Yes, if you know how to do it, you can double the value of your money — at least the collectible part.
Here’s the deal:
You buy a coin for, let’s say, ten bucks. Then you hold it for a couple of decades and bring it back to your coin dealer. You’ll get at the maximum, five bucks for your trouble, but if you deal with wholesalers, as I do, you get a QUARTER of the price back, because they have to wholesale it for half, see?
So you’ve got some coins, but they aren’t very rare, very scarce or very desirable. In fact, they fall into the category of “junk collectibles”, which are things that only a collector could love, and for which the market is very limited. Continue reading →
Yes, we’re in the earliest stages of a full-combat civil war, neighbor against neighbor, family against family and brother and sister against brother and sister, but that doesn’t mean you have the time to put on the brakes and get off the planet, and it surely doesn’t mean to go buy a blue or grey uniform, at least not right away.
First of all, it’s blue and red uniforms, like the teams — and secondly, the only war I’ve ever recommended is inside a computer gaming engine, like the Godd™ Engine, or the engine driving Diablo 2R or the one behind TF2.
Real shooting wars are stupid.
First of all, nothing is solved. At some point, negotiations are still necessary, and even dictators don’t always get their way.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have, when my reflexes were a lot better than they are at the age of 80, challenged the top gamers to duels and matches, and have managed to secure the title of “Runner-Up” in a number of two-player games.
I’ve even played against Tokay and Thrush and other early gaming champions in Quake and Doom style arenas. Continue reading →
I’ll get this up as a multiple, once I figure out how it’s done.
Boy, I can hardly wait until we get initialized. Turns out it may cost more like $150 to do it, but we’ll soon see if we can squeak by. If not, be prepared for another two-week delay until the banks work it out.
Actually, I can wait a while — the auction season is not upon us — we are entering into the fifth season, which in the garment industry is called “the slack season” not because everybody’s wearing pants, but because there’s no business.
USB NFT GorbyToken – EJ Gold, “Yuba River Gold” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00
It started with a simple idea; find a way for an artist to create and sell copy-protected signed and numbered uncopiable DIGITAL art. As you well know, it’s dead-simple to rip off a billion graphics a day on the internet, and up until now, there’s been no way to protect the artist’s work from theft. Now there is, and it isn’t blockchain. Continue reading →
1796 over 94 Flowing Hair Liberty Capped is offered at $4,500.00 firm.
The coin above was made at the very beginning of the United States of America, and is one of the rarest of its type. The price is designed to give room to the next owner to resell it at a profit.
Problem is, you haven’t a clue what the hell I’m talking about, and that will remain your condition until you achieve COINLIGHTENMENT, which may be never, unless you can MAKE yourself become interested in the subject, but why on Earth would you do that?
You’re already busy, and have no time for frivolous pursuits like coin collecting — but it isn’t coin-collecting — it’s achieving a state of knowledge that can have incredible rewards, some of which are in personal wealth, but many are along the line of personal enlightenment and spiritual attainment, all from the study and trade of coins.
I am a Shutdown Victim. I’m not a government worker, but I am a Shutdown Victim, and I’ll be only too happy to explain to you in detail how come I’m in this condition:
The First Vibration of the Ripple Effect came from the furloughed government workers, into the marketplace in a variety of ways, some directly — as in they didn’t buy goods this month because they don’t have the ready cash — and some indirectly, as in screwing up the market and buying sentiment of the consumer class, which is us.
Then we got the Second Vibration — the non-furloughed workers started freaking out because they were “Risking their lives and not getting paid for it”.
Hell, that describes my job in a nutshell. I never get paid for my work, but I don’t really have to get paid — I have an endless supply of Shakti-Pat, and that translates into money, in my world.
Of course, if you’re not living in the Western Realm, and you find yourself in a government job, which means these days, “working and not getting paid for it”, you still have to come up with money for food, gas, parking, migraine headache remedy, tips, spare change and more, not to mention the tons of alcoholic drinks you’ll need to toss down while at work, in order to be able to take the crap without actually snapping the boss’s head right off.
I will “dumpster-dive” this bag on your behalf, and find the goodies therein!
What is the “Best 20”, anyhow???
I completely understand your puzzlement and wonder — and I’ll be only too happy to explain:
You send me $25. I go to bank, “buy plenty wampum”, to quote Stan Freberg, meaning I get a $25 box of U.S. in-circulation business-strike pennies from the bank, bring the box home with YOUR name on it, and begin plundering the box on your behalf.
First Day of Basic Training, they made me a corporal and we won the parade competition — how lucky is that?
If a coin that touched an Extreme Error Coin is lucky, how lucky is an Actual Error Coin? That’s what I’m offering — actual error coins in State, Parks & ATB quarters.
Here’s what you’re looking for in a quarter search:
MS-60+ GEM — Absolutely flawless and brilliant like a diamond. The odds against finding these in Business Strike Pocket Change is 7.6 BILLION to 1 against.
AU-MS — High-Grade but not quite gradable, these are the bulk of your collection for albums and jewelry, and will constitute the majority of your search collections.
ERROR COINS — These can be in ALMOST any condition, but you have to be the judge here. I won’t take any actually dirty coins, but lower grade, into the “EF-30” range, is acceptable for this type of charm. Of course, the higher grade error, the more unlikely, and therefore the luckiest.
Resist the impulse to join in the violence. Remain calm, steady and peaceful.
Run for the hills? Not quite yet. We have yet to hear from the majority, which up until now has been notably silent, docile and willing to take it on the chin, but apparently, that’s about to change, with Resistance Demonstrations all over the United Snakes, and all over the planet, decrying the madness of Trump.
In my world, “Trump” is a scary and funny rubber kids’ Halloween mask, and part of the common phrase, “Trump You!”. Frankly, I don’t care, do you???
Like I’ve said billions of times before, that’s just local politics, in which off-worlders never get involved, both by ethical law and by personal experience.
So while the Athenians and the Spartans are battling it out, grunting and sweating in the baking sun and sand of the senate floor, let’s make a buck.
Sounds cynical? No, what sounds, and is, cynical is the bull-puckey coming from the Snake Party writhing around on the floor of the Senate, and the robotic applause for Trump that comes from the stink-hole of the House of Reprehensibles.
I used to think of Congress as “not a bad sort, not actually criminal”, but now I’m not so sure. The thing is, they’re now yanking us poor and minority folks around for their amusement and personal gain, when they steal our social security funds and our retirement funds and our medical benefits all for the sake of their personal enrichment, and then trample on all our American values and freedoms and then deny non-white Christians their vote, and destroy the democracy from the top down, heck-darn, that’s when I say “enough is enough”, whatever that means.
I can’t and won’t be driven into violent action, yet I’m obligated to protect my family and home, am I not?
But I have no voice, no power, no bully-pulpit and no money with which to fight, and I’m unable and unwilling to use a weapon of any kind, with the singular exception of comedy — so what can I really do to protect myself and my family from Trump and his Minions?
What can I do to stop the constant chatter of “Trump, Trump, Trump”??? Continue reading →