Wynton Marsalis and Jazz at Lincoln Center with my painted “JazzArt” backdrops.
You can now buy almost any of my JazzArt backdrop paintings, even those used in performances with Nancy Wilson, Wynton Marsalis, Herbie Hancock and many more world-class jazz musicians in concert around the world.
My JazzArt paintings must be safe, out of the hands and reach of those who would burn all art work that isn’t about Donald Trump, and that will happen soon enough, much sooner than you think.
Book burnings and art burnings are only the start — eventually it’s people burnings, and that’s when we want to be clear away from the source of pain that is Trump and his Minions.
I’m doing everything I can to get these paintings out of the Untied Snakes of Arnica, so the prices are absurdly low. Continue reading →
Resist the impulse to join in the violence. Remain calm, steady and peaceful.
Run for the hills? Not quite yet. We have yet to hear from the majority, which up until now has been notably silent, docile and willing to take it on the chin, but apparently, that’s about to change, with Resistance Demonstrations all over the United Snakes, and all over the planet, decrying the madness of Trump.
In my world, “Trump” is a scary and funny rubber kids’ Halloween mask, and part of the common phrase, “Trump You!”. Frankly, I don’t care, do you???
Like I’ve said billions of times before, that’s just local politics, in which off-worlders never get involved, both by ethical law and by personal experience.
So while the Athenians and the Spartans are battling it out, grunting and sweating in the baking sun and sand of the senate floor, let’s make a buck.
Sounds cynical? No, what sounds, and is, cynical is the bull-puckey coming from the Snake Party writhing around on the floor of the Senate, and the robotic applause for Trump that comes from the stink-hole of the House of Reprehensibles.
I used to think of Congress as “not a bad sort, not actually criminal”, but now I’m not so sure. The thing is, they’re now yanking us poor and minority folks around for their amusement and personal gain, when they steal our social security funds and our retirement funds and our medical benefits all for the sake of their personal enrichment, and then trample on all our American values and freedoms and then deny non-white Christians their vote, and destroy the democracy from the top down, heck-darn, that’s when I say “enough is enough”, whatever that means.
I can’t and won’t be driven into violent action, yet I’m obligated to protect my family and home, am I not?
But I have no voice, no power, no bully-pulpit and no money with which to fight, and I’m unable and unwilling to use a weapon of any kind, with the singular exception of comedy — so what can I really do to protect myself and my family from Trump and his Minions?
What can I do to stop the constant chatter of “Trump, Trump, Trump”??? Continue reading →
Counter-Clash Rodney Quarter is Not For Sale at ANY Price, but a Lucky Rodney Ammy is made using this ultra rare coin.
Above is my counter-clash Rodney quarter slabbed up and graded AU-53 by PCGS, a third-party authentication and assessment.
The more rare a thing is, the luckier it is — defying the odds is what it’s all about — the numbers game, statistics, game theory, quantum entanglement and more, all these subjects are now becoming thematic in the world of science.
Yesterday’s Magic is Today’s Science. One person’s magic is another person’s technology. The technology of luck is related to the science of statistics, combination & permutation, and I’ve got the totally improbable “Lucky Finds” to prove it.
But I don’t have to prove anything. You can prove it to yourself. Get one of my Lucky Rodney Ammies, and wear it around a while, just a couple of days.
If you don’t FEEL the Luck, if you are in any way disappointed — you won’t be — just send it back and I’ll refund your money which, with my luck, I don’t need. Continue reading →
If you don’t already know that Health is a Luck Issue, you’re probably waist-deep in the Big Muddy — you need to get some wisdom, and fast. The stone cold fact is that, without LUCK, the Best Medicine in the World won’t cure.
Ask any real healer. Without LUCK, nothing works.
If you’re a gambler, you know about luck, and you certainly know by now that luck happens in streaks, called “lucky streaks”. Everyone who has ever been to a casino in Vegas knows that luck happens in streaks, but the secret is to work your bank accordingly, which is called “Money Management”.
