This 1917 Lincoln Cent DDO is worth $22,500, and you can find one, too!

It isn’t impossible to find these DDO 1917-P Lincoln pennies — they ARE out there, and I have a few whole rolls of 1917 that have not been searched — but then, how did they get into the “1917-P” stack???

I’ll explain.

I SORT without SEARCHING. The two words are technically very different — “sorting” is just that — you sort the coins by date and mint-mark, without looking closely to see any errors.

When you SEARCH, it’s a whole different ‘nother, as it were.

The action of “searching” means that you examine the coin closely, with magnifiers and maybe drag out the loupe to see details better.

You’d focus on the area that tells the story, such as the date on the 1917-P, where the doubling is very easily evident.

You can visit my eBay store — just ask in the morning chat how to get there, and a link will be posted. I won’t put one here.

See You At The Top!!!


The Tiny Store Store


Imagine YOUR very own Pegboard Tiny Shop on display here! Do it today!!!

If you’re looking for a fast path to telepathy and astral projection, you can’t get faster than Coinology.

The Coinology Search and Rescue Mission is unbeatable as a fast path.

That having been said, there are a number of related fast path avenues open to you, and what’s more, not only are they spiritually uplifting and dynamically demanding of Essence Participation, but they pay off in cold, hard cash.

Cold and hard because it comes to you mostly in coins.

Nobody wants to get stuck with pocket change. That’s a habit you’ll have to break real soon, if you intend to succeed beyond your wildest dreams, which you can and should do, as I said, real soon.

You don’t have much time left to do this work. Trump will close down any and every possible spiritual path other than what serves his political ambitions.

If you knew how limited your work-time in this world was, you’d be burning the midnight oil to get through it just in the nick of time.

Cutting it close? Continue reading

We Are Shipping!

Are we shipping? Yes, we are. It’s keeping us all jumping, especially Jewel, who is making her third run to the post office, Fedex & UPS today, although that many trips IS unusual, but that might be changing, in which case, we’ll be yelping for help in the shipping department.

Last night, I managed to finish 13 pairs of sterling silver quarter-sized “Proud Immigrant” earrings, along with a corresponding number — 13 — of sterling silver “Proud Immigrant” Pendants to make the sets complete.

The pendants come ready to hang on a chain. They are made right here in California, and are therefore just a bit more money than something thrown together in China — they retail at $39.95.

You get the entire three-piece set for only $55 wholesale — the coins are a gift.

What’s more, I’ll send you a black velvet “Stormy Monday” Display Bust with one pendant on a solid sterling silver chain, plus a pair of coin earrings, all in solid .925 sterling silver except of course the coins, all for the low, low price of $85.

How do I do it?

Continue reading

Coinology Sales Tools

You can sell Error Coins, too — this Pooping Horse is worth megabucks!!!

“These are the exact same U.S. quarters that you have now in your pocket or purse.” — at least, that’s what you tell them when they come through the gallery or studio door.

Clear your throat, and continue:

“The only difference between your pocket change and my coins is the quality of the coin. Mine have no scratches, no dents, no dings, no stains and no wear and tear.

“You’re looking at the result of hundreds of hours, which is the time I spend finding the good coins, the ones that aren’t worn down or scratched or dented or stained or otherwise made useless for jewelry.

“You can have any grade of coin for spending money, but with jewelry, it has to be perfect, absolutely flawless, like a diamond.

You wait for a moment to get the effect, then continue:

“If you’ll take out your change for a moment and put it on this velvet pad,” (indicating the velvet search pad on the nearby table or countertop) “I’ll show you the difference.”

Do so.

If they exclaim, “Wow!!!” when they see your Perfect Coins, it means that they’re impressed by this display and they’ll probably be willing to buy the jewelry.

You’ve made a sale, but you’ll have to start somewhere, and it might as well be with showing them through your collection of 100 of my Pegboard Perfect coins, meaning that those are what you should be putting out there when YOU’RE doing the search, at that level and grade, and not a whit below that grade.

When you know how, you can search your own. Continue reading

PLS That!!!

These days, when I use the phrase “PLS”, I’m generally asking someone to DO something about something — for instance, a pictorial coin.

“PLS that!” means to actively pursue the coin’s symbolism through the mechanism of PLS inquiry — “What do you see?”, “What do you know?” and “Tell me the story”, all of which are of course the standard PLS technique.

On the off-chance that you don’t know about PLS, it refers to a past-life memory restoration technique called a “Past Life Survey”, and we’ll talk more about this later on as we get deeper and deeper into Coinology.

My concept for a Coinology Booth or Kiosk is very, very simple, and I’d tend to keep it simple.

There’s a mannequin bust on a tabletop, where you’ll also see a flat glass-topped display case, next to which will be a standing framed Pegboard.

