It starts out bad and, second by second, it gets worse. You know the kind of night I’m talking about, where you’re so tired you want to lie down right where you are, where your legs are so heavy they feel like they’re sinking into the floor, yet you can’t close your eyes, you’re so twitchy, anxious, worried about dozens of things that might not ever happen, but they could, and you’re just waiting for the axe to drop.
“Wired & Tired” they used to say after a music gig. “Wired and tired.”
There’s a thin film of sweat all over your body, and a general malaise, nothing definite, nothing you could point to, but SOMETHING is bothering you, making you tremble, sweat and shake.
A feeling of impending doom falls on your head, and you can’t shake the thought that something dreadful is about to happen or may be happening right now, just outside your circle of awareness. Continue reading →
I’m making a series of PASSIVELY ACTIVE Cleansing Radiation Orbs, starting with Karma Wash, seen here, and tonight I’m starting to work on Cleansing Radations: Fear Reduction, which I think is very needed in this Age of Trump, especially if you’re among ANY minority, and that goes double if you’re also a progressive liberal pinko commie sympathizer, which is the standard set by Joe McCarthy to which all Senators must now pay obeisance.
Yes, obeisance. Related to fealty, don’t ya know??? This whole subject of swearing fealty is coming back with a vengeance, especially with a totally transactional group of assholes in charge of Washington’s what is laughingly called “government”. Thank the Gods we don’t get as much government as we pay for.
The current theory of government is to give all the power to Moscow Mitch McConnell, and to destroy the lives of children — not just separating immigrant kids from parents at the border, but brutally attacking the children of political rivals, including Hunter Biden and Baron Trump, of whom it has been said that you can name him Baron, but you can’t make him one.
I noted a particularly dirty moment yesterday, when the Evil Countess Donnie Trump attacked a climate change activist, as a matter of fact, a minor, a 16 year old girl, but this is not the first time he’s done that, I’m sure. Continue reading →
Comedy is a serious business. As in Magic in the Mirror, Comedy Laughs are provoked, but beneath the obvious chatter and trivial pursuits, Great Truths prevail, and the audience is open to the Uplifting Force, an as-yet unknown major player in the Quantum Dimensions.
Comedy is a great way to penetrate past the defenses and get to the core, and can be used to slide up the scale of Being to the God State. As you climb the dimensions, the nature of your problems will change, but the problems will never completely go away.
Here are a few of the subjects we’ll be covering in next week’s upcoming Comedy Workshop, to be held both in-person and online (both are available) on Memorial Day Weekend, May 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th: Continue reading →
Rembrandt – St. Jerome in a Dark Chamber RARE – $34,500.00
It starts out bad and, second by second, it gets worse. You know the kind of night I’m talking about, where you’re so tired you want to lie down right where you are, where your legs are so heavy they feel like they’re sinking into quicksand, yet you can’t close your eyes, you’re so twitchy, anxious, worried about dozens of things that might not ever happen, but they could, and you’re just waiting for the axe to drop.
“Wired & Tired” they used to say after a music gig. “Wired and tired.”
There’s a thin film of sweat all over your body, and a general malaise, nothing definite, nothing you could point to, but SOMETHING is bothering you, making you tremble, sweat and shake.
A feeling of impending doom falls on your head, and you can’t shake the thought that something dreadful is about to happen or may be happening right now, just outside your circle of awareness.
Nothing seems to help. You lie there, waiting for sleep to come, but it never does, not when you’re like this, it doesn’t. Finally, in desperation and writhing discomfort, you struggle up out of bed and somehow dress yourself in something not too uncomfortable, but warm enough to help with the coldness, the biting chill, that eats at you from all sides.
Now comes the guilt, the worry about being anxious and depressed, the horrible fear that you might either be anxious, or you might BECOME anxious, the realization that you’re in a deep depression, and that nothing you do will bring you out of it anytime soon.
“I should not be anxious. I mustn’t be anxious. I have no reason to feel anxious.”
You’re quite right, the doctors will tell you that you mustn’t feel anxious, that anxiety is bad for you. There’s nothing bad happening, nothing horribly wrong, nothing going on that hasn’t been going on for some time, but now, tonight, at this hour, you’re anxious, and this makes you depressed.
Then you start thinking about all the reasons you might be depressed, trying to find some logic in it, some rational reason why depression is indicated, and somehow, you always manage to find at least one reason to be depressed, and you land on that, then zoom in on it and peer at it from all sides, which makes you even more depressed.
Things look awful, dreadful, horrible. All your efforts are futile, everything you do will someday crumble into dust, your friends are moving elsewhere, finding new interests or getting stuck in old ones, or simply dying off, leaving a “High School Reunion” effect on you, where you’re looking around the room, wondering where everybody has gone to.
Well, the fact is that most of them were never there in the first place, merely figments of your imagination, in the sense that what was really going on inside them was nothing like the picture you built up of them and robotically maintained, in the face of new data. Continue reading →
Prosperity can be yours, right now, at the touch of a button, and the best part is that it’s FREE and always will be — no catch, no bull; but you handle your .99 cent download service fee, not me. This is a HUGE map, probably the largest single level ever made on any engine — it runs like a dream, with a GIANT storyline and plot, and the lead is YOU!!! The actual market value of this giant karmic playground is no less than $60, but you don’t pay a penny for the Remedy or Level, not a penny, not now, not ever!
NO VIOLENCE, no shooting, nothing but pure clean fun as you scoop up GOOD KARMA and MOJO and find tons of wondrous goodies and happy blessings from friendly guides everywhere, to help you grant yourself your fondest wish. Romp in a beautiful space with loads of past-life nostalgia built-in, and plenty of warm White Magic to delight the Heart!
You’ll marvel at the FEELING you get when you run through “True Love”, my first release in the Prosperity Remedies. Ask anyone. I’m going to ask folks to write down their impressions — I predict that the #1 answer will be how exhilarating and other-worldly it FELT to run through the orb!