Isn’t this amazing? There are a lot more fashions available than I thought, on PAOM, and I’m putting a few of them into this blog and a few more blogs just like it, so you can get an idea of what you’ll be able to create, and what the retail of each item will probably be. Continue reading →
The idea of “CLOAKING” goes all the way back to when people wore animal skins to hunt animals on the plains, and if you want to count previous incarnations and cosmic cycles, it goes back all the way to the Blueline Game Map of the Universe itself.
Yeah, that far back.
The Blueline Map of the Game is real, it really exists, and it’s really, really simple. You wouldn’t believe how simple it is to program in the MoveAct Code, to make it appear as if the entities are intelligent and self-aware, but in reality, they’re just chat-bots, like your friends and neighbors.
There are a very few responses that living creatures have available on encounters:
Run Away.
Kill It.
Eat It.
Have Sex With It.
Ignore It.
It doesn’t sound like much to work with, and it isn’t, but believe me, most human beings have no need for more than the dial-tone level of consciousness in order to seem very human, with all the human values that endear humans to not very many Higher Intelligences.
If you penetrate the SIM successfully, you can easily see the workings, all exposed and revealed before you, as it were. It’s easy to see the strings, the connections, and if you can see them, you know exactly which strings to pull. Continue reading →
Cloaking is the donning of a magical garment, which alters the “magical identity” of the wearer. This can be used by a Healer, or by a Subject — indicating “Need Help Healing” or “Need Help Being Healed”. Think of a Cloaking Device as a “Marker” that indicates your presence, need and exact location, so that Celestials will tune in and do their thing.
What do each of these things do, precisely?
Actually, think of ALL my Cloaking Devices as being active in psychic defense primarily, but with other aspects, virtues and attributes, such as:
Safe Passage
Clear Vision
World Peace
Green Planet
Some of these designs will naturally have greater effect in one or another area, but they all work in general for the general good, for the good of all beings everywhere, and that includes you. Continue reading →
I have brought you some incredible fashions, fabrics and textures this Season!!!
See below for specifics and details of my Fall Line “Numbers”, which is the industry standard when referring to a model of dress.
As you can see, I’ve kept the images small — it’s all supposed to be “phone-friendly” these days, so these images play well on a cell phone search, and that’s what I’m using. That, at least, is my takeaway going forward chewing gum and walking at the end of the day.
Shamanic Cloaking
I’m hoping to have at least one sample of everything on hand for magazine-style advertisements and display photography, but that’s an expensive proposition for me at the moment — perhaps someone out there will help to establish this line of shamanic apparel and accessories with an unspeakably large donation???
Wouldn’t you like to enable me to get a set of “Enlightenment” golf balls to Trump? He could use some.
Or how about a “World Peace” keychain in the hands of Mitch McConnell, or a “Don’t Tread On Me” Patriotic Wallet to a Congressperson of your choice?
What would you pay to be able to send a “For the Benefit of All Beings Everywhere” charm to every one of the G-20 leaders?
I can do that, but ONLY with your help. I have access to high places that you might not, but YOU have to initiate the wish to benefit all beings everywhere by sending your support donations so that I can deliver these magically delicious items where they can do some good.
What I mean is, you can directly benefit all beings everywhere, and have a powerful impact on the future peace of the planet simply by getting some of my magical accessories and dress into the hands of those who push and shove — you know, the movers and shakers.
You can also have a powerful effect by wearing and carrying and placing these “legoministic” shamanic power-prayer items. They can influence where words and actions cannot.
I can easily get these shamanic influence fashions onto the bodies of very influential people, people in the news, but YOU have to help me do that.
I’ll give you a rundown of the textures available in these fashions I’ve posted below — you’ll find the texture samples at the bottom of this page — you can scroll down right away, if you like — and if you are one of the few folks who know how to scroll down a page anymore!
So, here’s a SNEAK PREVIEW of my Fall Fashion Line from LeslieAnn at LA Fashions! Continue reading →
silk scarf san francisco California Jazz Foundation fundraiser — $450.
This is the original CJF silk scarf design, but it’s now on a giant silk scarf that’s bigger than YOU are! I’m not entirely sure it’s a good idea to have a scarf that’s bigger than the average Volkswagen, but hey, a LOT of folks wanted them, so much so that we sold out the original printing within a few days of issue.
These are new, and they are printed in infusion technology, so the ink is in the fibers, not resting photographically on top of the fabric. This would not have been possible just a few years ago.
You have a choice of California Jazz Foundation — a portion of the sale goes to them. It’s an absolute collectible and a bargain at only $450 and it’s for charity! On top of that, you get a collectible that’s part of the great history of jazz. There are some less expensive silk scarves and other items below, so read on! Continue reading →
At the bottom of the blog, I’ll reveal where YOU can get these items for yourself!
Here’s my newest, latest line of stuff, mostly experimental designs on very interesting 3D items — their photos are goddawful small and there seem to be no larger images available, so my alternate plan is to actually order a number of items and send for them and when they arrive, put them on our own models and photograph them for our website and sales venues, plus of course magazine covers, etc. — The photos are intended for easy viewing in cell phones, but when we get our own photos, they’ll be much larger than what you see below.
Draped Short-Sleeve Tunic MoMa — $59.95 — I don’t know if you can pick up the detail in this beautifully draped short-sleeve tunic — it is really swell and dandy, and a total bargain at only $49.95! Continue reading →
South Seas Island Paradise Contrast Tank, only $53.34 — Click Here —
Warping Time is easy. Space and Time are bound together. When you bend space, time bends right along with it, like the combination of nerves and muscles in the human body, and the combination of dark matter and stars to make the strings that make the universe. This fact that time and space are bound together, not merely “associated” with each other as separate entities, has long been known, but only recently proven by Einstein with the help of his math associate, Nathan Rosen.
You need to put Trump and his goons out of your mind for the moment — concentrate on something other than the continual State of Emergency that we’ve experienced for the past five and a half months.
Just relax and take it easy, and join me on a tour of my Fall Fashion Line with a twist — these are graphically generated special field energetics with attributes similar to those found on our Real Life RPG sites, among which is, which is currently up for reconstruction, so you go there at your own risk. Continue reading →
This is my Late Summer Line of Swimwear, Beachwear and Poolwear, plus anything else I happen to chance upon in the course of constructing this line of durable goods called “LesliAnn Fashions” also known as LA Fashions. So come on into my little boutique and see some of the fun Magically Imbued Armor & Accessory items I have made for your continued game play in the SIM called “Planet Earth”, currently set to: RUN: CENTURY 21.
This fall, it’s all going to be abstract, and if you pamper yourself with something lavishly abstract, it’s bound to also be expressionist. Continue reading →
Pink & Red Bug From Another Place, all sizes, $108.34
You can click over to the page directly from HERE and buy this dress right now.
I’m ready for a real runway show. I’ll be working with very exotic patterns in just a few days — the people at PAOM are clearly on vacation for the holiday, and that’s okay with me, because I’m working out the details now on LeslieAnn’s Fashions over at
In case you’re as 20th century as I am, let me indicate to you that you can use the above hot-link to buzz over to my fashion shop to see what’s up. Continue reading →