Trump is dedicated to his own face. He has to be in the front of the news, just as he handles and maneuvers celebrities in crowds to demonstrate that he’s in charge, he’s directing everyone and everything, and everything revolves around him.
One thing you’ll note that is an outstanding feature: instead of creating diversions, like a politician such as super-sleazy McConnell would do, changing the subject, offering some glittering prize as long as it’s not on-subject, he goes nuts.
He is, in fact, exactly what he projected onto his victims — a nut-job. Actually, Trump is a nut-job and a half.
I like to be exact.
As Avatar of the Western Realm — which is a lousy job, but everybody’s gotta work for a living — I can’t, of course, directly interfere, nor would I intervene in something so petty as a local war or political upheaval.
Right. I can’t interfere. But I CAN suggest, and occasionally, I can point. This is one of those “I can point, but you’ll have to actually L@@K” moments. Continue reading