The technology that delivers the Blue Line stuff, which is the Godd™ Engine & Editor, is typically found in a wantonly violent world like Planet Earth in the 21st century, and that’s why we are here.
Our job is to create the creator, not the creations.
Once made, a quantumized item remains, such as an electronic picture of a thing. It persists. It just plain persists. It doesn’t ever stop persisting. Continue reading →
Try to remember that the use of the Triad is not in itself a Healing Action or a Medical Tool, but a supportive Healing Assist that provides nourishment to the Higher, the real source of healing. The Triad, like many Atlantean Machines, is a focusing device which uses the natural magnetic field of the Earth and the radio waves — the vibrating waves that still remain from the Big Bang — and the Quantum Effect of Shape & Configuration to provide additional healing force to the already in-place healing actions that may have been taken on the organic level by attending physicians.
FEED the HIGHER is the rule, and the Triad does exactly that. It focuses higher energy into the affected area, creating a corresponding higher vibration in the lower bodies. This “Shakti” energy carries with it a Higgs Field Phase Distortion Bubble that is altered slightly by the shape of the object.
The copper, gold, silver or bronze cores are formed into large, generous loops at each end of each leg of the Triad. These loops are important. They function as Induction Rings. The Diode Effect is caused by the triple crystals suspended in relation to each other in a triangular arrangement or pattern.
Each crystal is wrapped in a coil of high-conductance pure copper, creating a very small, almost undetectable magnetic field, but it’s more than enough voltage and amperage to have an effect in the nano world of quantum mechanics. Continue reading →
My Copper & Brass Shop at the Thieves’ Market, Los Angeles, 1972.
Here are some great gift basket combinations that you might like to order as gifts or as reseller items for your shop, study group meetings, fairs or trunk shows. You can select any or all of the items below to create your own custom personalized gift basket. I put it all together with ribbons & bows, and you get the creative result!