Without good money management, the best luck in the world will not help you. Don’t play the cards. Play the money. Pull back when the lucky streak breaks, go back in when it hits again.
It’s a bit like maneuvering a kayak down the rapids without wrapping it around the nearest rock, and it’s exhausting if performed for very long, which is why dealers, stickmen, shift supervisors and pit bosses have to take frequent breaks.
It’s tiring to USE the attention, and the more directed and focused it is, the more exhausting it is to keep up the pressure to the fullest possible degree, but that is what you have to do as a lucky person — keep riding the crest of the wave.
Get the best there is — you’ll never regret it. Don’t waste your money on junk. As my friend Joel Malter advised his coin buyers, “There’s always a market for the best, but no market anytime for junk.”.
Junk you have to push out the door. Quality sells itself. My Lucky Rodney is the luckiest coin you will ever buy or your money back.
How can I say that? Heck-darn, I got several million dollar coins here that says I’m feeling confident. Like I said, total satisfaction or your money back.
You’ve never been so lucky.
I don’t care how lucky you are already — my Lucky Rodney will make you even luckier. Send one to a friend who is down on their luck, and DON’T TELL THEM WHAT IT IS. Watch the amazing results!
The Lucky Rodney is a NORMAL 1999-P Delaware U.S. Quarter Dollar that is related BY TOUCH to my Million Dollar Caesar Rodney Quarter, which is NOT for sale and never will be for sale. I touch each Lucky Rodney to my Caesar Rodney Quarter, and hopefully the luck will rub off on you, as it has on thousands of others.
Caesar Rodney rode on horseback for 80 miles one stormy night to arrive just in time to cast the deciding vote and add his signature to the Declaration of Independence. His was the Deciding Vote. If not for his ride, there would be no United States today. Besides the historical significance of this coin, the one I found defied the odds by billions to one.
That coin is never for sale, but it CAN hopefully generate luck for you. The luck rubs off onto the coin that you receive, when your “Lucky Rodney” coin is touched to the Master “Luckiest Rodney” Coin — arguably the rarest modern coin ever discovered — which is under my protection, and is properly enshrined, and protected from harm.
If you’re going to give in to superstition anyway, by buying and wearing or carrying a Lucky Charm, Lucky Fetish, Lucky Amulet, Lucky Talisman or Lucky Relic like a rabbit’s foot, you might as well get the best there is, the Lucky Rodney, generated from the original Lucky Rodney by Direct Touch.
The Touch Ceremony
When your Lucky Rodney is touched to the Master Lucky Rodney, both a psychic effect and a quantum physics effect are launched, creating an “As-If-Entanglement”, commonly called a “binding”, following a fumigation and incantation.
The incantation is merely sound that promotes the binding effect and signals the start of “Luck Magnet” activity in that specific “Lucky Rodney” that was ennobled by the Touch Ceremony.
Luck cures all ills — everything from homelessness to poverty, hunger, fear, weakness, dread, victimization and more — absolutely everything, EVERYTHING, responds to luck, go get lucky.
A rare coin is a lucky coin. Get your Lucky Rodney now and start your lucky streak today! Nobody else has the Luckiest Rodney — there is only one source. Get your Lucky Rodney today!
Would you like to own a copy of the Luckiest Coin Amulet in the World? Here’s how it works:
I send you a 1999-P Lucky Rodney Quarter in Bright Uncirculated condition.
Your 1999-P BU Lucky Rodney Quarter is TOUCHED to the Master Rodney Error Coin in its PCGS Slab Container.
Your coin is similar to the Master Coin, but it is not an Error Coin. It is a high grade NORMAL version of the 1999-P Delaware State Quarter with Caesar Rodney on the Reverse.
When I touch your NORMAL NON-ERROR coin to the Acrylic Slab containing The Master Rodney Counter-Clash Mint-Error Ultra-Rare Quarter, it causes the “Luck” to rub off onto your similar coin, like stroking a needle with a magnet.
