These are original 17th century lifetime impressions produced by Rembrandt van Rijn in Holland, about 1640-ish. They come from very powerful collections with great and unusually clear provenance, meaning they can be traced back to previous owners quite far in the past. Pieces like this generally sell for anywhere from $24,000 to $150,000 for the very rare “St. Jerome in a Dark Chamber”, which came from the collection of Theodore Donson, the world’s most famous Rembrandt collector today. So how come if you brought these into a gallery or a dealer, the best they could offer would be a hundred bucks each, and that’s FRAMED!!! If you don’t get what the game is, tune in Saturday morning at 6;30 a.m. for a serious tutorial on selling stuff into a bad economy. There’s an ART to it, not just dumb luck or running full-tilt against a brick wall. See you on the ICW. If you don’t know how to join us there, ASK!!!