Every Day is Christmas

How would you like to open a bunch of presents just like on Christmas Day, but every day of the week? That’s what it’s like to find coin treasures in a bank box or bag. If you like surprises, you’ll love what’s in store for you when you perform the Zen Practice of coinology. You never know what’s around the next corner. Family Holiday Fun! Here are the Game Rules for coinology:

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Improve Your Luck With Coinology

Did you know that you can actually improve your luck, smooth family relations, improve job conditions and generally see your life run better, just by running a short family-style coinology coin search every night, or early morning? Wondering if it really works? Don’t take my word for it. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to take anyone’s word for it. I invite you to try it totally risk-free and see for yourself what it does to improve your personal and work-life!

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Magic Find In Normal

I’m currently creating a bunch of $50 1000-Coin Family Christmas Specials for about a dozen folks who took me up on my offer to pre-clean the batch of coins, meaning I’d take out the obvious crud and coins beneath grade, leaving only those coins that would be okay in an album. What you end up with is the same bank box of pennies, minus the crud. Whatever you were going to get is there for you to get. Nothing of value is removed, no matter what it might be, even a 1909-S VDB. Continue reading

Objective Prayer Today

Photo by EJ Gold for Lou Shaw’s MacBird, Player’s Ring Theater, Hollywood, 1967

Objective Prayer is the specific action taken to arouse the Shekinah and to announce oneself in that Presence. Once the Shekinah is present, the tech you learned using the Oracle Orbs will come in handy. How is the Shekinah raised using coinology? Once you have the rhythm of the coinology coin search, with the appropriate background sounds, it is possible that the Shekinah will make an appearance; this will generally be experienced as a space-change in which the hands and arms seem to have a life of their own, and they also seem very, very large — impossibly large, light-years across. There will be other Signs, not necessarily Cosmic — such as a tingle at the back of the neck. This is the time to make your contact and any appeal or question you might have in mind for this Close Encounter with the Shekinah. Such encounters are not all that rare, if you’re a steady coinology practitioner. Sooner or later the Spirit comes over you, and that’s what you’re after, right?

See You At The Top!!!


Coinology Strategies

Collecting coins toward a goal always means that in the end, you have to join a club, go to a swap meet, check out eBay and other online coin auction houses, meet people and talk to them about coins, all in order to find that Ultimate Coin you’re hunting everywhere for. Of course, you can buy it instantly at a high, perhaps ridiculous and out-of-reach price, or you can find it yourself. One way to find a great coin is to build toward it. To build, you must have a blueprint, an overall plan, within which are smaller sub-sets, called “Strategies” — designed with your goal and purpose in mind. Here’s a quick rundown of Basic Coinology Collecting & Trading Strategy:

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Gastown in East Side BardoTown, looking South toward the Overpass.

I took this snapper of the partially completed BardoTown, which is getting a total overhaul to accommodate the particle stuff in the new GODD engine. I’ll be working on BardoTown for a few weeks, hoping to get it ready for a holiday download day. I’m guessing December 1 for a release date. You can snap your own screenshots with F4 and use the shots as screen-savers. That’s how I’m using the above screenshot on my game-writing computer — this month. Yep, every month or so I change the screenshot according to Objective Whim.

See You At The Top!!!


Particle Karma

Quantum Entanglement is a new phrase for an old idea; karma. Simple Particle Physics tells us that something that has been in contact at one time or another will continue to behave as if in contact, disregarding the speed of light, which automatically tells us that if it’s not happening in the Einsteinian Universe — which is dominated and defined by the speed of light — it must be happening in the Quantum Thingy, and if we look, there it is.

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