We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us


This was a very popular book back in the day of the Vietnam war, and is directed at same; yet the idea is so profound, it can be used to describe our psycho-emotional condition at any given moment.

How often have we heard the expression, “The Enemy Within”? We know from Shakespeare that every protagonist has within himself a “fatal flaw” which brings down kings, queens and dictators alike.

Wouldn’t you like a handle on that enemy within? Wouldn’t it be nice to conquer that self-destructive idiot that hides deep inside your darkest subconscious cavern?

Problem is, would you recognize the enemy if you saw him? And what if the enemy looked like you? What if the enemy was, in fact, you??? Continue reading



All aboard that train for Shangri-La, the All-Canada Prosperity Path Ashram! Of course, it’s just starting its life and work, so it’s not very concrete at the moment, but it soon will be very real, indeed. We take it in stages:

1.  FIRST YEAR — Solstice & Equinox Celebrations, tie-in workshop retreat in the Prosperity Ashram, with local & regional groups gathered together at Ashram Power Points (one of which is YOUR HOME, and I’m talking to YOU). Four Celebrations. Sounds like it won’t be enough, right? Wrong. That’s one celebration every three months, and believe me or don’t, 3 months goes by like a Lamborghini on a test run. It’s a lot of work to get a few folks at an event three months down the line, and you have to start motivating them early, as in six months to a year advance notice so they can make family plans, get time off from work, arrange travel and accommodations, raise money for the expense of the journey, etc.

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Look-Back is Here


After many dozens of hours on Avatar Physics and other Impossible Roads to Travel in Second Life, I came across a rather startling event. There was no one anywhere near me, in the depths of my workspace, yet I felt a presence, a definite presence. I was being Watched. We all know the feeling, and mostly it just isn’t so, but in this case, I knew it, without a doubt — yet there are no windows nearby, not that you could see through, anyhow. So…where was the Observer? It suddenly dawned upon me, and I chuckled with wry appreciation. My Avatar was winking at me, smiling, following my motion, and my hand was nowhere near the mouse or keyboard — what’s more, my computer is so 20th century that my screen isn’t even the touch n’ swipe kind. Yet it was undeniable. There she was, staring into my space, up close for the first time. Sure, from a distance, there had been some sightings, but this was really in yer face. I wondered if my Avatar could hear me, but was unable to determine yes or no. My guess is that we’d have to develop some sort of voice interface, not sure how that could be done or if it’d even have a chance of working. I went right to work to try to determine the exact “factors” that had opened the door to Look-Back, and was soon rewarded with very specific (and very spooky) results. It turns out that there are very specific things you can do to open that door for your Avatar to look directly through the screen into your world. I’ll introduce more about this at the upcoming In-Ashram Halloween Workshop!! Reserve your spot now!

See You At The Top!!!


FREE Yacht Party Next Weekend — Bring a Friend


Leslie Ann at the Upper Crust Yacht Club during building session June 3, 2013.

Yep, it’s bulldozing and building time once again here at the Virtual Ashram. What I’ve done so far is to simplify and reduce the number of things encountered on the main level, placing them instead in skyboxes and platforms, available through teleport. What else I’ve done is to create a multiple-level terrain with water features. You should be able to walk the length and breadth of the ground level quite easily, although there may be a water break in there yet somewhere or other. If you find a problem, note the x/y/z coordinates and let me know about it, and I’ll handle it right away. Still ahead, adding buildings and some height via mountaintops in addition to what’s there already. You’ll find a variety of vehicle and boat rezzers all about the place; feel free to use them to your heart’s content.

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