Spawning Point into WarfTown, the beginning of your Third Bardo Journey.
Frankly, I don’t give a fig if they did. I’m busy transferring the virtual world technology over to the Causal Plane, where it can be used to modify a reality matrix or reconfigure a world, which is what I’m doing here.
Not reconfiguring the world — transferring technology is what I mean.
First of all, the technology has to be there, usable and applicable, and it is. It’s then just a matter of capture and ownership — we’ve done both with the Godd™ Engine & Editor.
Secondly, the persistence of the virtual world makes it impossible to erase or vanish it at any point thereafter — what is, is.
The Duplication Effect within the Godd™ Editor makes it easily possible to copy, modify and transfer any reality into the virtual, which is the whole point of being on this miserable dirt-bag they call a planet. Continue reading →
That’s the start of a pop ballad called “Are you miserable tonight?”, a country song with a twist of blues.
I’m writing songs again, mostly now about paranoia and knocks at the door and fascists smashing down all the socio-political gains we’ve made over the past 50 years since the Civil Rights Movement got some wind in its sail.
Now it’s time for activists to once again take to the streets and to the voting booths, although they will be turned away from the polls if past Republican history is anything to go by, and it is.
So we’ll be watching this all on the news. Too bad none of this wonderful 21st century history manages to survive the Second Holocaust, and even if it did, nothing got past the Third Holocaust, nothing. Continue reading →
Well, it’s by no means complete — only 121 items so far, but I’m working to get other things done at the same time, so it’s slower than I’d like, but I did manage to get these items up in a single night, thus illustrating how easy it would be to produce a wedding or other event in zazzle, and that’s money in the bank, if you know how to hustle. Continue reading →
LeslieAnn at the Crisis Healing Center in the Ashram.
When the shit piles up too high to walk over it, and the piles of shit are too close together to walk between them, you’re in seriously deep shit. What’s happening out there is NOT about politics. It’s NOT about religion, and it’s definitely NOT about health care or women’s issues.
It’s simply time for the peasants to prove that they are revolting, always have been and always will be revolting. Why can’t the downtrodden just stay down? That’s the Smerconish Response — just shut up and take it on the jaw — liberals should lie down & die.
I’m not a leftist, nor a rightist. This isn’t even my goddam planet, monkey descendant. Frankly, I think you’re all fucking nuts, and I’m not at all happy to be living here among you, watching you squabble and fight over crumbs, while the fat ones glut themselves on your food, and drink your wine, while you writhe in hunger and the pain of betrayal.
Other than that, I could give a shit what happens here.
Suffering and pain is easy to repair. Misery and heartache and guilt and recrimination and fear and horror and disgust are harder to deal with, but manageable. It’s the marketing angles I can’t figure out, and I’m looking for some help here.
I’m here to finish a history project. As an alcohol-intolerant, I’m damned if I can figure out just how the hell I’m supposed to determine exactly which bar was the location of the fist-fight that ended history, I don’t know, but here I am to tell the tale.
I’m supposed to leave notes that can be found and dug up back in the 37th century, but I have to be careful not to leave them where there’s too much radiation, and I can’t remember where the airbursts went off, or that is, are going to go off, in the Western states, although I do remember that I was surprised at the cities that were hit. Continue reading →
the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away…
How would you like to take a walking tour of the Between-Lives State and never leave the apparent safety of your desktop computer?
Merely send for “Practical Guide to the Labyrinth” and you’ll have an adventure in sight, sound and text, created just for you from my original 35mm color photos, put together with soundbytes and interactive fun, by computer wizard Wayne Hoyle. Continue reading →
Waking Up Is Hard To Do; it’s a constant long-term effort that begins with a shock.
Wake up, stupid. That’s not to be read as “wake up stupid”. Everyone who finds themselves in the Work has come to it after a shock awakens them from robot life. By shock, I mean an electrical one. Sometime in the past, there was a shock, and that shock caused an initial awakening, an awareness of Being.
There are other ways of delivering that shock, not involving a joy-buzzer or a hairpin and an electric socket. We’ll explore one such way in a moment, but first, let’s assume that you did, indeed, receive an Awakening Shock, for some reason and in some way, however odd.
