Trump is Good for MY Business!!!

My business depends upon an Afterlife, and Trump is working hard to fulfill my needs in that area. For a flourishing Afterlife, there must be a LOT of business. In the meanwhile, let me inform you of several items you might find of interest in these challenging times:

  • BUBBLE OF PROTECTION — $125 to $3,500. A VERY powerful CHARGED Meteorite, of varying degrees of impact and origin — $125 to $3,500 depending on type, size & market valuations. Comes to you ready to use, in a genuine handmade oaken base with a genuine hand-blown crystal-glass dome. Approximately 3 1/2″high, 3 1/2″ wide, 3 1/2″ deep. No catalog, these come and go as quickly as in a single day. You need to inquire about available items and/or give a wish-list for various mineral & gemstone properties.
  • LOVE GENERATOR DOME — $225. A brand-new assembly of powerful shamanic magic and crystal technology to create a zinger of a Love Generator, generating the Force of Love throughout your home. The effect is greatly enhanced by a highly skilled Feng-Shui placement of greenery and a water feature within the home. Send me photos of your space and I’ll try to help you fill it with Love Power. Mounted in a beautiful handmade crystal glass & hardwood dome. Guaranteed.
  • LIVING ROCK CONTACT PORTAL DOME — $350. Works as a direct linkage between yourself and your Guardian Angel. Money Back Guarantee. Warning: This WORKS, so no complaints when it does. Comes in a stunning handmade crystal & hardwood dome & base.
  • TRUMPENITE DOME — $125 to $3,500. Large, incredibly beautiful raw crystalline mineral specimen of “Trumpenite”, a powerfully charged Actual World-Renowned Shamanic Gemstone that you won’t believe until you actually SEE it. Must be seen to be appreciated. It has been charged and programmed to repel any Trumpness of any kind, within the boundaries of your household, to include any yard or fenced area, plus your den or garage. Comes to you in a fabulous crystal & hardwood handmade dome & base. Supply EXTREMELY limited.
  • OSCILLATION OVERTHRUSTER — $225. No, I’m not kidding. This is the Real Deal. You get a plug-in add-on for your SuperBeacon, enabling hands-free REMOTE VIEWING, and this is REMOTE VIEWING MADE EASY! You plug it in, and you’re automatically in R-390 RECEIVER MODE. There’s no faster or easier way to Remote View than this! You can use it from anywhere within a 90-foot radius, and that includes upstairs and down, basement and garage, so it definitely falls within the realm of your Shaman Shed or Private Meditation Garden, in most cases. Mounted in Crystal Glass Dome on handmade hardwood base.
  • CIRCLE OF PEACE DOME — $225. Beautiful Specimen-Grade Crystal Quartz set into a RING OF PEACE, mounted within a stunningly handcrafted handblown crystal dome with a hardwood base. It radiates with HARMONIC RESONANCE WAVES, powered by the Big Bang and Population 3 Star Bursts, to give you a 90-foot CIRCLE OF PEACE within your home, garden, garage or anywhere within that radius. Works wonderfully in a medical or dental office, and can be a big boon to any retailer with an unknown crowd.
  • AKASHIC LIBRARY CONTACT DOME — $225. Learn the secrets the ancients possessed. Direct contact with the Akashic Record Database on the Causal Plane. Anything higher requires a security clearance and a need-to-know and no, I’m not kidding — ask any angel. Comes to you in a handmade crystal glass dome on a hardwood base.
  • HEALING CRYSTAL DOME — $225 to $3,500 depending on type and valuation of gemstone crystal. Absolutely guaranteed genuine gemstone world-renowned for its healing properties. Comes in a dome with a hardwood base, totally gorgeous!
  • SUPERPOWER HEALING CRYSTAL DOME — P.O.R. — intended for a Healing Center, this is not for personal use. Comes with an entire Altar Setup, which includes expensive solid gold items and rare antiquities, plus a powerful and very rare gemstone.
  • SHAMANIC CRYSTAL DOME — If you are an experienced senior student, you may inquire about these items, which are not available to beginners at any price or under any circumstances.

Stay tuned for more… gotta run or I’ll be late for class!!!

See You At The Top!!!


Transcending Political Shit

LeslieAnn at the Crisis Healing Center in the Ashram.

When the shit piles up too high to walk over it, and the piles of shit are too close together to walk between them, you’re in seriously deep shit. What’s happening out there is NOT about politics. It’s NOT about religion, and it’s definitely NOT about health care or women’s issues.

It’s simply time for the peasants to prove that they are revolting, always have been and always will be revolting. Why can’t the downtrodden just stay down? That’s the Smerconish Response — just shut up and take it on the jaw — liberals should lie down & die.

I’m not a leftist, nor a rightist. This isn’t even my goddam planet, monkey descendant. Frankly, I think you’re all fucking nuts, and I’m not at all happy to be living here among you, watching you squabble and fight over crumbs, while the fat ones glut themselves on your food, and drink your wine, while you writhe in hunger and the pain of betrayal.

