Once in a while — and in your case, perhaps quite often — you’ll really want a video to demo the product you’re listing on eBay, and you’ve heard that you can’t do it.
Get Out of the Boat & Push!!!

Don’t forget that YOU DON’T NEED TO ACTUALLY WAREHOUSE ANY OF OUR PRODUCTS –we drop ship to your customer! No need to put a single penny out of pocket!!! You advertise the item, the customer buys it, you tell us you received the money and we ship the item, then you send us our share and keep your share or give it away, spend it, whatever — it’s YOURS!!!
You can earn big cash, but that’s not important — what IS important is GETTING THE WORD OUT THERE, and this is the program that’s going to do it. How do I know? Because it’s doing it now, and there are lots of folks benefiting from this important WORK ACTION that you could take. Continue reading
eBay as a daily spiritual practice

Having a retail space gives you immediate credibility with buyers, but it adds a tremendous amount of expense and personal commitment of time and energy to run one successfully. You need to have a real knack for working with people to go face-to-face like this. Online, it’s different. You HAVE no face, not really, just faceBOOK and a seller’s homepage, which is a sea of anonymity in a seemingly transparent envelope.
When you log onto eBay as a seller, it’s a different experience entirely than the one you had as an end-user buyer. As a buyer, you needed to know nothing — you had to depend on the seller to know what they had and what it’s worth, and mostly that was dead wrong, if you go back and look at it closely. Continue reading
Have You Missed The Boat???

If you’re reading this, there’s still a chance to jump on board. I’m planning a full-frontal economic surge this spring, just to illustrate how it can be done with no money and just a little of your time. My goal is to raise an unspecified amount of funds — which means I haven’t got a specific target or a specific amount as a money-goal. The money is irrelevant. I’m just doing this to prove it can be done and, if you took the time and spent the energy, YOU could be doing it just as easily as I. Continue reading
Do You Have the Power to Make Things Happen?

Do you have the power to make good things happen? Many folks have asked how they can do their Bodhisattva work when they have little money and even less time. I have an answer that will actually help you to increase your income by doing your Bodhisattva work, and I’ll be happy to explain in detail:
You need some SIMPLE ACTION that doesn’t take up too much of your time, doesn’t require a lot of effort, and that will somehow raise your necessity far above your own miserable needs.
You need to find some way to carry out your Bodhisattva work — some action, some activity that will get you into DIRECT CONTACT with those who desperately seek this work and need a trail of bread crumbs laid down for them, which is where YOU come in, O Bornless One.
It’s obvious that you can’t spend the time or energy walking around town trying to talk to every possible candidate for the Work who happens to cross your path. You need some way to get out there without your body, and that’s where this Special Essence Exercise comes in.
The whole idea is to be able to help BigTime without having to lay out a lot of money, and in fact, the action I have in mind can be done with NO money, no investment of anything other than time and energy, of which you have more than you think, and I’m going to try to prove that to you with the Essence Exercise described below: Continue reading
Have you seen these eBay listings?
The Easter “Sweat Yer Butt Off” Workshop is only days away!!! Wake up & live!!! We will do all sorts of unusual things at this Weekend Festive Spring Celebration and new and interesting work tools will be introduced and demonstrated, along with accelerated power-prayer & more.
click here for online attendance info
click here for in-person attendance info Continue reading