to explain. First, you buy the Orb, “The Time Machine That Really Works”, which you’ll find on our goddgames site when we’re good and ready to get it up there, and deal with the rush of millions of downloads.
Stranger things have happened. Forget I mentioned the stranger things. Now that I think about it, I don’t really want to remind myself of those stranger things.
When you enter my The Time Machine That Really Works, you’ll have an opportunity to level up with incense and candle to the left and right, respectively.
Incense fumigation and candle-burning will give you the protection you need as you travel through the raw vibrations of the Time-Tunnel.
Merely walk forward, as the text in the upper left screen tells you, to propel yourself ten seconds into the future.
Nothing to it, right?
Merely march straight forward, and ten members of the Time Guild vanish as they help you to pass the time — the eleventh is there to close the Orb and whisk you away to the goddgames web page, where you’ll find more of interest.
When the eleventh guide has vanished, the Queen of Space & Time will be momentarily revealed. If you know how, you can ask her for special help before the Orb closes down, some three seconds later.
I’ve only done it twice.
So that’s it. There are some fun features, not the least of which is the propagation of the thing around the planet and beyond. Continue reading →
Time-Tripping with my TIME MACHINE is fun and easy to learn.
“Shape-Shifter Time-Tripper” is the sound track for my latest and wildest invention, THE TIME MACHINE THAT REALLY WORKS, and it really does. Really it does. Honest.
It’s real. It really works. I’m not kidding. You can test it. It really works. I offer proof. Continue reading →
If you don’t have a clue what “D2R” might mean, you haven’t been paying attention for the past several dozen years. Here’s a rundown of what you should be doing when you return to Rogue Encampment, and a few clues on how to get started in Diablo II Resurrected:
A short note on drops: don’t pick them up unless they’re going to sell well … but which ones sell the best and which ones are lousy to pick up and are basically worthless? Continue reading →
Gabobn baion bilan bkloj n]noj, don’t you think? And furthermore, gapiobn b ainb[‘ab[0ojhm, if you don’t mind my saying so.
Yeah, you guessed it — The gibberish tells you that I’ve been at the jewelry bench again, this time trying to sort out the fancier beads and the more ordinary kind, and taking apart what doesn’t work.
I intend to give away most or all of the ordinary beads, keeping just the ones I really want to spend some time working with to create very rare and unusual wearables.
Thing is, by the time I’ve made it, I’ve sold it, and most of the items I make in 14k gold are strictly custom order — I only have what I’m working on for a customer, which keeps me on my toes without getting my feet wet. Continue reading →
You heard right — “My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill-ed my father. Prepare to e-die.” But when you say that, you’d better be able to back that up. My trapper assassin can take any demon or Level Boss down in a split-second, and that’s what it takes to beat this game, the faster the better.
I’ll explain how to use a game to chill yourself out and maybe even transcend organic life — bear with me a moment, while I give you a little background:
So when those flake children in Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court get finished yanking us around, it all comes down to who’s got the towel, and don’t complain now about it — you were told about the towel after Earth exploded, and again you were reminded about always knowing where your towel is. Continue reading →
The technology that delivers the Blue Line stuff, which is the Godd™ Engine & Editor, is typically found in a wantonly violent world like Planet Earth in the 21st century, and that’s why we are here.
Our job is to create the creator, not the creations.
Once made, a quantumized item remains, such as an electronic picture of a thing. It persists. It just plain persists. It doesn’t ever stop persisting. Continue reading →