Other than that, I could give a shit what happens here.

Suffering and pain is easy to repair. Misery and heartache and guilt and recrimination and fear and horror and disgust are harder to deal with, but manageable. It’s the marketing angles I can’t figure out, and I’m looking for some help here.

I’m here to finish a history project. As an alcohol-intolerant, I’m damned if I can figure out just how the hell I’m supposed to determine exactly which bar was the location of the fist-fight that ended history, I don’t know, but here I am to tell the tale.

I’m supposed to leave notes that can be found and dug up back in the 37th century, but I have to be careful not to leave them where there’s too much radiation, and I can’t remember where the airbursts went off, or that is, are going to go off, in the Western states, although I do remember that I was surprised at the cities that were hit. Continue reading

Escape From Planet Trump

Tired of the old runaround? Don’t want to be directly under the nukes when they go off in your hometown? Have an aversion to being roasted alive by a mob of fear-crazed zombies? Maybe it’s time to take another look at your escape route off of Planet Trump.

I know, I know — I said “no more Trump shit”, and I meant it then and mean it now, but…you have to have some idea of what to do while you’re waiting to be taken away to the nearest labor camp “to save your life, and give you food, medicine, shelter and protection”.

From then on, you work until you die.

Watch as one by one, your freedoms are taken away. Coins and dollar bills will be the first to go, as all currency is controlled through the cloud, through computers that first determine your exact present location and identity, then pass the transaction through.

There will be many blocks, many obstacles, many obstructions on the path to liberation, but there always are, and sometimes they are so in-your-face that they can’t be ignored.

I can afford to ignore Donald Trump forever, but you can’t, and in all conscience, I can’t remain silent, much as I would prefer  to. Continue reading

Trump’s Presidential Reality Show

Portals are everywhere, if you need to leave Earth rather unexpectedly.

Why do I endanger myself by speaking out? Believe me, it’s far more dangerous to remain silent in the face of tyranny than it is to stand up and be counted, and that’s what you should be doing today, marching in Washington.

My whole family decided to march with the pro-environment people today. They’re planning to join the Peoples Climate Movement’s March on Washington and even now, as I write this, they’re only four miles out of Seattle!

If you think back on it, there hasn’t been a single day — actually, not a single HOUR — during which Donald Trump dominated the news and created breaking news his own self. His whole purpose seems to be to stay at the top of the news, and he manages to do just that, if with nothing else, his zanier and stupider tweets.

There’s nothing like a puffed-up bigot making more complaining noises than a garbage truck on a formerly quiet suburban street, at five o’clock in the morning.

In Russia, the sentiment is “Enough Trump!”

Even THEY are tired of seeing his little squinty eyes and puckered mouth shouting stupidities and struggling with real and imaginary enemies on all sides, plus top & bottom.

Poor Donald says he “misses his old life” and finds being President “harder than he expected.” He in fact thought it would be as easy as his reality show, and frequently returns to his campaign mode in a pathetic attempt to gain “ratings”, the only means by which he measures his success.

The real problem is not with Trump — he’s a victim of his own chat-bot programming and can’t help what he says, does, thinks or feels.

If you’re looking for something other than a chat-bot in Donald Trump, you’ll be wasting your time and effort. The little red switch on the back of his head tells the story. Continue reading

What is a “Geronimo” Amulet?

We had such fun our last season in Atlantis, too bad about the little accident, eh?

I thought it’d be nice to explore something besides the constant news from the White House, but it’s impossible to ignore the very clear and very present danger from many sides — North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran, Washington D.C., and of course the UFO Menace, to mention only a few.

Easiest way out?

There’s only one answer. The original Atlantean Bug-Out Amulet, which I call the “Geronimo” Ammy, because that’s what you’ll yell when it operates. It works only the once, and only when activated by radiation. I’ll tell you more at the end of this little dissertation.

There is no local safety net, nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, and even if you succeed in escaping Trump Amerika, being an Amerikan Refugee will not earn you a gold star in the years to come, when you’ve landed elsewhere where “Amerika” is just a myth out of the long-lost distant past, as it is in the 37th century, where I have to present this as a term paper, and they’re gonna think I made all this shit up, but nobody could.

I’m bringing some proof in the form of selfies, and I’ve left stuff at various locations to dig up later when I get back to the 37th century and out of this Mickey-Mouse Sim. Continue reading

In An Age of Crisis

student protest staged by our comedy group, 1969

3 Questions:

  1. Honestly, have you ever seen ANY President in the news every single day for the first 100 days of office? Have you EVER???
  2. Have you ever seen BREAKING NEWS come in right on top of BREAKING NEWS???
  3. Is this your first world war?

If you answered 2 out of 3 correctly, you should be observing the first of many mushroom-shaped clouds rising on the horizon or just above where you used to be a second ago.

Had you read “SlimeWars” and “My Life as a Boy”, you’d know what happened to you when they ask you in the Afterlife how you died.

You won’t have to admit that you stepped on a rake.