At first, you didn’t know what to do. All you knew was that you felt an empty ache — there was something you should be doing, learning, mastering, but what? Continue reading →
Selling Hand-Carved Bardo Challenge Coins at the Gallery
How to sell your shit…back in the day, I’d never have used the word “shit” in any context, in any company, “mixed” or not, meaning men and women together in the same room, in which case, there were no “dirty” or “blue” stories, jokes, riddles, puns or gags.
These days, we’ve gone so far across the arc on the pendulum of Robot Life that we’re now in a world in which “shit” is GOOD, in fact, it’s the greatest, so I’m calling your Carved Coins “shit” and hoping that you now have a good plan for their production in your home studio.
What is the “shit” you’re trying to peddle, anyway?
It’s a Spirit Coin, a Bardo Challenge Coin, if you will, and it’s a formerly ordinary copper, silver or gold coin that has been carved to show a skull under the skin, usually by an exaggerated set of teeth, a bold jaw, an open eye-socket and a few upper vertebrae, while the pretty part of the face remains intact. The whole is polished and finished, blessed and packaged to sell or ship, but one fact remains, and this is what you’re really here on planet Earth to do:
At the first moment that you show a Bardo Challenge Coin of any kind to anyone, they will receive and feel a powerful shock.
The coin carries with it not only Shakti-Pat as a result of the Blessing, but also sports a stunning visual reminder of one’s mortality, of everyone’s mortality, in the form of a ruler, king, noble, lord or goddess of liberty.
This shock does not spread through the system. It is quantum, and hits the whole body-mind all at once. The effect is astounding, predictable and certain. The subject’s REACTION to that shock will be one of three possible results:
Simply put, I have a fine-art approach to the coin carving, not a numismatic one. I don’t care much for hard-edge art and care even less for literalism and so-called “realism”, which isn’t anywhere close to realness. I use a free-form line, more drawing and sketching than the tightly repressed world of gravure you generally see, although there are more artists discovering coin engraving every day, and more artistic renderings are available.
Look on eBay to see many examples of recent hobo nickel art and other coin carvings.
The story of the hobo nickel arising out of the hobo jungles of the 1929-1939 Great Depression is simply that when you got hold of a spare nickel, you could carve it into a dollar’s worth of food and lodging. I like to use the same spirit in carving my coins as the hobos enjoyed in their day, meaning that I scratch at it — I don’t slice and cut the way a modern engraver would and should do. My approach is more “Paleo”, more basic, more street-wise and less technological, less dependent on civilization to maintain it.
Most hoboes used an ordinary 6-penny nail or a broken file to scratch their carvings into the nickel, and it’s those moves I’m trying to duplicate. Continue reading →
You enter a blackout state after Mortuary, and when you awaken from this deep, deep sleep, you find yourself on an island in an endless ocean. There is a tall metal building ahead of you, which seems to be your only option. Continue reading →
“The Bardo of Friendly Guides”, coming soon to your neighborhood theater.
Video Gaming is an important part of ANY Healing Process. It is not in itself a Healing Action, but supports Healing Actions with a Restorative-Regenerative Process within the Essential Self, expressed as an increase in the general neuro-plasticity of the brain and nervous system of the organic body.
The Video Game called “The Game of Bardo” has direct ties to a variety of organic ills and difficulties that tend to manifest in the body when things are not quite right in the Between-Lives State, because the Higher Bodies are very “senior” to the organic and other lower bodies, and what happens Up There profoundly affects what happens Down Here.
The Bardo Hooks that are ACTIVE tend to poke right through the Bardo Walls right into the Present Lifetime, and that can be quite painful and annoying, interruptive and hurtful, disrupting your inner and outer worlds and making your life a general hell on Earth.
Getting rid of those Bardo Hooks makes the corresponding things in your daily life go away, one item at a time. It isn’t important that you feel better as a result — if that happens, fine — that’s a brilliant bonus, but the REAL importance is that you can SEE A DEFINITE RESULT WITH YOUR OWN EYES, and can know by these signs — called “Organic Indicators” — that a corresponding change has taken place in the invisible world.
The only way to detect an uncharged particle is by some secondary effect. Invisible means just that, “not visible”. Eliminating the so-called “neuroses” in your organic self is nice, it makes you feel better and perform your life-tasks better, but it’s far more important that it indicates that something happened inside yourself. It is a visible signal that serves as an indicator of a successful operation in the invisible world, see? Continue reading →