What did the ancients know about Trans-Dimensional Voyagers and contact with Extra-Dimensional Beings? First of all, you can bet dollars to donuts they knew how to contact them, because they were given specific instructions. See, the CR, or Contact Ritual, has to be complex enough to signify to the receiving end that you really mean it, that it wasn’t a dumb accident of nature that set off the contact signal. Consequently, a rather complex set of ritual actions, sounds, aromas, emotional triggers, etc. which activate the Trans-D channel of choice, determined by type of ritual and significant changes in detail, such as copal incense instead of another plant-resin or herbal incense, or a significant alteration in costume, activities and time of day the ritual is conducted. All these details make a huge difference in whom you contact, why, and the outcome of said contact. In the case of the Egyptians, the contact was with the Orion Group, for the purpose of tribal welfare in exchange for the performance of certain rituals necessary for the Other Side’s welfare as well as the well-being of those on Our Side, as it were. The Work is a coop effort, and it takes help on the Other Side to accomplish anything at all anywhere. You need the direct help of Higher Beings, but you must earn it; one way to dig yourself into a Place in the Work is to be of use in a Trans-Dimensional Ritual Contact…but Egyptian Temples are sooooo expensive, and sooooo hard to come by these days…
Ah, wait, I have it…what about meeting in a Quantum Space Egyptian Temple? So, I’m building it now. Not the Second Life kind of temple, which doesn’t take into account a four-across march through the thing. I’m building Temples that have enough room and no odd collisions, barriers, or sticky places that push you backwards or sideways as you try to walk. These are temples for daily TDC (Trans-Dimensional Contact) usage, and they’re built to take the traffic. I’ve loaded them with a SuperBeacon Complex and Matrix System, so these are real XD and TD Bangers!!! Of course, you’ll get no local result without an ammy — the ammy of choice for this effort is the latest in our ammy offerings: The BiT Ammy. BiT — Upper Case “B”, Lower Case “i”, Upper Case “T”, stands for Bodhisattva-in-Training, and that’d be you, if you’ve read down this far. Each chamber has its own enactment, triggering a specific co-action at the receiving end of the Quantum Entanglement Connection established by the Temple design and usage. So, we’ll be talking about this stuff all through this weekend’s Contact Con, and I hope you’ll be there! If you can’t attend in person, you can attend online. If you can’t make all the training sessions, get there whenever you can make it, nobody’s keeping score! If you can’t afford the convention, talk to Yanesh and work something out! You do NOT want to miss this Urth-Shaking Event!!!
See You At The Top!!!