Essence Comedy in Theory & Practice


Comedy is a serious business. As in Magic in the Mirror, Comedy Laughs are provoked, but beneath the obvious chatter and trivial pursuits, Great Truths prevail, and the audience is open to the Uplifting Force, an as-yet unknown major player in the Quantum Dimensions.

Comedy is a great way to penetrate past the defenses and get to the core, and can be used to slide up the scale of Being to the God State. As you climb the dimensions, the nature of your problems will change, but the problems will never completely go away.

Here are a few of the subjects we’ll be covering in next week’s upcoming Comedy Workshop, to be held both in-person and online (both are available) on Memorial Day Weekend, May 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th: Continue reading

Checkers Basics for Beginners

checker championship at the WonderCon in 1978.
Checker championship was won by Shaggy at the WonderCon in 1978.


  1. Players flip a coin to see who goes first. Black always leads the moves and is considered a handicap position.
  2. Place all 24 checkers on the black squares of the board, avoiding the two horizontal strips of black squares on “No-Man’s-Land” in the center of the board.
  3. Pieces can make diagonal moves only, one square at a time except during jumps.
  4. Each player moves one piece in turn.
  5. Initial moves are only forward unless the piece has been crowned king by reaching the opponent’s back line.
  6. If a piece can be taken, it must be taken. Forced moves cause forced captures.
  7. Pieces are taken by jumping over them, from empty square to empty square. Pieces cannot land on top of other pieces.
  8. You can only jump a piece if your piece is directly next to the opponent’s piece.
  9. You must land on an empty square when jumping.
  10. Multiple jumps may be made if conditions are right.
  11. “King Me” is spoken aloud when reaching opponent’s back line, after which that piece can move either forward or backward on the board, but always diagonally.
  12. The game is over when all the pieces of one player are gone. A play can end in a draw.

Those are the very basic rules of checkers. Watching a few games on youtube will give you the confidence you need to try playing a game with a friend. Continue reading

So You Think Checkers is for Chumps???


Most people have the impression that checkers is a simple game, while chess is a horrifically complicated game. Actually, both games have extraordinary levels of deepness if you are inclined to pursue the craft at all. I’m posting a few examples of just how incredibly complex the game can be, and how extraordinarily sophisticated the analytical and theoretical levels really are, in the “simple” game of checkers — you know, the cracker or whiskey barrel variety of slow countrified game between two players too lazy to see if it’s rainin’, so they send the dog out and see if it comes back in wet. Continue reading

Coin Checkers is as old as Humanity


As far back as humans walked the Earth, there were games, many of which were played on a field that had been drawn in with a sharpened stick, or boundaried by rocks, and in the case of Kalah and similar “pocket” games, the landing places were scooped out of the dirt.

Pieces for those early “board” or “flat” games were typically made of wood, stones, shells and in fact anything that was traded as money, including beads. Yes, beads were used as game pieces, and I have a large collection of ancient board game pieces that show how broad the variation could be.

Historians today weren’t THERE, actually THERE, in the Old West, when people had nothing to do but play checkers after the daily chores were done. Who had checker pieces? But everyone carried SOME cash — you had to. Credit cards didn’t exist back then, and hardly did money.

Cowboys would bet penny against penny. Of course, it had to be “even money”, no such thing as nickels against pennies, unless one of the players was a pro gambler with some sort of edge that gave him the long-term win.

So who owns which penny?

The solution is so simple and so obvious that it was thought of thousands and thousands of years ago. Continue reading

Brains in Giant Glassite Domes as Helpers

Angelic Healing Contact Glassite Dome.
Open up the channels with this Angelic Healing Contact Glassite Dome.

ANGELIC HEALING CONTACT DOME — Ever think of employing a couple of Living Stones as interdimensional contact helpers? Care & Feeding are minimal and the rewards are great and lasting. Here’s a partial list of Angelic Contact Living Stones in Glassite Domes, starting with the one pictured above, the Angelic HEALING Contact Dome, which features black tourmaline and tuned frequency Atlantean Sigil Waveform, plus the pass-through knob glassite dome on a router-grooved solid hardwood walnut base, for $450.00. Continue reading

CREATE-A-STATE Crystal Emotional Controller

Neg2Pos EMOCON emotional controller.
Neg2Pos EMOCON emotional controller uses special crystals & spirals.

Ever wonder how an actor creates the emotional state of the character onstage or onscreen? Watch Gene Wilder going slowly crazy nuts and you’ll be amazed. Observe the easy emotional facility of a Jonathan Winters or Robin Williams. It’s not easy to learn, and it takes years and years of intense practice to MASTER, starting with SOME ACTUAL INNATE TALENT, add into the mix a great acting teacher and tons of luck & opportunity.

But what about the non-actor? Is it possible to learn how to create a specific emotional state in yourself, such as “Joy” or “Happiness”??? If so, is it illegal, immoral or fattening? Continue reading

A Brief History of Gold

Wynton Marsalis and Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, Grass Valley, Ca. Performance, 2016.
Wynton Marsalis and Jazz at Lincoln Center onstage with E.J. Gold JazzArt,  2016.

The list is long, but I’ll give you a brief history of my art exhibits over the years. I’ve left out hundreds of shows with the same galleries to avoid a boring list. I seem to have anywhere from five to fifteen shows a year every year, with the exception of my “vacation times”, short intervals between painting and sculpting and music and theater and dance and ceramic arts, paper arts, you know — exploration and application. I know you’ll want this for your eBay and other art listings, so here’s the SHORT list — the whole list can be found in the Linda Corriveau photobiography, “More Color, Less Soul”. Continue reading

eBay as a daily spiritual practice

A retail location can be doubly occupied with eBay sellers online with fast connections.
A retail location can be an ideal location for  eBay sellers & fast online connections.

Having a retail space gives you immediate credibility with buyers, but it adds a tremendous amount of expense and personal commitment of time and energy to run one successfully. You need to have a real knack for working with people to go face-to-face like this. Online, it’s different. You HAVE no face, not really, just faceBOOK and a seller’s homepage, which is a sea of anonymity in a seemingly transparent envelope.

When you log onto eBay as a seller, it’s a different experience entirely than the one you had as an end-user buyer. As a buyer, you needed to know nothing — you had to depend on the seller to know what they had and what it’s worth, and mostly that was dead wrong, if you go back and look at it closely. Continue reading