I have a complete ceramics workshop with 3 large professional top-loader kilns, two professional grade slip tables and over 1,000 top-grade molds, almost all of which are now impossible to find anywhere at any price. I want to turn this into a profitable business once again. Here’s what I need in order to accomplish this:
A factory/showroom at about $650 per month. It would need a good electrical system to accommodate the kilns. I would also require a person or persons to run it and to do the firing, glazing, and selling. I would provide the expertise and know-how, plus all the tools, equipment and supplies necessary to get open and running, and would stop in from time to time to offer workshops and clinics. I can’t afford the time away from the GODD engine and the IMPACT engine to do anything else for the forseeable future, so a lot of the time you’d be on your own. If you pay the rent & electric & such for the shop, you should be willing to put the time in to actually be there for the customer. Don’t look to me for coverage. You’d have to have the funds to guarantee the term of the lease, whatever that might be. Value of the molds is incalculable — some were used for White House ceramics, and some, like the Yosemite Sam, are collector’s items beyond compare.
If you’d like to retail my ceramics in your neighborhood, speak up!!! I can only make so many of them, and what I make is all one of a kind. We will also produce workshop editions that others prepare from my designs, but mine are all one-offs, & they are hand-signed and priced according to how much I like the piece.
See You At The Top!!!