How to Remote Read Fast & Easy!!!

Time/Space Configurations in breathing sculptures, Comara Gallery Los Angeles, 1966.
Time/Space Configurations in breathing sculptures, Comara Gallery, LA, 1966.

If you have a lot of impact from Past Lives in your present life, you’ll appreciate this breakthrough method, called “Remote Reading”, something I did for a living back in the day when Remote Reading was a respectable part of intelligence and counterintelligence operations, which it still is, regardless of what they will tell you — I run into Remote Readers all the time, and Remote Reading is still very much a part of the operations of the Intelligence Community around the world and far beyond.

You can disarm a lot of present-life impact from past lives, and you’d be surprised at how much impact they can have on you and your peace of mind. Remote Reading gives you the key to the Kingdom, and is a great first step toward Astral Projection, if out-of-body is what you have in mind.

Remote Reading is where you suddenly appear somewhere far away in time, space or both, without having traversed time or space to get there. I’ll explain more:

Remote Reading is far easier than Astral Projection, because you don’t have to lug your Astral Body around in order to Remote Read, and Remote Reading, truth to say, accomplishes pretty much the same thing as Astral Projection, without all the hassle.

To begin with, you don’t project with any body high or low — you merely L@@K at your target Time/Space Event, whatever and wherever it may be or have been. We won’t neglect Remote Readings of the Present Time/Space as well as far-distant worlds.

The whole key to time and space voyaging is TIME. Time is the Bridge between Now & Then, between Here & There, between the Seen and the Unseen. If you rely on space travel, you’ll need to accelerate to almost lightspeed to get anywhere at all, and then you’d be wasting a lot of time, fuel and planetary resources.

Just take a side-exit through a time-bridge, simple as ABC.

Time/space is interwoven, like muscles and nerves. There is no way to separate Time from Space, sort of inseparable threads of a cloth, the warp and the weft, or weave — move one, and the other distorts to accommodate and adjust to the new configuration.

Space/Time is sort of a floating cloud of streaming and dancing particles, existing within a multi-dimensional “cube” — actually a double folded tesseract — a cube made from six cubes all occupying the same space at the same time, but in different frequency vibrations — that develops its seemingly convoluted dimensions by mirroring opposing planes, but who’s counting?

Another way of understanding the MegaCreation MultiVerse is to visualize it as a giant cloud of expanding complex filaments, extending in every direction forever — and that doesn’t quite get it across.

Deep within all the huge cosmic spaces is the GRID, which is a bunch of tiny dots called “points”, which are nothing more than locations given in x, y and z coordinates, but it’s very large, using very large numbers and wildly complicated calculations, but since the calculations are all performed in Real Time on a quantum-connected information field, there’s an infinite number of possible points, minus one.

In Interstellar Travel, you don’t need to travel any faster than a car to get across a wormhole, and the same is doubly true when jumping through a TimeHole, which is a wormhole in time, rather than space, requiring no more effort to cross over than to merely decide to have a look-see.

In Remote Reading, you don’t have to cross any boundaries or separate yourself from your body, because you’re not taking a body on your journey — you’re just looking with your Special Attention, which you learned by taking coached Remote Reading Sessions.

In a coached Remote Reading Session, you’ll establish first the Time/Space that is MOST impacting your present life at the moment. Your coach will have a set of rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, pillow charms, medallions and earrings from which to select those relics that will most likely get you there the fastest with the most clarity of vision.

Earrings will be your own once you wear them — can’t return them and shouldn’t, once they’ve been through someone’s earlobe, but all the rest you can use just for the session, then hand back to your coach, who will return them to their places in his or her Remote Reading Session Kit.

In this way, the Relics serve more or less as snap-on tools for the exploration of a related Time/Space, the place from which the Relic came to the present Time/Space, which would be the Training Area set aside by your coach for this purpose. Continue reading

Park the Body — Past Life Technique Perfected

Get Out of Body the Easy Way!!! Park the Body and GO!!!
Get Out of Body the Easy Way!!! Park the Body and GO!!!

Here’s the full lowdown on how to use the “Park the Body” technique to achieve GREAT results in Past Life Assessments, Psychic Remote Reading, Time Travel and most of all, the ever-elusive Successful Out of Body Astral Projection.

The technique is amazingly simple, easy to master and use and has no strings. Please note, there is no “secret” method to this, just good, clean and truly helpful coaching in a live astral projection or remote reading session.

