Gorby’s Little Craft Kits

Can you pick me out  in photo? Craft Session at Camp Woodland, August 25, 1955. You can order the book “Downtown Community School” from Gateways Books & Tapes.

Kids had such a transformative experience working with adults in the Craft Classes at Camp Woodland and Downtown Community School under the direction of Norman Studer during the 1950s, and when families worked together on simple craft projects and craft shows, it was like a bunch of gluons had suddenly bonded the family members into a blended and harmonious unity, and that’s exactly what’s needed in this world of pain.

I’m designing an entire LINE of metal-embossing kits, and I’ll tell you why — the new EK cutter is a piece of crap, although it does admittedly do the job, but it does it with four massive crimps in the sides, which eventually will roll out with pressure and persistence, but the additional effort makes the thing too time-expensive for the marketplace.

So I decided to set up a craft supply “factory” where I either make or encourage and teach others to make little circular foil bits for sale to embossers everywhere.

We’re making embossings that can actually be used in jewelry mountings, because our sizes correspond to the mountings without modification. We’re among the very few who make embossings on round foil disks. Continue reading

Names, Names, Names

This ceramic design can easily be translated into embossed metal.
This ceramic design can easily be translated into embossed metal.

Gosh, I would never have believed it, but to my total surprise, PEOPLE’S NAMES are the most popular of any object, jewelry or otherwise, that I make or have ever made. A close “second place” to people’s names is — can you believe it ?? — DOG & CAT NAMES. I am flabbergasted.

If you’re not at all surprised, you’re one of the very few who actually understands what’s going on here, and you might be in a position to market to the few like yourself who don’t want any part of the local sex, drugs, rock n’ roll scene that permeates planet Earth while humans are temporarily in control.

So how can writing people’s, or a dog’s, a cat’s, a horse’s, a pig’s or a parakeet’s name on metal foil help you locate other potential workers for The Work who, like yourself, don’t related to, or belong to, the local robot population???

It’s not hard to attract off-worlders and higher plane inhabitants to your FREEHAND PSYCHEDELIC LETTERING NAME TAG booth, where you make handcrafted freehand-drawn embossed metal nametags encased in stunning acrylic capsules that comes to the customer in a gift presentation, making it the perfect stocking-stuffer or corporate party favor and, for only ten bucks, it beats most other corporate gifts by a long shot. Continue reading

How to make a million in metal embossing

Make an angel step-by-step.
Make an angel step-by-step — it’s easy if you do it one step at a time — don’t rush it.

It’s really simple to make “1 Million Bucks” in metal embossing. Start with a 1 1/2″ circle of metal, on which you make an outer circle about four to five millimeters from the edge, then a close-by inner circle to create a thin one to two millimeter “barrier strip” between the outer band and the inner band, which become your “capture bands” for the interior illustration.

Then in the inside circle, draw “1 Million Bucks”, with the standard Gorby Balloon Lettering you learned from my book, “The Art of Fine-Art Scrapbooking”, which is now available as a full-color electronic version you can download and print out for your lettering and compositional guidance. Continue reading

Flight to Solaria Part II

First stop on our expedition was this little temple in the pines.

I just had to take a selfie here at this beautiful shrine in the Pine Forest of Shremm, quite near the start point. You can almost see the incredible Trans-Dimensional Portal behind me in the snapshot.

I always like to take my selfie so that you can see at least part of the background, otherwise why go anywhere? Continue reading

My Flight to Solaria

aboard the transdimensional airline Flight L315a bound for Solaria.
Here I am, aboard the transdimensional airline Flight L315a bound for Solaria.

Gosh, it’s all so exciting, having trans-dimensional privileges and a travel pass all at once like this. So I got on board the transdimensional airliner Flight L315a, bound for Solaria, and we got to a gigantic island out in the middle, and it was too dark to take anything but a selfie, so okay, here it is anyway. Continue reading

Turn Your Art Into Cash Today!!!

Gorby with two well-known friends at a nearby UFO spaceport, July 16, 2016. On the right is Murray Schwartz, the Director of Incoming UFO Traffic at Montez Spacefield.

When we exhibited the museum installation “Ancient Faces” at the JAL — Jewels of Ancient Lands — show in Rancho Cordova, it took over the better part of half an acre of commercial space, and drew a crowd in the thousands, but where did they all end up? You’re right, the gift shop, and in the gift shop, this is what they’d see and buy.

Famous Faces Fascinate Folks Ferociously. Not just local fame, like Elvis and the Beatles, but everlasting fame, as in Goddess faces. The Goddess Solaria is the Mother Goddess of Mother Goddesses.

