Without further ado, here are my sample items — you can find much more in the Second Life Marketplace, around 18 pages worth of NFT items. Continue reading
What a Deal!

I don’t know if this business of combining a NFT with some physical item on purchase is going to become a permanent part of marketing and sales, but I’m guessing that it will happen, is already happening, and I’ll explain how it works:
You buy a small painting from my gallery for $100.00 and, at the same time, at the very moment of purchase, I give you a chance to “win” back your money at the NFT sweepstakes by combining any NFT of your choice, or in the case of matched items, theĀ NFT that is “paired” with your physical item that you purchased.
It’s really very simple. Calm your mind and take a breath. Continue reading
How to Mint $1 Billion Dollars in NFTs
It’s not hard to mint a billion dollars in NFTs — I did it in less than a week. The real problem is getting rid of them.
I don’t mean delete them. That costs money, and you never know what will sell. It’s like trying to predict a viral video. There really ain’t no such animal.
Sure, some youtube creators get more than one viral video, but they can’t do it every time, because it’s a different set of factors every time. Continue reading
Just Add Water …
I’ve posted a number of portraits that have accumulated over the years as NFTs — I put them up on OceanSpray — no, I mean “OpenSea”, of course — and here’s how they work:
- BUY BUTTON — The Blessings activate when YOU turn them on by hitting the “BUY” button on the aforementioned NFT on “OceanSpray”. I keep saying that, just to be funny, but it could well backfire. I of course meant “OpenSea”.
- THEY STACK — The Blessings I’ve posted in the form of NFTs are synergistic — they work better together than alone — teamwork works.
- THEY WORK — Guaranteed to bring you better luck, more happiness, more work opportunities.
- HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS — They work to bring about higher consciousness, emanating in all directions from their particular Nexus-Node on the cloud.
The very act of buying the NFT constitutes asking for help. “Learning How to Ask for Help” is the very first lesson in the ABD, and the only one you really HAVE to learn. Continue reading
How I Acquired Over $1 Billion in NFT Assets, Absolutely FREE!
That’s right, over $1 Billion in NFT Assets, and I got them totally free, and what’s more, I’m going to tell you how and where I got them, and what I’m going to do with them.
Where did you get that NFT?
Answer? I didn’t “get” it — I made it and minted it myself on my very own OpenSea page, and it’s for sale — do you like it? Continue reading
Hamilton-Satoshi Bitcoin Rap Battle
Don’t be fighting this trend. It will overwhelm those who resist it. I’ll tell you right now, this is the wave of the future, like it or not. It is so effing mainstream that they are making a Broadway musical about it, and then there are these youtube videos, hilarious but true.
Soon, the blockchain will be overcome, and prices will go down for trades. That’s a fact, very much underlined in history. It’s at that point that you want to already be positioned in the marketplace, and you don’t want to pay the going price for initialization when the price of Ethereum has gone through the roof.
Pay the price now and get it over with. It’s gonna cost ya about $200.00 bucks to get set up to create, buy and sell this shit, so get on it now, while you still can. Continue reading
NFTs and Social Media

There’s no doubt about it — NFTs don’t just sell themselves. You can’t just make a couple dozen of them and throw them in the river and expect to see some returns.
There is no magic formula, just hard work and repetitive efforts, and repeatedly slamming yourself against the proverbial brick wall until something sticks, and that may take a while, but, as they say, your time is gonna come.
So in the meantime, while I’m waiting for the money transfers to happen to give me some ethereum to play with, meaning to pay the transfer fees from sales, I’ve put up a few hundred crypto NFTs on opensea. Continue reading
Today’s OpenSea NFT Gallery

Boy, I can hardly wait until we get initialized. Turns out it may cost more like $150 to do it, but we’ll soon see if we can squeak by. If not, be prepared for another two-week delay until the banks work it out.
Actually, I can wait a while — the auction season is not upon us — we are entering into the fifth season, which in the garment industry is called “the slack season” not because everybody’s wearing pants, but because there’s no business.
You have a wild midnight sale, and — crickets. Continue reading