Atlantean-Society Membership Sigils

Okay, I’ve done the research, and here’s the breakdown as of Friday’s gold market — the prices listed for .925 solid Sterling Silver, 14 karat filled gold, 18k solid gold, and 24k solid gold are what I have to get paid to send them out. IT TAKES A WEEK TO GET THE GOLD.
- EARRINGS — .22 gauge — $35.00/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $35.00 each
- PENDANT LARGE — .14 gauge — $99.00 each
- EARRINGS — .22 gauge — $35.00/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $35.00 each
- PENDANT LARGE — .14 gauge — $49.00 each
- PENDANT X-LARGE — .12 gauge — $69.00 each
- EARRINGS — .22 gauge — $69.95/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $88.00 each
- EARRINGS — .20 gauge — $1,250.00/pair
- PENDANT SMALL — .20 gauge — $650 each
- PENDANT LARGE — .14 gauge — $3,500.00 each
Those are the prices, based on what I have to pay to make them. As you know, I donate my time and skills to the project, so I don’t get paid for any of my time spent on making jewelry, which is my own choice, hoping the spirit of the thing will someday catch on. Continue reading
Cost Breakdown for Atlantean Sigils — UPDATED corrected text
Atlantean Sigils indicate your membership in the Atlantean Society, and your willingness to communicate telepathically or verbally with off-worlders and inter-dimensional voyagers. These Sigils are extremely powerful — I mean EXTREMELY POWERFUL — beacon focus points, with lots of internal quantum activity, and the higher the karat the more powerful and the more active.
The absolute highest power you will get out of these sigils will be the SOLID PURE 24k GOLD sigil, but it’s soft, very soft, because it’s pure solid gold, so a sort of exotic care must be taken in the wearing. Many people in the Far East will wear only solid 14k gold, so it can be done safely, but you have to remember that you’re wearing pure, soft solid gold. Continue reading
Ancient Triad Reconstructions Offers
In response to many requests, I’ve posted the photos that Dokk took of the GENUINE ANCIENT Carnelian and Cobalt GlassTriads that are offered for sale. The Triads listed below are categorically each $450. Some of them, I’m very aware, are worth far more than that, but to save confusion, I’ve priced them all the same and no, I won’t tell you which ones are the more valuable, because it’s not about value, it’s about bonding with a quantum instrument, like bonding with a didge, guitar or harp. It’s a feeling thing, not a calculation.
All the Triad reconstructions below were made using strictly Paleo jewelry crafting techniques — pliers, blowpipe, charcoal block, small hammer, cutter & fingers — those are the tools I use to create these reconstructions of ancient Triads. Everything is made by hand, every move and every technical application is by hand, no machines, except for the drawing of the wire, which was accomplished with draw plates rather than hammering.
I hereby assert and LIFETIME guarantee the utter authenticity of every antiquity listed below, and assure the utmost quality and care in the rebuilding of these incredibly beautiful and useful ancient devices.

You’ll note that the copper windings are tight, very tight. The hedgehog spacer beads are very spiky and wonderfully active quantumly speaking. The ends of each core wire are bent into loops, making “Induction Rings”, an important aspect of any quantum device. Continue reading
ZOOMSHOP – Atlantean Crystal Triads

Try to remember that the use of the Triad is not in itself a Healing Action or a Medical Tool, but a supportive Healing Assist that provides nourishment to the Higher, the real source of healing. The Triad, like many Atlantean Machines, is a focusing device which uses the natural magnetic field of the Earth and the radio waves — the vibrating waves that still remain from the Big Bang — and the Quantum Effect of Shape & Configuration to provide additional healing force to the already in-place healing actions that may have been taken on the organic level by attending physicians.
FEED the HIGHER is the rule, and the Triad does exactly that. It focuses higher energy into the affected area, creating a corresponding higher vibration in the lower bodies. This “Shakti” energy carries with it a Higgs Field Phase Distortion Bubble that is altered slightly by the shape of the object.
The copper, gold, silver or bronze cores are formed into large, generous loops at each end of each leg of the Triad. These loops are important. They function as Induction Rings. The Diode Effect is caused by the triple crystals suspended in relation to each other in a triangular arrangement or pattern.
Each crystal is wrapped in a coil of high-conductance pure copper, creating a very small, almost undetectable magnetic field, but it’s more than enough voltage and amperage to have an effect in the nano world of quantum mechanics. Continue reading
Atlantean Machine Pendants — NEW NEW NEW —

My original ancient Triads are being housed in a permanent collection, after photography for posting in my ancient museum of Atlantean artifacts on the internet. All my present-day models are based upon the original designs, fashioned over 7,500 years ago.
Today, I use the fabulous color-shifting Steven Sax EMO bead and the incredible solid copper Hedgehog spacer or the Pewterized Copper Hedgehog for companion Triads, and only the very best purest heavy-gauge copper wire I can get. Continue reading
Ancient Triad Reconstructions & Modern Triad Reproductions of Ancient Triads

The CLASSIC Triad is made with Normal Blue Mermaid EMO color-changing beads for the focus points, Floral EMO Tubes and solid handmade pure copper HEDGEHOG beads, formed on a solid .16 gauge pure copper CORE wire, joined at the corners to form a powerful triangular focusing device used by the ancients in almost every early civilization.

While they were used mostly for healing, the ancients had other purposes to which they put the Triad and other Atlantean Machines. The solid gold discs are hand-artisaned with the Atlantean symbol, and are used in the acrylic capsules for focusing the particle beam from the Triad to the target area.
In ancient times, gold coins were used, and genuine ancient gold coins from about 450 B.C. are available for about $4,000 apiece — you’ll need three of them to begin with. Ancient gold coins are so expensive that it’s just not worth it. The sold 24k gold discs I make are inexpensive and contain enough gold in them to interact with the energy beam. Continue reading
Atlantean Machines Are Here!!!

Cadiz in south-eastern Spain was once a small resort town near the capital city of Atlantis. Sometime in the ancient past, a tsunami destroyed everything in its path for sixty miles or more inland from the coast, leaving the present coastline, more or less, which could easily have been interpreted by ancient peoples as the submergence of an entire continent.
The same building styles and town layouts occur on the mud flats inland of the catastrophe, and settlements just outside that circle show the same building styles and layouts of the lost cities of Atlantis. Underwater exploration will soon yield artifacts and other supporting evidence that this is, at last, the true Atlantis about which Plato spoke.
Some of those artifacts that come out of the Atlantis excavations in the near future will be devices such as the one I’m introducing to modern, you should pardon the expression, “civilization”. Continue reading