Every human being on Earth is naturally telepathic, although the contact is far below the awareness level of the beta brain so, as you’d expect, most folks are stunningly unaware of their telepathic abilities, and never develop them beyond the subtext influence level on which they operate automatically in the human biological machine with no prompting from anyone.

Humans are just telepathic enough to receive instructions from the Mother Mind. They react according to plan, in knee-jerk fashion, thus accounting for any wild changes in fashion, business, war and peace and, of course, the music.

Keep in mind that space and time are thoroughly bound, and even Einstein, a local boy with a big brain, knew that time is exactly like space — it has dimensions, more than one of them.

What this means to you as a Voyager is that just as space is always there, time is too — which translates to “yesterday is also always there”. You can move into any time-frame as long as you can reach it from where you are, and that’s where Park the Body Technique comes in handy. Continue reading

Phasing With Interference Waves

Griffith Park Love-In, 1967 -- photo by ej gold.
Griffith Park Love-In, 1967 — gelatin photoprint by ej gold.

When transcending compound-complex wave-forms, you’ll want a Resonance Factor of about 10.0 with a Beat-Frequency Oscillation of zero or about zero.

Jiggle & Bounce are two factors you’ll want to note, both results of integrated and differential vector analyses. The Vagueness and Weirdness of the quantum world will cloud up any ordinary results.

Non-located vibration sources require harmony, hence harmonic tuning is indicated when riding a continuous wave in a diodal formation.

Essence Memory is the footprint of all your memories of all your lifetimes and non-meat excursions, meaning spirit flights during intermission or interregnum.

Pitch, Roll & Yaw are automatically adjusted in-flight. You don’t have to do anything to correct them.

Remember that there are eleven different directions, or “dimensions”, including upness, downness, sideness, deepness, timeness, in-ness, outness, and a few more to contend with when voyaging in any dimension.

Frequency Shift through Parallel or Serial Universes can be transcended. Continue reading

Change Your DNA Today!!!

Influence comes from outer space & time
Influence comes from outer space & time with these Carbonaceous Chondrites.

Just holding or carrying a meteorite — even a small one — around has an effect on the carrier or wearer; quite a profound one. It influences the DNA, sometimes in a remarkable way that is observable by friends and family, much to the good.

The right kind of meteorite can create change in the Spiritual DNA, causing a subtle re-arrangement of the instructions to allow a super-charged spiritual awakening. This is why you like to visit museums, observatories and planetariums — or is it planetaria?

Some folks who received an Awakening Call did so through the action and influence of a nearby meteorite.

The most effective are the NWA, North-West Africa stony chondrites that stand out starkly against the whiteness of the surrounding rock and sand, much as they are found quite easily in the ice-pack of Antarctica, where the most famous meteorite of all was found — the Martian meteorite that appeared to contain microbial fossils.

Of course there’s life everywhere in the galaxy, and in fact in every galaxy there are billions of inhabitable planets, most of which spawn life that is very similar to life on Earth, not all of which build and use radios — intelligent species tend to be telepathic. Continue reading

Election Jitters? Here’s the Quote of the Day for you to Ponder…

my latest campaign poster from planet Urth.
my latest campaign poster from planet Urth.

Benjamin Franklin coined a lot of phrases and gave birth to thousands of Wise Sayings, among which is “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned”. What the hell can you do with a penny, when a candy bar costs six dollars and a cup of coffee sets you back ten bucks with the tip?

A penny saved is nothing, unless it’s a mint error, and that’s where knowledge cuts the difference and becomes a game-changer.

Don’t fret about the coming election. Things happen regardless of who seems to be in power, and things are about to happen in a big way.

Watch “Through the Wormhole”, “Ancient Aliens” and “Ancient Discoveries” to get some reality on how MUCH is already known, and how powerfully it agrees with what shamans and holy persons have been saying all along. Continue reading

Astonishing New Radio Robot Jewelry

Radio Robot is a combination of crystal radio technology and cartoon animation.
Radio Robot is a combination of crystal radio technology and cartoon animation.

Yes, it’s here, and I feel almost “led” to them by a higher force, possibly a Marketing Angel, so I’m presenting them, for what it’s worth. What is a Radio Robot? I’ll try my best to explain:

It all starts with the preparation of the plate, where I roll out the metal prior to embossing. This has to be done right, or the piece doesn’t come out imbued. The rollout process is something akin to rolling out the bakery dough — that’s where you imbue with prayer and blessings, all within this single process.