I myself would tend to put the frame into a fancy portable painting easel, and lock it down in there with the crossbar, thus allowing easy access.

With a firmly placed Pegboard, the customer can feel free to just yank the thing off the hook without worrying about dumping the whole mess onto the floor for a horrible game of “100 items pickup”.

I want my prices totally dummy-proof.

I’m not going to be there every day. My stuff’s gotta be priced so anyone can get it.

That means simple, easy to remember prices, almost disregarding the merchandise. On the low end, it might be unfair to the small buyer, but on the higher end, there’s a lot of stuff going out the door for very little profit, if any, except in the artwork, where the markup is a LOT higher.

By the way, if you sell any of my art or the artwork of any member of the Grass Valley Graphics Group, you DO get a commission, which will vary depending on the piece.

I have some paintings that cost me $1,000 or more to frame. Those are gigantic hall-sized paintings, architectural scale, and the 6″ wide carved hardwood frames were made to museum specs back in 1987 and 1988 for a New York gallery show.

So, okay, keep it simple, right?


Ten bucks is the number I have in mind for very very high-grade pictorial quarters — far less than the average of $50 for the same coin graded and slabbed, or is it slabbed & graded???

Same coin in a sterling silver bezel, $39.95.

Put two of those into sterling silver coin-edge bezel and you pay $69.95.

Exact same coin but in a fancy handmade rope-edge bezel, it’s gonna be $89.95. Double that order in a pair of sterling silver fancy bezel earrings and it comes out at a mere $139.95, and the whole set sells for just $189.95, a whale of a saving!

Speaking of whales, I have some legal ivory beads for sale in a necklace that also sports some Ashanti gold weights, on sale now at only $495.95, guaranteed authentic & rare, but forget about those things — they’re part of the “extras” you’ll want to place around your standard fare at standard prices.

So what else we got??? Continue reading

“Stormy” Pictorial Quarters For Sale

“Stormy” Maine Pictorial Quarter features a lighthouse on a cliff, with sailing ship & seagulls.

Yes, I have the “Stormy” Pictorial Quarter, and more! You won’t believe the incredible beauty of these pendants, earrings, keychains, cufflinks, tie tacks, pins and much, much more.

You can now set up a complete shop without hassle and heavy expense, and I’ll tell you exactly how to do it, just like I showed how to make a professional sculpture armature for just a few bucks instead of hundreds.

Okay, so here’s the deal: Continue reading

What We Offer

Exceptionally rare pump-handle in window DDR of the Homestead quarter. This will bring about $500-$700 on eBay if you manage to locate one and get it slabbed & graded.

I’m going to give you a short and limited rundown of the offerings in our necklace & earring department today — you can see it all at the gallery, and there are EIGHT coin merchants now operating in the gallery.

What the customer gets is a perfect U.S. State, Territorial or America the Beautiful Quarter in a sterling silver bezel, contained in a double-bag marketing package, ready to hang on your Master Pegboard.

Each Pegboard can have, and should have, its own theme or common thread, such as “Water” or “Birds” or “Travel” or “Love & Romance” or “Revolutionary War” or “Civil War” or “Protected Environments”, and so forth — the choices are far & wide, and the selection process down to “What Pegboards Will I Bring to the Fair???” is worth the time & effort.

A Pegboard can be framed, generally a 16″x20″ will do, and the frame will soon get dinged, so don’t worry about putting a used frame on it, just get it up there. In a shop, people will not be so forgiving, and there, you’d be well-served to put a new prettier frame around it.

Your Pegboards can also be mounted on an easel, or built onto a commercial stand, or put up a dozen different ways, and you can use the rotating merchandising trees on a counter-top or table to supplement the wall displays.

Let’s examine the result of your coin searches: Continue reading

Interesting Designs

The Acadia Lighthouse serves as a Guiding Light, a Beacon. It sells as a pocket charm in an archival acrylic dollar-sized capsule for $10 retail, and as a locket for a necklace chain (chain not included) at $35.The Acadia Lighthouse also comes as a pair of earrings in sterling bezels with surgical steel French style ear wires, at only $69.99 a pair. Continue reading

New Gold Rush!!!

I’ll be walking into Foggy Mountain Music in Grass Valley a few days from now, bearing a pair of “Duke Ellington” U.S. Quarters earrings and a matching “Grand Ol’ Opry” Tennessee State Quarter pendant that sports Nashville style musical instruments.

I could just as easily make a pair of earrings that features American Naturalist John Muir, at Yellowstone National Park, with a matching pendant or complementing locket with an Alaskan Bear or a Mountain Goat.

You’ll find everything from the first Kitty Hawk Wright Brothers airplane to the latest space orbiter on the state, national parks and America the beautiful U.S. quarters. Continue reading