What Can I Do Now That I See The Shit On The Wall???

Continue reading

Ready to Give Up???

That beautiful pre-war Leica iii-C was the best 35mm camera I ever used, and I still have it, courtesy Army Security Agency, Fort Devens, Mass.

On Tax Day, April 15, 2017 many tens of thousands of angry taxpayers took to the streets in protest. They pay taxes every year, Donald Trump has never paid a penny of tax in his entire life, and he uses up taxpayer money like water, as you’ve seen.

Did Emperor Donald take this seriously? Did he see the handwriting on the wall?

Of course not.

I told you before, with all due respect, Donald Trump is clinically insane which, if he didn’t have his finger on the nuclear trigger, would be no big deal.

As I’ve said before, he’s an NPD, a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which doesn’t listen and doesn’t respect or trust others, and there’s no cure for NPD, none whatsoever.

Trump tweeted — of course he tweeted, what else would you expect??? — that ALL the demonstrators who marched on Tax Day were paid actors.

Oh, yeah? Nobody paid ME to protest, and I’m protesting plenty, while I still can, because I KNOW that within days or weeks, my ability to do could be seriously reduced by the Gestapo or worse, an Agency Setup.

As a graduate of two Unnamed Agencies and one that appears in my service records, the Army Security Agency, I know what their mindset is, and my continued survival and ability to publish is not among their top concerns.

In short, I’m expendable as hell.

I take a hell of a chance singing songs of protest, writing poems, blogs and video game levels that make fun of Donald Trump, but I’ve always said, if I’m to be hanged as a horse-thief, I’ll at least have the horse. Continue reading

Using a Gaming Orb to Trigger Magical Effects

Gorby’s Place is a feature on my quantum version of Nikolskaya Street in Moscow.

One of the most unusual of times is that in which computers exist and games are tolerated, which happens all too seldom, what with the wide variety of repressive governments in place all over the galaxy, but at least for the moment, we can make Orbs and you’re allowed to download and install them, although for how long that will be is anybody’s guess.

Of course, “approved” games will always be available, but you won’t want to play them, and besides, my “games” are not really games at all — they merely rely on a gaming engine to deliver them and make them useful to you. Continue reading

Quick Easter Workshop BlueLine Academy Rundown

A full set of these work tools are part of your Easter Workshop packet.

For the first time ever, you get a full professional world-creation system that is easy to use, easy to master and makes fabulous reality environments that YOU can make. No math skills, no programming skills, any artist can use this INSTINCTIVE system of world-making.

I’ve made a video of the most basic first introductory lesson in Bluelining technology. The video is being uploaded even now.

This world-making tech is amazing and has several powerful advantages over simple mental imaging and visualization, the most vital of which is that repeated exercise of these actions WILL have a major effect in the spiritual zones, because you are taking actions in the deepest and most enduring levels of quantum mechanics.

Repeated uses of these Orbs will at some point trigger Thalamic or Pineal reactions and a wormhole type gateway could open up within your own brain and hey, like I always say, if they offer a price on your head, take it.

The underlying quantum world is electronic in nature, and so is the 3D GODD® Game-Maker Engine & Editor.

If you go wildcatting around with the editor, you’ll never master it, even in several decades. There are just a few, not many, definite tricks to using the GODD Editor, and you need to know them.

First of all, you’ll have to learn to refresh your map in order to get a firm update of all the textures and box placements. This is easily learned, but MUST be mastered before doing much else.

Of course, if you don’t know how to download and/or install something on your machine, you have a much deeper learning-curve ahead of you. A quick review of your computer, as in, “this is the keyboard”, “this is the monitor” and “this is the mouse” will have to suffice. Do try to keep those straight as we plow ahead into the simple mechanics of creating a universe by carving out a section of the Void.

That is what we’re doing. The map is Voidness until you define the space within the Void, and fill it with boxes and models and other objects and a number of invisible “operators” that in fact are the things that make things happen.

What appears to be happening in a game world seldom is. Operators are essential, and they reflect the actual magical conditions of the quantum world.

Bluelining will eventually yield some serious answers in that area, but be patient — the teaching comes in stages, meaning that there are some flat stretches ahead.

There are always flat stretches between each peak you’ve conquered behind you. Those allow you to develop and deepen your understanding at each stage of development. Continue reading

Пути Путина — Putin-Gate is READY for release!

Putin-Gate cover indicates that the game is loading — about ten seconds will do it.

“Пути Путина” is a very rough and in my opinion funny translation of “Putin-Gate”, a tribute to the Water-Gate days of the Nixon Era, which looks to be repeating itself for our amusement.

There have been several “gate” scandals since that time. I was tempted to use “Ворота“, but went this way instead, perhaps inadvisedly, but I think it will fly all right.

Well, in any case, “Putin-Gate” is ready for release sometime in the next few days. I’ll briefly explain the backstory idea behind the game, along with a few random screenshots of the building of the level plus a few shots at the completion of this very difficult to build and very highly detailed game. Continue reading