Let’s weigh in on the Trump situation, and then move on to more important matters. Firstly, Donald does not know, and never will know, that dominating is not winning. I’m not committed to getting that message across for two reasons — I don’t argue with the stupid, and frankly, I don’t care what the hell he does.
If you want to reach the same “Just Fuck Off” headspace I’ve reached about Trump, Trumpies and Trumpism, thanks to whom I can now freely use the word “fuck” on national television news at prime time, I recommend the “Official Mantra of the Hopeless”:
“As long as business is good, who cares what else happens?”
This worked well in Eastern Europe, until the extermination camps actually started to operate full-time, which they will soon do here in this time-frame, if I’m any judge, and I am.
Okay, that having been said, enough is enough, and I’ll waste no more time and effort on Little-Penis Donald J. Trump this day, as is.
Let go of all the Trump shit, all the shadow-show and hysterical need to hide his cheating ways, all his freakout about the Russia Probe and his precious money trip, let it all go, let it all go, let it all go.
Forget about Trump. Forget about Washington. Forget about injustice. Concentrate on the Primary Meditation in the Folded Lotus Selling Mode, thusly: Continue reading