It’s true; when it rains, it pours, and that’s not just Morton’s Iodized Salt. I haven’t gotten a minute to write a blog for many days now, and here I’m writing two, one right after the other…Well, it can’t be helped. The screenshot above shows the new Griffon Palace, part of Ancient Rome at the Ashram. I wanted to take the extra minute to remind you that the Holiday Season is coming. Not only can you express your desire to help the Ashram with your Holiday Gift, but you can enrich the lives of a number of friends, by taking advantage of the Holiday Gift Membership I’ve asked the Board to offer. You can get a full 30-Day Gift Membership for a family member, friend or even business associates, employees, anyone you want to treat to a really fun month=long series of great activities and music and art events, as well as meditation retreats, tai-chi workouts and much, much more. The 30 Day Gift Membership is only $10 for the whole month, and that includes all the extras!!! Your guest gets all the privileges of full membership, including use of a plasma power chamber!!! There’s no limit to the number you can invite — well, actually, there is a somewhat finite number — 800 — that’s our Limit of Expansion. We can’t cram any more than 800 avatars into the Ashram, period, so that sort of says something on the order of “There will never be 1 million avatars in one region at one time.” That’s probably true, and it’d be awfully hard to walk around in there if there were, eh?
See You At The Top!!!