Then comes the embossing, final clean-roll and of course, the mounting in a capsule, flip or silver or 14k gold bezel, or on a backboard as a lightweight and inexpensive earring set, but that doesn’t explain what the Radio Robot is and does.

The Radio Robot design is an incorporation of a simplified crystal radio circuit that would actually work if it existed in radio component parts and, of course, it does — it’s what makes the SuperBeacon and every other crystal radio apparatus function, which is a detector and tuning mechanism within the receiving radio circuit. Continue reading

The Magical Mystery Tour is Coming to Take You Away …

the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away...
the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away…

How would you like to take a walking tour of the Between-Lives State and never leave the apparent safety of your desktop computer?

Merely send for “Practical Guide to the Labyrinth” and you’ll have an adventure in sight, sound and text, created just for you from my original 35mm color photos, put together with soundbytes and interactive fun, by computer wizard Wayne Hoyle. Continue reading

Wild New Earring Ideas

Have an old-fashioned Holiday Embossing Party!

If they’re cheap enough, earrings can be bought at the rate of a pair a day, and some folks will do exactly that — buy a pair a day or more. With Gender Fluidity becoming all the rage among youngsters, there’s a good chance that everyone will have piercings galore, which indicates that there will be more than enough piercings on the average teenage body to accommodate dozens of earrings at a time, so don’t stop at the ears!

With my Teeny Copper and Teeny Brass Earring Kits, you can make thousands of earrings an hour, and they’re so cheap, quick and easy to make! Okay, maybe not THOUSANDS of earrings an hour, but certainly dozens.

Actually, the earrings will cost on the average of less than a dollar to make, and for another half a buck, you can successfully and wonderfully package them for easy retail sales.

Yes, I said “easy sale”, because there’s nothing easier than selling someone their own name or their Zodiac sign or their pet’s name etched in copper or brass, and that’s just the NAME variety of earrings or medallions — but there are so many more things you can do with this amazing medium, beyond just names and Zodiac signs.

You see, a craft circle is a CRAFT circle, meaning that the folks are engaged in learning how to make a special and very unusual handmade item in a Paleo way. Continue reading

Incredible Ammy Story!!!


Here is an anecdote about the Brane-Power Amulets that attests well to the quantum nature of the ammies, but also points up the fact that at least one large physics lab outside the United States is working on something very similar:

One of our senior circle folks returned to Germany to visit with family and friends, and when he landed at the airport, he was wearing a Brane-Power amulet. He had never mentioned the ammy to his brother, a physicist working on a secret project in the private sector at a nearby laboratory.

When they met at the airport, his brother noticed the amulet and remarked, “Ah, ein superenergetischer Generator fuer quanten-mechanische Hilfseffecte!” — in English, “a superenergetic generator for quantum mechanical auxiliary effects.” Continue reading

Give me a fulcrum and a place to stand and I will move the Earth

Bike Wheels & Crutches, sculpture by ej gold Otis Gallery, 1967.
Bike Wheels & Crutches, sculpture by ej gold Otis Gallery, 1967.

It was Archimedes who said, “Give me a fulcrum and a place to stand, and I will move the Earth”, but everybody focused on the fulcrum instead of the place to stand, which was a big mistake that hasn’t been corrected since the Empire fell — you know which one I mean.

All of them. They all fall down & go boom after a while, just as every dominant species gives way to a new adaptation sooner or later, and in the case of organic life, it’s generally sooner rather than later.

A fulcrum is something steady, something that doesn’t move, and that allows a lever to be applied in order to reduce the amount of torque you need to apply in order to move the targeted heavy thing, such as a giant rock or a planet.

A lever allows you to place the fulcrum so that the amount of force needed is no more than you’d want to put in, taking into account how long it might take to move the thing, meaning that there must be a balance achieved between the fulcrum and the lever handle.

Gosh, it sounds so complicated, but one simple hands-on demo would show you what I mean. The closer the fulcrum point is to the object, the easier it will be to move it with the lever, while the farther away it is, the wider the movement of the object for the given force … oh, heck, I’ll do a demo in the upcoming workshop to show you how it works — most folks never inquire or discover anything about fulcrums and levers, so you might find it interesting and educational.

Keep in mind, however, that the lever and fulcrum are the least important in the scheme of things — it’s “a place to stand” that really makes the difference, and that goes double for sales and marketing, and that goes triple for promotions that introduce work ideas to the public. Continue reading