Here are a few more choice goodies from my goodies factory:
Not a reproduction, 100% Guaranteed authentic original Donner Family Relic. The Donner Party Tragedy at Donner Pass is one of the three most famous events in California History, along with the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake & Fire, and the 1849 California Gold Rush.
This is offered by a Donner family descendant, and is part of a very limited number of found items, all dating from about 1830 to 1847. It was in the winter of 1846/47 that the Donner Party experienced the tragedy, as retold in vivid detail in the book written by one of the survivors, a daughter of George Donner, the leader of the party which ended in disaster.
Not a reproduction, this 100% guaranteed authentic ancient bead dates anywhere between 8,000 B.C. and 1200 B.C., and was laboriously drilled from both ends and ground on stone with sand and silica carbide, to cut and polish the stone. Continue reading