Keeping busy, I am — fulfilling orders for Soul Portraits, angel candles and many other things, and at the same time, I’m trying to get ahead of myself in the virtual exhibition area.
So far, I have 20 exhibits up, in two different accounts. The one to which I’m exposing you at the moment is the PAOM Late Summer & Early Fall collection. Continue reading →
A Classic and Spectacular Cloak that will get attention wherever you go!
I like a Cloak that can accomplish all the magical operations you might want to engender, but it should also be striking enough, sufficiently eye-catching, to allow you to walk into the average museum’s gift shop and have the buyer ask, “Where did you get that dress?”
You can sell them wholesale, so that moment would be a good opportunity to speak right on up, with a phrase something like: “As it happens, I sell these, along with many other wearable art fashions and accessories, plus household objects of daily use — may I show you some samples?” at which point, you whip out your catalog, hitherto unobtrusively tucked under an armpit — but enough about me, let’s talk about you:
How does a Cloak work? I’ll try to explain, and I’ll keep it very simple. I make clothing, fashions of a different kind — they have “Attributes” and “Blessings” built into them, which gives the Level 1 Cloak a +3 To All Levels, which means it raises your Character’s Level from Level 1 up to Level 4, enabling you to act as if you actually were a Level 4. Continue reading →
Here is more of the exotica grouping, again all with only the single fabric design at this juncture. I’ll post examples of the various fabrics, such as silk, linen, cotton and more, that you can order as fabric, and cut it yourself if you wish!
More Late Summer & Fall Fashions from LeslieAnn at Tattoo-Fashions!
Here’s yet another list of even yet more already, Late-Summer and Fall Fashions from LeslieAnn here at Tatoo-Fashions. These are all genuine, real-world items, so YOU will wear them on your human Avatar!
Here is the third grouping of LeslieAnn Fall Fashions for your consideration. These will form part of the catalog that you can receive in printed form or download it and print it yourself, $35 covers the cost, and you can sell both wholesale and retail from my full-color catalog, which is sure to become a collector’s item. I flat-sign every copy that goes out of here!
Midnight Special Maxi Ball Gown, $225
Here are just a few more of my more than 1,000 fashion offerings. I hope you find something of interest here, and keep in mind that you could be reselling these items in your hometown or online. Just ask, to find out how to cash in on this exciting amazing spiritual breakthrough “Cloaking Technology”, to change how your life happens and what happens to you as you move through the gameworld called “Planet Earth”. Continue reading →
Isn’t this amazing? There are a lot more fashions available than I thought, on PAOM, and I’m putting a few of them into this blog and a few more blogs just like it, so you can get an idea of what you’ll be able to create, and what the retail of each item will probably be. Continue reading →
Cloaking is the donning of a magical garment, which alters the “magical identity” of the wearer. This can be used by a Healer, or by a Subject — indicating “Need Help Healing” or “Need Help Being Healed”. Think of a Cloaking Device as a “Marker” that indicates your presence, need and exact location, so that Celestials will tune in and do their thing.
What do each of these things do, precisely?
Actually, think of ALL my Cloaking Devices as being active in psychic defense primarily, but with other aspects, virtues and attributes, such as:
Safe Passage
Clear Vision
World Peace
Green Planet
Some of these designs will naturally have greater effect in one or another area, but they all work in general for the general good, for the good of all beings everywhere, and that includes you. Continue reading →
At the bottom of the blog, I’ll reveal where YOU can get these items for yourself!
Here’s my newest, latest line of stuff, mostly experimental designs on very interesting 3D items — their photos are goddawful small and there seem to be no larger images available, so my alternate plan is to actually order a number of items and send for them and when they arrive, put them on our own models and photograph them for our website and sales venues, plus of course magazine covers, etc. — The photos are intended for easy viewing in cell phones, but when we get our own photos, they’ll be much larger than what you see below.
Draped Short-Sleeve Tunic MoMa — $59.95 — I don’t know if you can pick up the detail in this beautifully draped short-sleeve tunic — it is really swell and dandy, and a total bargain at only $49.95! Continue reading →
This fall, it’s all going to be abstract, and if you pamper yourself with something lavishly abstract, it’s bound to also be expressionist. Continue reading →