In the manufacture of Shaman Cubes and other shamanic wormhole devices, we use several hidden or secreted operating modules: Continue reading
In the manufacture of Shaman Cubes and other shamanic wormhole devices, we use several hidden or secreted operating modules: Continue reading
“Information, information, information…without good information, Gabriel, how can I possibly make good decisions???” — Lord God, Creation Story Verbatim
Anytime you add or subtract information from the surface of a Primitive Object, which is what most things are, no matter what they look like, including me and you and Tiffany here, it changes the object, “Heisenbergs” it, in a way… I’ll explain:
Take an object, any object, and describe it as a simple undifferentiated cube with no distinguishing characteristics at the moment.
Okay, now stuff the cube full of something — anything. It goes into the “contents”, which is to say, it is added to, and distributed by negentropy into small groupings or “bundles” and embedded into the surface — not the skin — of the cube. Some part of these “instructions” or “information” says that the cube now looks like a sphere.
All Particles (Cubes) act as Black Holes in respect to incoming information by accumulating the information and distributing it unevenly within its surface.
We can add yet more or entirely different information and make the cube look like Tiffany, or Gorby or both, but that’s another story involving quantum mechanics like the kind of calculations and theory that you would be forced to confront in a final exam. Information can be “stacked” or layered.
Information embedded in the surface of the particle isn’t necessarily flattened, but it can be, in the interest of Conservation of Information, a standard that Stephen hasn’t yet broken, and he won’t ever. The Conservation of Information is not destroyed by a Black Hole, the observational evidence isn’t yet in to support my position, but it’s on the way shortly. Continue reading