Remember when “Corona-Corona” was a fine Cuban cigar? Probably not — it was before Castro even played baseball. The virus doesn’t know borders and doesn’t respect bullies. It goes where it will, and when it will.
One of those places was evidently someone in or around the President and Vice President during yesterday’s festivities at the CDC, and they tested positive.
This doesn’t necessarily mean anything — the test can be wrong, lots of other factors, but it puts us in mind of the fact that if those two old bastards in the Oval Office aren’t careful to observe “Social Distancing”, we might end up with a woman President — Nancy Pelosi — think about it. If they get too sick to do their jobs, she steps in and wham! We have our first woman President, if only temporarily until the two elderly gents recover from the flu.
This is of course pure speculation having little basis in fact, but it IS possible, and therefore the PRUDENT businessperson takes note of the possibility and prices it into the market, however improbable it may seem. Continue reading →
I’m watchin’ over yer shoulder, boy, you’re about to get a time-out!
Let the dancing asshole do his little Victory Dance. We all have to play our own little private parts, and his is no exception.
Don’t fret about it. He’s an idiot. He knows nothing, can’t remember what happened a second ago, and is totally unaware of anything beyond how much television time he gets per day.
He reacts, period.
The Senators are equally stupid, unaware that they have triggered a FULL-SCALE DEPRESSION — they have thoroughly and irreversibly tipped the balance of the ECONOMY to the degree that, even if the ShutDown were ended today, it’s too late to save the people — too many foreclosures, too many debts, too many broken promises.
It’s beyond repair and the slippery slope slide is starting today, right now, today — as in today.
You’ll see the economy literally crumbling before your eyes, and nobody can stop it. There’s a world-wide crash coming right now, this very year, and you’ll be lucky to live through it.
I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.
You’ll need to hit the streets, looking for the rainbow, but it can be accomplished, it can be achieved.
You CAN survive those heartless bastards in Washington, but remember that they are miserable, greedy, mean and entirely without soul, although they go to church every Sunday and pray to their weird racist god, “Mister Jesus” — he’s the guy to which they aspire, with their “What Would Jesus Do?”.
Well, first of all, he’d raise the dead, cast out lepers, heal the sick and feed the poor, but not they way they tell it today.
The fact is that if the modern Christians are like Christ, he was a miserable, greedy, stingy, vindictive, salacious and pernicious creature, much like Donald John Trump used to be before he got religion.
You’ll enjoy the scene as the Western World crumbles into dust. The only pleasure the Senators get — this much is clear — is to observe without sympathy, the torment and misery, and to delight in the screams of pain and suffering from The People.
Don’t get mad. Get even! You CAN get even — it’s legal, moral and ethical — and here’s how you can do it right now, today! Continue reading →
First of all, let me inform you about a few important coin facts you might not know. Number one on the list is the growing popularity of State Quarters, which in fact includes Territories, State and Federal Parks and scenics from the series, “America the Beautiful”, which with the EPA totally gone, will be the only things left from that era of natural beauty which was the now-destroyed Obama Legacy.
Gosh, I’m waxing eloquent on the subject of local politics again, but it’s not politically motivated — I’m merely trying to establish the future scarcity of anything resembling natural beauty, and that includes U.S. Quarter Dollars prior to the Rule of Trump.
You might not know what’s coming, but I do, and it doesn’t include ANYTHING that wasn’t made in honor of Trump, and that means ALL currency that doesn’t have HIS picture on it.
Like I said, I’ve seen this a billion times before, and it never gets old, haw, haw haw!!!
Joking aside, this is a great chance to make a BUNDLE, enough to establish a getaway outside the United States, and the Bugout Pack that enables YOU to get to your safe harbor.
I’m looking into a Safe Harbor somewhere close to here, but always with the expectation that we might be forced to leave the continent, should Canada and Mexico fall prey to someone’s sense of destiny. Continue reading →
Persy in a vulnerable spot on the streets of London in Second Life — caution is required.
Naked or Nearly Naked on the Streets of Hong-Kong? It happens all the time, but most of the time you ignore the inevitable sense of extreme and imminent danger, because you’re trained by life to ignore it. If you didn’t, you’d be paranoid-nuts beyond belief. Oh, you already are? Okay, then this dissertation is for you, so read on…