KOZO SUGANUMA Didgeridoo~Jew’s Harp~Drum solo– you gotta hear Kozo Suganuma to believe your ears!!! Innovative and daring! Amazing!
Fantastic Didgeridoo Jazz Band
Give a listen to this Hungarian Jazz Combo with didgeridoo and two saxes, bass, drums/percussion and strings! Sadly, there are only a few hits on each of their dozens of videos; they’re just too damn good for the audience out there!
You Asked, I’m Answering. “What’s the Next Workshop???”
Get HANG Tones With a HAPI!!! Secrets of a Jazz Musician Revealed!!!
I posted a tutorial on subway busking with HAPI drums. My HAPI drum stage setup now consists of an array of a total of 6 HAPI drums, a D Minor, a C Akebono, a UFO in C Major, an E Integral (pygmy & akebono) and a D Integral, which delivers all the HANG tones you could want, plus a stunning F# Minor thin guy — it really knocks ’em out in concert!!!
How to Choose a Didgeridoo
The video is a demo of a remarkable piece of playable sculpture. I propose to buy them unpainted and paint, carve, wood-burn and decorate with a variety of beads, feathers and textiles, and then sell on the open market.
Herein is the kind of data I try to give you every day in my blogs — to save you time, energy, money and most of all, dead ends. It’s not at all tricky to find good didges, but selecting one with which to ACTUALLY BOND is like choosing a mate, mate.
What should you be looking for in a didge, especially if you know nothing about them but want one anyway??? Continue reading for more info…