You know what’s at the end of the rainbow — a pot of gold. That’s a brutal way of making reference to my somewhat large tummy, but it rivets the point — we’re a long way from marketing high-end fine art.
What we need is a New York Gallery to accept my work, and for a couple dozen museum curators to competitively bid to acquire some of my works for their collections.
One of many non-animated virtual backgrounds I made last night.
Recently, I have been seen creating scenarios in the Ashram, mostly Roman villas and a few government buildings, along with the necessary Latrina near the Roman Gateway, the idea behind which is that I’d take some background screenshots, but as I was doing these, something occurred to me — it might be good if some of the backgrounds were ANIMATED.
Well, easy enough, although severely taxing on your graphics storage system, but not all backgrounds SHOULD be animated, if you know what I mean. Continue reading →
Inside Musso & Frank’s Grill where the popcorn is hot and fresh, and the soft drinks are on the house.
It’s a little different from the Hollywood version, but don’t forget, this IS the Bardo.
Signed photos of celebrities line the walls, and the famous “Oldest Bar in Hollywood, since Early This Morning.
The legendary Musso & Frank’s long hand-carved Old West Bar is complete and has been in continual service for hours and hours now.
If you are observant, you’ll take note that some of the sparkling drinks are a bit flat, and so are the bottles of booze and in fact everything else in the back of the bar, but don’t worry, it doesn’t look flat to the inhabitants, just as the four-dimensional objects in your ordinary world don’t look flat to you although the people might. Continue reading →
I have dedicated six nights toward the completion of the meditation huts for you, and I ask that you visit your hut to see if everything’s all right — if not, please tell me and I’ll fix it.
I’ve installed a reading altar and a seating pillow in there at the back wall. If the section of wall is missing, let me know — it’s a feature of this particular house that it vanishes from time to time, and inexplicably comes back or doesn’t, so I replace it with another more permanent wall part.
If your name appears on this list, you have your very own Prosperity Path Ashram Meditation Hut. I’ve put in a total of 80 MORE huts, so there should finally be enough for everyone who wants one.
If for some reason you never plan to use your hut, lemme know now, before I make more. If you stop in there once a week, that’d be real good, and once a day is even better.
You’ll discover that not all the Avatars can go into the region all at once — it only accommodates ten Avatars at a time, so you might have to wait.
I’m hoping that everyone will be able to donate at least $4 per month, so we can cover costs and maybe even improve some things. Continue reading →
Here I am at our Winter Workshop — be sure to sign up for Easter Workshop!
Every quarter we have a special workshop, and in the winter (it doesn’t take a capital) this particular winter, we had a very special deep learning look at social media and how it can help us get out there to those in spiritual need.
Well, now with the Corona virus, we’re not only in deep need, we’re in double-deep shit, and we have perhaps some hope of surviving through the next few months by some miracle.
Well, miracle or not, you only have so much time, and you might as well use it to full advantage, so how about signing up for the Easter Workshop?
If you’re dead by that time, you can still attend, but it won’t be on your charge-card. All those who have recently passed are offered free rides when they wander through the rest of the amusement park we call “reality”.
By the way, did you notice that I’m dressed as an Egyptian Princess, but I’m standing in the snow with a sleigh drawn by a red-nosed reindeer whose name we can only guess.
The idea of showing you this image is to demonstrate how an image could be generated that would get some attention on social media, using it as a button.
You could generate lots of screenshots that could help you market things — just a thought — and of course, you’re more than welcome to use our beautiful Ashram setting for your selfies. Continue reading →
You want sports in a no-contact world? Nothing could be simpler or safer than a virtual stadium, and that’s what I’m building right now in our WORLDWIDE Virtual Ashram, where anyone from anywhere can join us in our celebrations!
Little Jenny here is examining one of the bigger and more difficult performance venues — it’s the Ultimate Concert Stage which can be reached by “Green Globe” travel, just outside the Temple.
Jenny is a great judge of spaces, and she heartily approves the sports colosseum I’m working to build up in the Roman area — what better place to hold a sports event than in the Colosseum or one of the gaming stadia in the wealthier homes.
I have one of those, plus a grand sports colossus for auto and motorcycle racing.
You’d be well-served if I also mentioned that the motorcycle rezzer is now installed and you can use it anywhere — it poofs when you get off the bike.
Jenny is very fond of concerts — what young spirit guide isn’t? — and we’re planning a worldwide folk festival to be held in the ashram, with a limited public attendance due to the limitation on the number of Avatars we can have in-game, which is maximum 100, as I’ve mentioned before. Continue reading →
Actually, there are literally thousands of different ways to interact online, but I’m going to show you just one method of gathering online, one that allows you to present yourself as you’d like to be or as you REALLY are, and at the same time, you can interact with action and movement and speech with others from all over the world.
Honestly, it takes a bit of practice and some learning skills plus a good instructor to really get the swing of it, but once you master the basics, you will discover a whole new world, literally a world, in which you can live a life, interact with others, even conduct an online in-person business without ANY physical organic contact whatever.
The whole idea is that in the Ashram, anything you can do in the organic world can be duplicated quite cleverly in the virtual world, and the illusion becomes more powerful the more you use it and the more completely you master it.
You can fly, drive, eat, drink, entertain and be entertained in the virtual ashram, but wait — there’s more! Continue reading →
On the Black Falcon, ready to board ten passengers for a Mystical Voyage.
Mystical Voyaging Helps You Learn How to Escape From Planet Trump, FAST!!!
One way to get off the planet real fast without any prior training or recollection of your Atlantean Self is to take repeated Mystical Voyages, which you can do in the Ashram without ever having to learn the basics of visualization.
In Mystical Voyaging, you learn to FEEL your way. You get used to passing through PORTALS until it becomes second nature to you.
As a matter of fact, using the Ashram’s Mystical Voyaging as a tool for transformation is as simple as singing or playing guitar for five minutes every day. It sort of transfers to the higher centrums, more or less by osmosis.
It’s a painless way to learn. You do, and do, and do, and after a while, it just does itself. Please allow me to explain how you can apply this in your daily life: Continue reading →
Here I am, aboard the transdimensional airline Flight L315a bound for Solaria.
Gosh, it’s all so exciting, having trans-dimensional privileges and a travel pass all at once like this. So I got on board the transdimensional airliner Flight L315a, bound for Solaria, and we got to a gigantic island out in the middle, and it was too dark to take anything but a selfie, so okay, here it is anyway. Continue reading →