She can be any God, Goddess, Buddha or Ascended Master you care to name her. The face above has, literally, billions upon billions of variations, most of them slight, most variations would not readily be discernible by the unpracticed eye. Continue reading

Top Searchwords on eBay for Art & Artists

Graphite Drawing 1949, available as a 24″ x 36″ — spectacular fine art print on watercolor paper retail $950, new signed VERY limited edition of only 22 copies.

Read it and weep — we’re going to wade through a bit of negative news first, but I assure you that there’s GOOD NEWS at the end of the trail — here is a list of the top 14 eBay searchwords for ART, listed in the order of their relative importance, most-popular searchword in the first place, least popular searchword in last place, thus:

  1. Poster
  2. Wall Art
  3. Mondo
  4. Mondo Poster
  5. Antique Oil Painting
  6. Canvas Art
  7. Original Oil Painting
  8. Oil
  9. Canvas Painting
  10. Sculpture
  11. Etching
  12. Watercolor
  13. Metal Wall Art
  14. WPA (Work Progress Administration — Depression Era Art)
One of the less-objectionable Keith Haring “artworks” generated by the Warhol Marketing Plan, which was to rip off everyone mercilessly without regard for public safety, sanity or aesthetic.

Continue reading

Yet More Metal Embossing Projects You Can Make & Sell


This Dinosaur Skull is my “take” on T-Rex, but it could just as easily be read as a super closeup of a brontosaurus feeding on the top of a tree — it’s all in the label, in this case, but you could get very good at reducing the elements of a meat-eater predator as opposed to a leaf or branch browser.

Of course, ANY animal will work here, alive or dead, currently in stock or extinct.

You’ll want to sharpen your skills at shapes. Note that the teeth are long and sharp, and very exaggerated, as are the double-circled eyes, bulging out from the top of the skull.

I like to sign these opposite the majority of the “weight”, so in this case, I signed it on the eastern side of the rim, meaning the right side of the image. Continue reading

More Metal Embossing Craft Projects You Can Make & Sell


My Extra-Terrestrial Alien UFO Flying Saucer Spacecraft is typical of the smaller “Scout Ship” types you see around New Mexico and Arizona. They are piloted by greys, but the larger, flatter steel-gray crafts are from Orion and Sirius.

Of course, there are also trans-dimensionals and trans-time voyagers, plus thousands of species of reptilian and several worldsful of Arcturan visitors.

I’m including this little videoclip in the blog format, in order to underline the fact that I’m not a wild-eyed alien freak, or at least I’m among a growing number of former high ranking government and agency people who are finally starting to talk about the many visitors to Planet Earth, among whom are Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer, who testified before Parliament that there are more than 80 known species of aliens and that humans are in contact with at least four, and that this is being covered up by an international Cartel that hopes to take over the world with alien technology and with them as rulers. Continue reading

Metal Embossing Projects YOU Can Make & Sell

Pueblo in the Sky looks easy, but offers some serious challenges.

My style of embossing is free-hand and free-style. Unless illustrating by example some technique or interesting embossing tool, I use only one very basic tool — a very tiny ball-tipped embossing stylus, and that’s about it.

Once in a while, I’ll use the nylon tip on the other end of my basic tool to make a larger dip in the metal from the back side, but other than that, it’s just one tool and the movement of my hands and fingertips.

You can’t just “straight draw” on metal, even foil. It doesn’t LIKE to be pushed around, and it will fight you and make you go crinkly and lumpy and weird.

Curved lines are the bane of every engraver. Spend a few hours mastering it before you screw up hundreds of pieces that COULD have worked, had you taken the time to discover how to make curved lines work in metal foil.

If you’re working in the thicker material, you’ll have to find your own way. It’s not easy to work that stuff, and anything thicker than .36 gauge will probably defeat any beginner, although there’s always beginner’s luck.

“Pueblo in the Sky”, illustrated above, uses straight lines against curves to achieve its effect. You start by drawing in the sidewalks, then add the building on the right, starting with the left top and working your way toward the doorway, actually a triple arch, if you’ll take notice. The dots on the sidewalk can also be circles or squares, to add to the illusion of depth.

Straight lines are easy to emboss free-hand on foil. They will tend to look exactly the same as your drawings on paper. As a matter of fact, even your sculptures and ceramics will reflect your drawing skills or lack of them.

If you’re not very good at drawing, try some of my art books on the subject. I can help anyone learn to draw, even if they can’t even draw a stick-figure. Continue reading