You can try this experiment. Place the magnetized needle on a cork coaster, and watch it turn and float in the water, where it will come to rest, and accurately point both North and South, just like any other compass.
Maybe it’s time for YOU to find your own Million-Dollar Coin, while wearing your new Lucky Rodney Amulet! Continue reading →
I found the Luckiest Coin in the World, and some of that luck could rub off on you. Here’s how YOU can beat the odds!
E.J. Gold with the Luckiest Coin in the World, “The Rodney Quarter” in PCGS Slab.
This coin couldn’t possibly have dropped, but it did. It’s a Counter-Clash, something that doesn’t tend to happen more than once or twice, due to the nature of the mint error, and if someone wants it badly enough, they’ll pay $1 Million Dollars for it.
I have the ONLY one that could possibly EVER be for sale — the other one is already in a museum. In a sense, I’ve “cornered” the market on this particular coin, the rarest modern U.S. Quarter Dollar ever found. Continue reading →
Everybody has a little lucky streak now and then, but how would YOU like to be extra-lucky?
If you’re lucky, real lucky, you don’t even have to TRY to make it — you automatically stumble on all the good things you need to get where you’ve gotta go.
Under ordinary conditions, you can rely on hard work and fair play, but not in Trumpworld — no, not here.
In Trumpworld, it is very unlikely that you will be able to do anything to avoid drowning in a planet gone mad. The chances of being rounded up and summarily executed by Trump’s firing squads is very likely, and you and I will be the first up against the wall when the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan, and that’s going to be sometime before the end of this proverbial year.
There will be general riots, trucking strikes, revolt in the military ranks, political roundups of Democrats and other Liberals — which is why they want all our voter information — and of course, there will be shooting, lots and lots of shooting, because we are a gun culture, and proud of it.
The Second Amendment Will Fall — Trump can’t allow Liberals to own weapons. Do the math, then tremble and be afraid. Continue reading →
ej gold circa 1956 on the Appalachian Arrowhead Trail and yes, that’s a gun.
“Fresh Fish Sold Here Today” — but everyone knows it’s fresh — if not, I can’t sell it, nobody would eat it — and, of course “here”, where else? Today? Naturally today, so we don’t need THAT word in the sign. Come to think of it, who needs the word “sold” — what am I going to do, go broke in a single day by giving away all my fish? And as for the word “fish”, what? You can’t smell my fishmonger shop a block away???
So, okay I have a few items that I’m planning to make available, some sadly, but it must be done. My hands are no longer able to handle an acoustic steel-string guitar, so ALL my Martin guitars must go, and I’ve already given away “Betty”, my traveling guitar.
In her place I now have “ACE”, my traveling six-string uke, which weighs about a pound and takes up so little room, I can play while riding in the front seat of the car without whalloping the driver in the head.
Golfer runs into the clubhouse and screams hysterically, “I think I just killed my partner on the third tee, with my golf club!” — everyone froze in shock.
“Calm down,” the pro suggested, “which club was it?”
“The niblick,” came back the shaky answer.
The golf pro nodded reassuringly — “That was the right club,” he said with a smile.
Another golfer runs up to the pro and shouts, “My shot went wild to the right and smashed a bus window. The bus crashed. There are a lot of injured. What should I do?”
“Well,” the pro asserted, “To begin with, you should shorten up a little and get your stance, swing and ball approach adjusted.”
Some of us think life’s a bit like that. So instead of presenting what I’d prefer to present, which is a dissertation on types of luck and lucky streaks, I’m putting up a few items for sale, anticipating the Labor Day Weekend Camping & Hiking Workshop.
I’d love to see these items go soon, so I can purchase what I’ll need for the presentations, and please, please don’t do me any favors — these instruments and other items need good homes, and they need to be IN USE, and presently they’re not, and in any future, they won’t be used by me. If a guitar is not used, it will check & crack — it NEEDS to be handled and sounded and used, and I’m not doing my job in respect to the steel string guitars — they’re just sitting there in a case, neglected but not forgotten.
I need to find good homes for them, and that’s what I’m trying to do. First of all, I priced comparable items, then priced them here at the friendly side of the bottom of the market. These are all asking prices — you can always make an offer. If I can make it happen, I will.
MARTIN HD-28 VDE VINTAGE — $4,500.00 — This is my baby, and I’ve told the story many times about my first experience with a Martin D-28 at Carol Hunter’s house back in the 1950s. I am the original owner and the only player on this guitar. It comes with the original case, and was one of the guitars considered for the CSN line, rejected for CSN but ONLY because the edition limitation had been reached. Probably the best guitar you’ll ever play or own. This guitar is BRAND NEW, played only a short time before my fingers gave out on ANY steel string acoustic guitar.
MARTIN D-16 — $3200.00 is the market price, but I only want $2200.00 for it, because that’s all I have in it. This guitar has been played but seldom, and is in “Like New” condition. It has a deep, rich sound, as you’d expect from any Martin dreadnought.
RICHARD NOYES ARCHED TOP GUITAR — Handcrafted by one of the greatest guitar makers in the world, and he happens to live nearby. Valued today at $3200.00 new, this VINTAGE Noyes Guitar would bring much more, but I have only $2000.00 in this guitar, so would be willing to sell it for that.
I also have a number of other items, notably rifle, bird-style long shotgun, profound air rifle with scope and 700 meter accuracy to bullseye of standard rifle target, all of which are now impossible for me to use, and all are for sale, subject to all Federal & State laws, all transactions to be handled through a licensed dealer, who can ship to you, etc.
I would never own a firearm or any other weapon for the purpose of killing anything — they are strictly for the development of skills, period, and my best skills are not in shooting, but in fast-draw and twirling, and that’s the hobby I promoted when younger.
These days, those things are not in my immediate future, although in the 27th and 28th centuries we do a LOT of shooting and yelling and such, but that’s such a long way off, why store them, when I can pick them up off the ground after the Battle of Washington Heights in 2933 New Calendar.
Pope Gerry III brings that war to a close, as I recall from my 37th century history textbook, and she is the intermediary they call “The Last Pope”, because that’s just ahead of The Second Coming, which doesn’t go anything LIKE the way John had it, but who cares about facts, when there’s a good story to be told?
What’s the specific difference between “Coin Collecting” and “Coin Hunting”? Why would you even be interested in that? What’s in it for you? How does it help YOU win?
Jeez, hold on a second, that’s too many questions all at once. Let’s take ’em one at a time.
The specific difference between “Coin Collecting” and “Coin Hunting” is that collecting can come from a variety of sources — you can buy a coin, trade a coin, that’s collecting — you aren’t really “finding” anything, and what you’re buying or trading for has already been put to a premium price — it’s no longer a “find” but an “acquisition”.
If you want the Magic to work, if you want to trigger off a Lucky Streak — Luck ALWAYS happens in streaks — when you sit down with hundreds or thousands of coins and deliberately inspect them one by one, flipping to see both sides AND the rim, that’s what’s called “Hunting”, and it’s just like hunting anything else.
You’ve got to be quiet, gotta sneak up on the game, freeze in place, breath softly and gently, vanish into camouflage, and WATCH and LISTEN and be ready for anything, even for your game to suddenly appear behind you, charging you head down and bent for glory.
That’s when you FEEL the hunt, and you’ll feel the COIN hunt every bit as much, if you play the game right — I just bagged the coin-hunting equivalent of a rhino, and I’m after a T-Rex.
I’d like to tell you that you’ll get rich quick playing this game, but I don’t think you’d believe me, even though it could easily become true. Okay, I WILL tell you, at risk of being thought of as overly optimistic — YOU CAN WIN! There, I said it, and it’s true. You CAN win, but ONLY IF YOU TRY.
If you don’t even try, you GUARANTEE failure. If you try, you WILL succeed at some point. If you don’t hit right away, you can join the Coinology Coin Club and get some help striking it rich.